How to store flour

Each of us in the kitchen has flour, does not it? But do we all know about it? How to choose it? And how to store it competently and for longer than the time specified on the package?


  1. How long can you store flour
  2. Closed containers - the best way to store flour
  3. Fridge for storing flour
  4. How to scare off insects

When approaching a flour counter, let your hand unwittingly reach tightly sealed packages and bags! Any interaction with the air is the right way to buy not only flour, but also bugs that have settled in this package.

Have brought home perfectly closed and clean flour? How can you store it so that it remains as long as possible?"In a dry and cool place," you thought. Yes, it is, although the question was similar to something from the heading "For children."But what secrets of storage exist?

How long can you store the flour

It's no secret to any of us that the producers advise to keep the flour for no more than six months. Do you know why? When you store the flour in a container in which it comes in contact with air, oils inevitably oxidize in it, and as a result, it becomes bitter.

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If you live in a hot place, then it is better to store the flour on a shelf in the refrigerator. And in case you have the opportunity to keep the flour in neat, sealed containers in your freezer, then with such cunning you can save it for several years, and not for six months, as the manufacturer indicates!

Closed containers - the best way to store flour

Do you have a closed container or a bank at home? Quickly adjust it to store your flour! This will help you protect it from absorbing moisture and odors.

But even in a dish of this kind, you should not keep it next to odorous products or chemicals. As a bonus, it will also save it from insects that are so fanciful in our cabinets!

Refrigerator for storage of flour

And do you know what will happen if you place the flour in a freezer for two days? You are guaranteed to kill all insects, their larvae and eggs, even if they were in the flour you bought.

Do you buy whole wheat flour? Notice how quickly she starts to bitter? We have an excellent secret of its storage. Again the refrigerator! Natural oils will not behave the same as at room temperature, and the flour will remain as you have purchased it.

How to scare off insects

To surely scare off all insects from your flour, put a laurel leaf in the dishes in which you store the flour. What could be better than folk methods?

But in case something went wrong and, despite all your efforts, the flour changed color, insects got into it, it smells bad, do not regret it - throw it away! And go to another brand!

Storage of
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