Plant you on the site with a silvery tapeworm, and it will soon drive out all the chronic diseases!

Silverback silver is quite widely used in the field of medicine. It has amazing properties that become relevant in the treatment of many diseases, and its products can be used both externally and internally. Let's look at how you can improve your body with this plant.

The properties of the silvery tattoo are so strong that it has found its place in the anti-cancer collection Zdrenko

Characteristics of the plant

Silverback is a perennial belonging to the family of Rosaceae. In height, this plant reaches 50 cm, has a long spindle-shaped root. Every year, from the rhizome leaves a rosette of leaves, which next spring releases a thin flower stalk.

As you can see in the photo, silver silverback has five-parted leaves, the top ones are painted in green, the bottom ones are white-felt. Leaves located in the root zone, on long petioles, wither during flowering.

The flowering period begins in June, in August the fruits

are formed. The flowers of the taranteed silver are collected in a corymb-like panicle and painted in a light yellow hue. This plant is widespread in Eastern and Western Siberia, the CIS and the Caucasus. It prefers dry sandy soils, grows in mixed and pine forests, near roads, on glades, dry meadows and wastelands.

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Use for therapeutic purposes

Silverback silver has the following action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • is wound-healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • is hypotensive;
  • is antimicrobial;
  • anthelmintic;
  • expectorant;
  • is antimicrobial.

Indications for use

As internal means, the cinquefoil exhibits high efficiency when:

Traditional medicine recommends the use of a silver tartar broth for rheumatism
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • enteritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastritis;
  • of cirrhosis;
  • jaundice;
  • hematuria;
  • uterine, hemorrhoidal and pulmonary hemorrhage.

This plant helps to relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. In addition, the silverback is used for gastritis, Graves' disease, bronchial asthma, goiter and fever. The use of herb decoction positively affects the condition in the event of acute respiratory infections and hypertension.

Recommendation! To speed up the healing process for a cold, it is recommended to apply warm boiled grass to the throat. This can be done in parallel with the internal reception of the decoction.

Using the preparations of the tamarin externally, one can get rid of the wet eczema and furunculosis. With angina, stomatitis, bleeding gums, abrasions and ulcers in the tongue and ulcerative gingivitis is shown rinsing with the decoction of this herb. Shredded fresh leaves of the plant can be applied to wounds and cuts - they will promote their speedy healing even if there are purulent formations.

Infusions and broths of silver tartan are used in medicine for bloody urine and mucous secretions. They are also very effective against intestinal parasites.

Recipes for products for indoor and outdoor use

  1. Pneumonia and chronic bronchitis during the exacerbation of .In this case, you need to prepare an alcohol tincture. Spoon a tablespoon of the leaves of the plant with 75% alcohol and close. Leave the container with the drug for 14 days in a warm place. Mix the mixture and press. Before taking 20 drops of tincture should be diluted with water and drink three times a day.
    Alcoholic infusion is used to excrete sputum when coughing
  2. Ingredient for rinsing the oral cavity of .Grass silver tartar in the amount of 3 teaspoons pour a glass of water. Bring to a boil and press for 2 hours. The tool is filtered.

    Important! In the preparation of this remedy, it is very important not to boil it;The gas supply must be switched off as soon as the first bubbles begin to rise.

  3. For cracks in hands, feet and lips .Dry grass to grind into powder with a coffee grinder or mortar.5 g of raw material diluted in half a glass of butter and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Filtrate and transfer to a glass container. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.

    Recommendation! If you add pork fat to the resulting ointment, you can get an effective remedy for furunculosis and eczema.

  4. With pains in the stomach, hypertension, colds, myositis, rheumatism and female diseases .A tablespoon of dry or fresh herbs pour a glass of steep boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. Take the finished product 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Possible harm

To contraindications of tarantula silvery only hypotension. In the absence of this disease, preparations of this plant can be taken without fear.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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