How to be treated with weed grasses:

  1. Popular plant-honey plant and people can benefit
  2. Use of ochoca in folk recipes
  3. Methods of preparation of medicinal raw materials from the drug's fascicle
  4. Varietal varieties and their individual useful properties
  5. Categorical contraindications to the use of the osseous

Grassgrass refers to small annual plants andis the representative of the family of the Noricnic family. It has soft, mutually pubescent stems that branch from the middle of the bush and differ in brownish-red color. The maximum can grow up to half a meter. The foliage near the grass is shallow, opposite to the location, of an elliptical shape and jagged edges.

Flowering of the drug eye - past such an original flower it is simply impossible to pass

The lower part of the stem in adult plants is practically naked, because the foliage in this place falls off during the growth of the bush. The flower shoot escapes from the leaf sinus, and blossoming, the inflorescence acquires white and violet shades. Flowers are bipedal, simple, small. The usual size of the flower is 1 cm. You can learn the charm by the characteristic feature: on the lower three-bladed petal there is a large yellow mark, usually round.

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A popular plant-honey plant and people can benefit

A medicinal oasis is characterized as a plant parasite, which by its root sucks out all the nutrients from the rest of the weed grasses. Blooms from early June to mid-September. The usual range of growth - roadside, meadows, light undergrowth, foothills, dry gravel slopes and peat bogs. In our country was introduced several centuries ago, before that time it was possible to meet it in the wild in warm European countries, Moldova and the Byelorussian Republic.

What are the useful properties of the

eyelet Important: As a medicinal raw material, the overground parts of the herb, that is, the peduncles and foliage, are collected and harvested. They contain a lot of fatty and essential oils, flavonoids, coumarins, glycosides, tannins, anthocyanins and vitamins. It is a natural accumulator of silicon, magnesium, iron, boron, zinc, manganese, chromium.

To fully conserve the medicinal powers of the herb, it must be harvested in a period of abundant flowering, then dried under an awning, in a place where there is good ventilation. If drying is done in a special oven, then the temperature should be set at 40C.After complete drying, the aerial parts of the plant are thoroughly crushed and sent to storage in containers of cardboard. A dry drug is susceptible to moisture absorption and rotting, which means it can be stored in dry and ventilated rooms.

Dry raw materials for medicinal products are sold in homeopathic pharmacies and in special benches of natural products

Use of ophthalmic soup in folk recipes

Star gland, as this plant is called folk healers, is widely used in their recipes. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, hypotensive and calming qualities. Medicines created on the basis of the ovary are prescribed to improve blood flow in the brain, reduce eye pressure, improve immunity and remove puffiness.

Important: tea and alcohol infusion from this herb is prescribed for relief of cough symptoms, respiratory infections, bronchial asthma and sore throat. In many cases, herbal tincture helps to eliminate memory dips, problems with digestion and assimilation of food, is useful in the treatment of gastric catarrh, enterocolitis, gastritis, acidity, food allergies. You can include the focus in the collection of fees for the treatment of hypertension, rheumatism and gout. Cardiac mixtures necessarily contain dry eye material, since there are many cardiac glycosides in this herb.

The healing properties of the ovarian herb are used in homeopathy and used in classical pharmacology, for example, for the treatment of diatheses, eczema, bedsores and trophic ulcers. Shampoos and balms with a charm favorably influence the skin of the scalp, strengthen and accelerate the growth of hair follicles, thicken the hair itself.

Use of the eye for the treatment of eye diseases

Eye contour is used as a pharmacy, which can treat various ophthalmic diseases. And even able to relieve fatigue and redness in the event that the patient has been at the computer for a long time or his work is connected with concentrating on small details and reading a large volume of texts with a small font. Some of the cataract and glaucoma remedies also contain recycled raw material.

Pharmacy based on the eye was specially created for those who have vision problems, but such medication should be prescribed by the doctor - amateur performance is inadmissible in this case.

There are also popular recipes that help cope with eye diseases. For oral use, you can make a decoction, infusion, tea or fresh herbal juice, and for external treatment it is often used as a component of compresses, lotions and baths. With such vision disorders as foresight and farsightedness, the plant is mixed with dry marigold flowers, this combination enhances their joint effect on the cause of the disease. In the formation of the inflammatory process, for example, barley, ophthalmologists recommend adding to the herbal extract also ground fennel fruits.

Methods of preparation of medicinal raw materials from the drug

The drug oasseuse is used in the form of several basic dosage forms:

  • Tincture from the gland. It is the first means of prevention in case of problems with eyesight, this prescription can be prescribed even for preschool children and adolescents. With the help of tinctures relieve the feeling of fatigue and get rid of the "sand" under the eyelids. The drug acts on the body at the tissue level, and this is its undeniable advantage. In addition, tincture can be taken as an excellent remedy for pain relief and antiseptic.
    To prepare a tincture for three dessert spoons of dried herbal raw materials, you need to take 200 ml of high-quality alcohol, and mixing the ingredients, put them infused for ten days. The dishes should be made of frosted glass, and the room - cool and darkened. The optimum indoor temperature is 25 ° C.Once in two days the tincture should be shaken thoroughly. You can store the medicine for no more than five years;
  • Extract .The drug's eye extract is useful for the eyes, its beneficial effect is many times greater than the effectiveness of the treatment with fresh grass juice. In the course of practical studies it was proved that the extract helps to increase visual acuity, affects the rate of resolution of inflammatory processes, stops dystrophy and degeneration in the eye segments, removes edema and slows down the age-related metabolic disturbances.
    Extraction of the gland gives the opportunity to treat diseases such as tonsillitis, asthma and bronchitis. It is used in the treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the urinary system, cardiovascular dystrophy. The extract can be added to medical baths, do poultices and lotions with it. Dry powder treat open wounds. Dermatitis, rashes and eczema are treated in almost the same way. For the treatment of affected surfaces, it is recommended to use the fascia as a lotion, instillation or rinsing. Extract is called plant extract, it is made with the help of alcohol or water, and you can buy ready-made in the pharmacy;

  • Application for the eyes of the herb infusion of the fascia : homeopaths use the infusion as a remedy for myopia and with opacity of the lens. And as an adjuvant for digestive disorders and loss of appetite.
    There are two cooking prescriptions for this. For the first method, take 250ml of boiling water and add to it one dessert spoon of dry raw material. Stir the mixture for three hours, then carefully strain. It is recommended to take the medicine on half a cup, no more than three times a day. In the second recipe for 250 ml of cool boiled water, you need to add a third of the chopped chopped cup. After boiling, remove from heat and press for five minutes. To be treated the same way as with the first method of infusion.

Varietal varieties and their individual useful properties

A straight-standing eyelet is a parasite grass that has specific suckers located on the roots. With their help, the plant attaches itself to the roots of its neighbors and sucks moisture from them. As the name implies, the stem near the bush is straight, sometimes branched from the root. It reaches a height of 40 cm, looks like a violet-red grass. The ovary can form peduncles all over the trunk. At the very top of the bush flower buds gather in a bundle.
The fruit is an oblong oval capsule. Flowering lasts from early June to late October. It grows in meadows, stony hills and sandstones. The straight-line focus in folk medicine is used entirely. Infusion is prepared for the treatment of gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.

The oculoide is an annual grass, with a branched stalk and a lot of small bright green foliage. Tincture of the ocular is rich in glycosides, essential oils, disinfecting resinous compounds, tannins and phytoncides.

Categorical contraindications to the use of the

gland Therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of the ovarian's herb: that for one is a medicine, for another it can become a poison, therefore, the use of this drug should be treated with caution. When treating this plant, you need to consider the following: you can not take such drugs for people with hypotension, because they are able to narrow blood vessels. For the treatment of eye diseases, the globe does not suit pregnant women and those who have an anatomic gastritis in an anamnesis.

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