- Composition and useful properties of
- The best recipes of
Liver pathologies can ruin the life not only of the patient himself, but also of those around him. It's not for nothing that an evil, ill-tempered, constantly grumbling person is called "bilious."This term is quite explainable from a medical point of view. Dysfunction of the gallbladder and ducts delivers to the unfortunate so much suffering and unpleasant minutes that he is not up to smiles and good mood. Treating the liver with horseradish will help restore the work of the organs, normalize the outflow of bile, improve digestive processes.
Ingredients and useful properties
Horseradish is an unpretentious and frost-resistant plant abundant in gardens and orchards. It has a powerful, fleshy root and a rosette of bright green, large leaves with a height of more than 1 meter. It blooms in June - July with fragrant white flowers.
Horseradish root with a burning, piquant taste is used for food and for making potions, and the leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Such popularity of the plant is due to its rich chemical composition:
- vitamins B, A, PP;
- mineral substances - potassium, calcium, chromium, selenium, copper, iron;
- sugar, fats, starch;
- essential oils;
- protein connections.
All parts of the plant are very rich in ascorbic acid. In leaves it contains several times more than in hips and black currant. Particularly useful in liver diseases is allyl mustard oil, which gives horseradish a sharp odor and antimicrobial properties.
In folk medicine, the plant is used to increase appetite, improve intestinal motility, dilute bile, and increase the acidity of the stomach.
Warning. Antioxidant properties of burning spices are widely used for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This direction is being actively developed by scientists all over the world today.
Is horseradish harmful to the liver?
Horseradish is used to combat a variety of pathologies. It is also used to treat the liver during remission, despite its references in contraindications. Due to its cholagogue and cleansing qualities, the plant quickly restores the body and prevents further complications.
For the preparation of medicinal potions they take not only roots, but also flowers with leaves. In this case, one should remember the warnings and limit the use of horse radish during the period of exacerbation of chronic liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
The best recipes
Many medicines are prepared from the plant. The root is finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder, the leaves are used in fresh and dried form. Of these, broths and tinctures are prepared or applied to a painful place in a single form, secured with a bandage.
Juice plants and mush from the root is used as a concentrate or water infusion, mixed with other substances, insist on alcohol.
Horseradish with hepatitis
The liver performs many functions in the body. It detoxifies toxins and leads them out, regulates cholesterol levels, helps digest and assimilate food. In the case of hepatitis, the body stops functioning normally, causing all vital systems to suffer.
Traditional medicine offers several effective treatments for liver horseradish:
- Water root infusion. It is prepared from grated or minced meat, filled with boiling water. The mixture is insisted for 24 hours( preferably in a thermos bottle), filtered and taken in 100 ml after meals. Drink used for infectious hepatitis at least 7 days in a row.
- Horseradish in milk. Grated root is mixed with a glass of warm milk, warmed in a water bath for 5-7 minutes and defended. The finished drug is drunk within a day in small sips. The drug is effective for chronic hepatitis. The course of treatment is a week.
Tip. The considered recipes perfectly help and with cholelithiasis. In this case, it is recommended to take funds for at least 4-6 months with interruptions.
Horseradish with cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is considered an incurable disease. The lethal outcome occurs within 4-5 years with the patient suffering and pain in the last stage of the disease. To alleviate the condition of the sufferer and stop the development of pathology can be with the help of folk remedies.
Treating the liver with horseradish leaves, grated roots and flowers will help relieve pain and discomfort in the abdomen, eliminate dyspeptic disorders, restore the size and consistency of the organ.
Horseradish leaves
The green part of the plant can be brewed like tea or insist on alcohol. In the first case, clean, large leaves are crushed, poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. The received drink is consumed for at least 4 months. The course of treatment will require 5 liters of drug.
For the preparation of alcohol tincture, the leaves, along with the horseradish root, are passed through a meat grinder and filled with vodka. The mixture is removed to a dark place for a week. Drink the medicine for a month three times a day. After 7 days, the treatment is repeated.
Tip. With pain in the region of the liver to the right side, put fresh leaves steamed in hot water.
horseradish For the treatment, freshly harvested horseradish is used. Raw stuff is poured with boiling milk, insisted and taken inside in the morning and in the evening.
The drink quickly removes pain and heaviness in the right side, improves digestion, reduces flatulence and nausea.
Root of horseradish
From the root it is possible to prepare different medicinal mixtures, using it alone or in combination with other means. Most often for the treatment of the liver is used water infusion. Make it like this:
- The washed and peeled root is ground and placed in a jar at half height.
- The container to the top is poured with boiling water and tightly closed with a lid.
- The mixture is insisted, but do not filter.
- The ready drink is stored in the refrigerator.
The drug is taken in a diluted form three times a day.
Another option for preparing a healing mixture is horseradish with lemon. Grated root mixed with lemon juice and take a teaspoon in the morning and evening. Treatment continues for 21 days.
Cleansing the liver with horseradish
To eliminate stagnation of bile and cleanse the body, it is recommended to take the grated root mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. The drug is consumed after eating for 45 days. After a week, the therapy is renewed.
Tip. Patients with high acidity of the stomach mixture should be diluted with boiled water to reduce its concentration.
Horseradish cancer treatment
Horseradish is not only a valuable food plant, but also an excellent cancer prevention. There are studies proving that the use of burning spices reduces the risk of oncology by 30%.This property of the plant is recognized as traditional medicine and is widely used to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms and enhance immunity.
Use horseradish and for slowing or suspending the growth of cancer cells in cases where metastases penetrate the liver. This problem is difficult to resolve with chemotherapy, and even surgical intervention is not always effective.
Starting anti-cancer treatment of the liver with horseradish, it is necessary to understand that the approach to the problem must be complex. Traditional medicine is recommended to combine with drug treatment and chemotherapy. Only in this case the treatment will give a tangible result.
A burning plant is used to treat cancerous growths as both preventive and full-fledged medicinal product. With oncologic alertness, you should use fresh juice, squeezed from the root. This method is applicable if there are no gastrointestinal diseases.
Tip. To treat cancer, use water infusion from the root of the plant, infused overnight. Of the same remedy, it is recommended to do daily microclysters.
About other prescriptions for treating horseradish cancer you can learn from the video:
Spice-based medicines should be used with caution in cases of increased secretory activity of the stomach and other gastrointestinal pathologies. Contraindications are kidney and liver diseases in a state of exacerbation. Therefore, if there are similar problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of treating the liver with horseradish. But this recommendation applies to all folk remedies.
Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.