We replenish the treasury of health: the miraculous immortelle

The healing properties and contraindications of immortelle have long been studied by phyto-therapeutists and folk healers. Interest in the plant has not faded for hundreds of years. Still, the grass is a real find for maintaining human health. From now on, more.

Sunny bouquet for a good mood

Sunny flower

In everyday life, the name of the plant contains many variations. It is about:

  • thatched color;
  • dried flower;
  • is golden-colored sandy.

In this case, the appearance of the mysterious plant completely corresponds to the received nicknames. Yellow or orange-gold flower baskets of the immortelle do not fade and do not lose color even after cutting them, which is fully confirmed by a photo with images of growing and dried grass.

Honey collection for health maintenance

Where to search?

Now we certainly know what the immortelle looks like. It really can not be confused with other representatives of the plant world. Zlatotsvet grows where there is a lot of light and sun. In search of a wonderful herb, in June you can go to dry sandy or stony soils, slopes of hills and hills, as well as other steppe and semi-desert territories with depleted sandy soil.

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How to replenish stocks?

Blossoming baskets are collected before the lower petals of the plant begin to crumble. The appearance on the inflorescences of empty folk with a wrapper suggests that the cutting time for grass, unfortunately, has already been omitted. However, do not be in a hurry to get upset. The flowering period of the immortelle is quite long - from June to September. Periodically visit the discovered place of growth of the plant and collect newly blossoming flowers.

After successful fees, we must competently dry the grass and, of course, keep it for at least a year. The rules of drying the baskets of the immortelle are simple:

  1. raw materials are laid out on the street in the shade or in a well-ventilated room;
  2. layer of cut and spread grass should be minimally thin( almost translucent);
  3. when processing raw materials in electric dryers, the drying temperature is set to 40 degrees;
  4. the finished collection is stored for 3 years in a dry, darkened place.

Warning! Ignoring these rules can lead to discoloration of the petals, the disintegration of the baskets and the loss of useful properties of the plant!

What is the value of Sukhozvet?

Composition of baskets

Phytotherapists know that immortelle has practically no contraindications, but it has a mass of medicinal properties. Herbaceous plant is a treasure:

  • flavonoids;
  • flavonoid glycosides;
  • sugar( 1.2%);
  • of vitamin K;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • steroid compounds;
  • essential oil with caproic acid;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • micro and macronutrients.

Indications for use

The healing properties of immortelle grass should be paid attention, especially to those people who have diseases of the biliary tract and bladder. For example, the use of drugs from the healing plant can improve bile secretion, affect the level of bile acid release from cholesterol, increase the tone of the gallbladder. Often, doctors prescribe medications with an immortelle in the early stages of cholelithiasis.

Preparations with grass immortelle suppress the development of staphylococci and no less dangerous streptococci. It is believed that the timely taking of medicines from dried flowers stops vomiting, neutralizes nausea and restores appetite.

The flavonoid components of the immortelle have an antispasmodic effect on the musculature of the intestine and the walls of the vessels. The effect of these substances is manifested, for example, in alleviating pain during the menstrual cycle.

Preparations containing extracts of immortelle grass are also successfully used for the treatment of gastritis, constipation, colitis, liver and kidney diseases. In some cases, the ability of an immortelle to increase blood pressure is noted.

Warning! Immortelle contains a small amount of toxic substances. Long-term use of herbs can be detrimental to the liver!

So, we can distinguish three main directions for the application of immortelle for therapeutic purposes:

  • of the gall bladder disease
  • of the gastrointestinal tract
  • disease of the liver and kidneys.

In folk medicine, the healing properties of immortelle flowers are mainly used in the form of broths, tea and infusions.

Tip! Dosage and treatment is better to determine the physician phytotherapist or use the recipes listed on the inserts to the pharmacy. Only specialists can recommend how to properly brew immortelle and how often to drink it to bring benefits to the body.

Adding a decoction of immortelle flowers to your favorite tea will give the drink a rich honey aroma

Dry flower in cosmetology

It turns out that the benefits of immortelle are not limited to its medicinal properties. People's craftsmen often use immortelle grass to make home cosmetic products, for example, ointments or creams. Typically, dried flowers are brewed on a steam bath, then squeezed and added to a regular cream or vegetable oil.

The source of eternal youth

An ointment with components of immortelle flowers is applied externally for the treatment of cuts, boils or the removal of skin inflammations. The cream is for rejuvenating and enhancing the elasticity of the skin, as well as stimulating the production of collagen.

Not all grass is

Despite the fact that immortelle is considered a low-toxic and harmless plant, restrictions to its use still exist. So, there is a category of people who must accept the fees or preparations containing the components of the immortelle with caution. These include:

  • hypertension;
  • pregnant women;
  • faces with individual intolerance to the components of the immortelle.

In addition to useful information about the immortelle and its properties, please see the video:

  • Mar 10, 2018
  • 7
  • 122