- Brief about hemorrhoids or the enemy must be known in person
- The life-giving power of honey
- Contraindications
- Features of hemorrhoids treatment in pregnant women
- Tactics of hemorrhoids treatment
- The most effective recipes with honey
Treatment of hemorrhoids with honey has been known since time immemorial. And today, despite the abundance of medicines, the method is still very popular, which is not surprising. After all, it's easy to earn an annoying disease, but it's not easy to cure. Each patient is trying to find an effective and safe remedy that will ease suffering without harm to health. Therefore, let's talk about honey, its benefits for the body and consider the most effective recipes for treatment.
Brief about hemorrhoids or enemies you need to know in person
Hemorrhoids are a rather intimate and delicate disease, so not everyone will decide to advertise their condition. Proctologists note that the qualified help is most often used already in the advanced stage of the disease. This delay is always fraught with trouble. To treat such an ailment should be at an early stage.
Such factors can provoke inflammation of hemorrhoids:
- is a passive lifestyle;
- sedentary work;
- overweight and malnutrition;
- frequent constipation;
- pregnancy.
If the treatment is not started on time, the disease quickly turns into a chronic form and begins to deliver a tangible discomfort - pain, itching and burning sensation in the anus.
Warning. To ease the patient's condition, especially at the beginning of ailment, folk remedies will help, one of which is bee honey.
Treatment with floral nectar quickly and effectively relieves symptoms of a painful condition, and in some cases even from the disease itself. But only if the patient proceeds to apitherapy at the beginning of the disease and changes the way of life. Perhaps in this case the visit to the doctor will be postponed for many years.
More information about the causes and manifestations of hemorrhoids can be learned from the video:
The life-giving power of honey
The Russian people have long used honey as a universal healing remedy. It was not only used for food, but also used as an effective medicine. Today floral nectar is still a part of many recipes, including hemorrhoids.
Representatives of classical medicine fully agree with the opinion of apitherapists and give a high evaluation of the healing properties of a natural medicine. The inclusion of honey in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids increases the effectiveness of treatment and accelerates recovery. In addition, nectar has practically no contraindications and is permissible for use in any trimester of pregnancy.
Tip. For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to give preference to the natural product from the apiary. Store honey does not always have high quality.
So why is a sweet treat so effective in treating hemorrhoids? It's all about its medicinal properties:
- honey has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant effect;
- reduces the swelling and tenderness of the affected tissues;
- heals anal fissures, eliminates itching and burning;
- restores the walls of the rectum, strengthens the capillaries and stops bleeding;
- reduces the severity of hemorrhoids and perianal veins.
Regular consumption of sweet medicine inside increases the immunity and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. The medicinal qualities of linden and buckwheat nectar are especially appreciated.
Despite a lot of useful properties, in some cases, it is better to refuse honey treatment. It is not advisable to use the product for individual intolerance to components or for a low-carb diet. Contraindicated nectar and patients with diabetes mellitus or other endocrine disorders.
Advice. To avoid unforeseen complications, it is recommended to visit a doctor before starting therapy.
Features of treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
The appearance of ailment in the last trimester of pregnancy is a rather frequent phenomenon. The growing uterus gradually displaces the rectum downwards and presses it to the pelvis. As a result, the venous circulation is disrupted, and the blood vessels are full. As an additional problem appear constipation. The low activity of the future mother also plays a negative role.
During pregnancy, many drugs, including hemorrhoids, are contraindicated. Naturally, women begin to look for a safe means to ease their suffering and turn to folk recipes.
When starting hemorrhoids treatment, a prospective mother should consult a doctor. If the doctor decides that honey therapy is appropriate at this stage, the pregnant woman can safely apply it.
Tactics for the treatment of hemorrhoids
There are many recipes for the use of honey for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Non-traditional medicine recommends the use of the product in a variety of combinations and forms.
Most often, a natural medicine is used in the following form:
- monoproduct or mixtures for internal use;
- rectal suppository;
- creams and ointments;
- lotions and applications;
- solutions for microclysters and sedentary baths.
For treatment of fallen hemorrhoids and perianal veins, it is recommended to use liquid nectar, it is better to treat internal lesions as moderately as possible with a candied product.
The most effective recipes with honey
Use honey to fight hemorrhoids as monotherapy is only possible at the very beginning of the disease. With medium and severe form of the disease, apitherapy should be combined with medication and physiotherapy procedures.
Tasty therapy
To relieve the suffering of hemorrhoids, it is very useful to eat a spoonful of honey twice a day. Sweet medicine should not be swallowed immediately. Stir it slowly, like a candy.
To enhance the effectiveness of the therapy, floral nectar is mixed with various ingredients:
- A mixture of honey and onion juice in equal proportions is consumed before each meal. A spoon of such a drug quickly removes inflammation and painful sensations.
- Drink from honey and juice of red mountain ash saturates the body with vitamins and strengthens the capillaries. Eat half a cup of the medicine twice a day.
- Aloe juice and honey are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 and taken before meals.
- A mixture of honey and mummies. Apply such a remedy as a homeopathic medicine - daily before breakfast they dissolve a piece of a cherry-sized drug.
Tip. Before use, honey should not be heated to high temperatures or boiled. In this case, nectar will lose all medicinal properties.
Treat external hemorrhoids
Traditional medicine offers a lot of prescriptions for the therapy of external hemorrhoids. Apitherapy involves the preparation of ointments, lotions, applications and sedentary baths based on honey.
A persistent analgesic and anti-inflammatory result gives the smearing of affected areas with a clean product. The procedures are carried out at night. Beet juice mixed with nectar is no less effective. The mixture is dipped with a gauze swab and applied to a sore spot.
In the spring and early summer make compresses from young leaves of birch or aspen. They are smeared with warm honey and placed on hemorrhoidal formations. After the procedure, the anal area is washed with cool water and lubricated with a cream prepared from sea buckthorn oil, petrolatum and honey.
Quickly removes the unpleasant symptoms of a gruel of carrots mixed with a spoonful of sweet medicine. The mixture is placed in gauze and applied to inflamed cones. After 3 days of treatment, the patient experiences considerable relief.
For the lubrication of the anus, a variety of honey-based creams are prepared. They include:
- natural oils( olive, almond, burdock);
- Vaseline;
- cow oil;
- interior fat( not to be confused with lard);
- mummy;
- propolis.
The components are kept at room temperature for softening and thoroughly mixed. Apply the obtained ointment after each act of defecation and at night.
Tip. Prepare a remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids with honey and herbs. Plants with anti-inflammatory effect are ground to a powder, poured with boiling water to make a creamy mass. The warm mixture is mixed with nectar and applied to the hemorrhoids.
Water treatments
With external hemorrhoids, a good effect is provided by warm honey baths. The procedures are performed 2-3 times a week before bedtime. For the best therapeutic effect, you can also add a decoction of medicinal herbs. Sitting in a healing solution is recommended until the liquid completely cools.
Treat internal hemorrhoids
To remove inflammation and strengthen internal tissues of the rectum apply honey candles. Rectal preparations are prepared in different ways, but they all give an excellent result.
Among the patients, the following suppository variants are the most popular:
- candles from raw potatoes. From the tuber cut an oblong bar, dipped it in liquid, warm honey and injected into the anus. The procedure brings immediate relief and relieves hemorrhage;
- rectal from aloe leaf. The fleshy piece of the plant is cleaned of needles and peels, moistened with honey and inserted into the anus. The suppository has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect;
- candles made of pure honey. Candied product kneaded in the hands, give it the right shape and put it in the freezer. As necessary, the product is removed and used for its intended purpose.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with honey candles is carried out by courses. After 10-12 sessions, take a short break and resume therapy until a stable remission.
Another effective way to combat internal tissue damage. The solution for the procedures is prepared from Vishnevsky honey and ointment in a 1: 1 ratio. The received preparation in a warm kind is entered into an anus after each act of a defecation and necessarily for the night.
Tip. In the solution for microclysters, you can add a mummy or prepare a medicine from the anti-inflammatory herbs. This will further strengthen the therapeutic effect.
The procedures perfectly restore internal ligament, supporting perianal veins and hemorrhoids, relieve pain and burning, stop bleeding.
Having considered the main recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids with honey, it is safe to say that floral nectar is truly a universal remedy. With proper use, the product will be an excellent addition to the main therapy with medications and will help achieve a stable remission.
Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation therapist or proctologist is required.