Healing properties of sagan dile and methods of its application


  1. Botanical Description
  2. Chemical Composition
  3. Therapeutic Properties
  4. Raw Material Preparation
  5. Ways of Application
  6. Recipe for Tea from Sagan Dye
  7. Precautions

Sagan Dile or Scientific Rododendron Adams is a well-known healing plant belonging to the genus Rhododendron familyHeather. For the first time, its healing properties were discovered by Tibetan monks. Written mentions of him are present in the Tibetan medical treatise of the 18th century, "Dzeitskhar Mizhzhan", where the sagan dilem is regarded as a means of giving a person strength, increasing efficiency and curing chronic ailments that cause fatigue.

In nature, the plant is found in the Far East, Siberia, Mongolia, the foothills of Tibet, China, Japan, India. In translation, the sagan dilea means grass that prolongs life. Previously, it was often used to improve the emperors, as well as soldiers to restore and increase the strength. In folk medicine, the rhododendron of Adams sometimes comes under the names of white or Buryat tea, a fragrant rosemary, a white wing.

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Botanical description

Sagan Daile is a perennial evergreen shrub that grows in moderately humid and cold areas, at the upper borders of mountain forests, on rocks near the sea, on stony slopes in high mountains, at an altitude of 1,300 to 2,500 meters above sea level. Reproduction in nature is carried out by seeds, which are carried by the wind.

The branches are spread, can reach 35 - 55 cm in height. In young plants on top, they are covered with brown bark, which after a few years gradually becomes dark-ashy, and after a while it ages, peels off and opens a new layer of dark green color.

Leaves are evergreen, dense with curved edges, located alternately on short petioles. The leaf plate is oblong-elliptical with a sharp tip. Its length is 1 - 2 cm, and width - 0.5 - 1 cm. On the upper side the leaves are glabrous, matte-green, and from the lower side are densely covered with reddish scales.

Interesting: Young leaves of the plant have a pleasant smell, which differs in intensity and flavor, depending on the place where the sagan dilem grows.

Adams flower rhododendron inflorescence

The flowering of the Adams rhododendron lasts from June to August. The flowers are small( 1.5 cm in diameter) pink or pale pink in color, collected in the inflorescences of half-zonotics or scutes. Each inflorescence can contain from 7 to 15 flowers.

Fruits ripen to the middle of autumn. They are five-arched capsules of round shape 3-6 mm long, inside of which a lot of seeds are formed. Seeds are small with a length of 1 mm and a width of 0.3 - 0.4 mm.

Chemical Composition

The leaves and flowers of the plant contain various biologically active substances, which ensures that the sahane dile has useful properties. Among them:

  • essential oils( farnesen, aromadendrene, nerolidol, germacron);
  • resins;
  • tanning agents;
  • terpenoids;
  • phenolic compounds( salicylic, protocatechoid, lilac, vanillic acid);
  • glycosides( rutin, cardedenides);
  • vitamin C;
  • hydroxycinnamic( ferulic, coffee, synapic) and fatty( linolenic) acids;
  • flavonoids.

The healing properties of

The Rhododendron Adams shows a wide range of biological activity. Since ancient times, the grass of the sagan dilem has found application in folk and traditional medicine of the peoples inhabiting the Far East. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improve the quality of sleep, remove stones from the kidneys, is used for headaches, sluggish diseases, accompanied by general malaise and loss of strength. Thanks to the content of the plant rutin and cardiac glycosides, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their elasticity;
  • improves blood microcirculation processes;
  • slows down the heart rate;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • has a diuretic effect on edema caused by cardiac dysfunction;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • improves the contraction of the heart muscle.

Means from sagan dile strengthen immunity, increase adaptive abilities of the body and its resistance to infections, activate brain function, improve memory and concentration of attention. They have anti-allergic, detoxifying, antioxidant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Can use funds from the sagan dile for colds, for withdrawal of withdrawal symptoms and increased nervousness, fight against neuroses, treatment and prevention of cancer.

Tea, prepared only from the leaves of Rhododendron Adams or with their addition, has a specific pleasant aroma. It has a toning effect, relieves fatigue, improves mood and physical strength, enhances potency, facilitates hangover syndrome.

Rhododendron Adams helps with diseases of the digestive tract, dysentery, diarrhea, liver and kidney diseases.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs of saigan dile at external application accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin, relieve inflammation in the mouth and throat, reduce the pain syndrome with rheumatism, radiculitis and joint diseases. Sometimes they are used for cosmetic purposes to remove bags under the eyes and smooth small wrinkles.

Interesting: Drinks from sagan dile are used not only for medicinal purposes. It is believed that the plant is able to clarify the mind, help to free the mind to enter the state of trance and meditation, so it is actively used by shamans and esotericists.

Essential oil extracted from the steam distillation from the leaves and tops of the sagan-dileju rejuvenates and tones the skin, protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation, moisturizes, eliminates edema. It is used for aromatherapy, soap making, as well as for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials of sagan dile are flowers, leaves and leafy tops of a bush. They are collected during the flowering period of the plant and before the fruit ripens. For medicinal purposes, fresh, white or white-pink, not darkened flowers, do not appear bluish shade when dried. Leaves can be collected during the entire flowering period, but they become more valuable in July and August, when they accumulate a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients.

Dried raw material of Adams rhododendron.

. The collected raw materials are dried in the shade, spreading a thin layer on paper or cotton fabric. It is necessary that there is good air circulation in the drying area. After drying the raw material, it continues to retain a pleasant aroma slightly reminiscent of the strawberry flavor.

Important: Adams' Rhododendron is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia.

Ways of using

On the basis of Adams rhododendron in folk medicine for curative purposes, broths, water infusions, alcohol tinctures for external and internal use are prepared. Given that the sagan dyale is a powerful energy stimulant, it is not recommended to take it inside after 6 pm, as this can cause problems with night sleep.

Tea drink from sagan dile

Recipe for tea from sagan dile

Sprigs of the plant are ground, cut with a knife or scissors. Take a pinch of the resulting mass and pour 200 ml of boiling water, stand for 10 minutes and filter. Drink the entire volume in the morning, a day you can drink no more than one glass. You can add this same amount of grass to the sahane dilem before brewing the usual herbal, black or green tea to give it healing properties.

Water infusion

Grass plants are ground, take ½ tsp.and pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, and then filter. Take 200 ml 2 times a day. This remedy is taken from sagan dyale for colds, heart failure, edema, nervous disorders, to relieve fatigue and increase potency.

Infusion for external use

Dried leaves of the plant in the amount of 100 g pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 12 hours. After the time is filtered and used in a warm form for rinsing the throat and mouth with inflammation. Store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator. Prepare a dry mixture of leaves of saigan dile and motherwort to 10 g, peppermint leaves and marigold roots 15 g each, add 200 ml of milk and bring to a boil. After cooling, strain and drink 15 ml twice a day. To improve the taste of the remedy, you can add a little honey to it.

Infusion with neuroses

A mixture of 10 g of chamomile flowers and 20 g of grass of the sagan dile is poured with warm water, it is insisted for 24 hours, covered with a lid. Then filter and consume in a preheated form 10 ml before meals in the morning and in the evening.


To the crushed shoots( 10 g) add a glass of water and boil for 7 to 8 minutes, then leave us for 1 hour, filter and bring the volume to the source with boiled water. Take 50 - 60 ml as a tonic and bactericide.

Vodka tincture

One part of the grass of the Adams rhododendron is poured with 10 parts of vodka. This tincture of sagan dile on vodka is effective for external use, with rheumatism and pain in the joints with it perform rubbing.

Precautions for

The widespread use of the Adams rhododendron is due not only to the valuable useful properties of the sagan dilem, but also contraindications, the list of which is limited. It can not be taken if individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to this plant is detected, as well as to children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In hypertensive disease and increased nervous excitability, the treatment process should be controlled by a physician.

An overdose of funds from the sagan dile can cause hallucinations, a violation of color perception, a delay in urination and nervous overexcitation. Multiple excess dose can cause kidney dysfunction.

Chemical composition and medical properties of sagan dile:

  • Mar 10, 2018
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