- Useful properties of a sweet beekeeping product
- Therapeutic effect of flower honey
- Typical features of the application of
To the treatment of gastric pathologies, gastroenterologists apply an integrated approach. It consists in the use of pharmacological drugs, the observance of a sparing diet and the conduct of physiotherapy procedures. To accelerate the recovery will help and funds prepared according to the recipes of traditional healers. The main ingredient in potions often becomes dense flower honey. It contains a huge number of bioactive compounds that have a positive effect on metabolic processes, digestion and peristalsis. Treatment of the stomach with honey promotes effective regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane and a decrease in the severity of pain after eating.
Useful properties of the sweet beekeeping product
Honey refers to those useful products that have a therapeutic effect regardless of the etiology of gastric disease. And all thanks to a unique chemical composition containing components with diverse therapeutic activity. The sweet taste of honey determines the high concentration of mono- and disaccharides - fructose, sucrose, maltose. The gastrointestinal tract does not spend time and energy on their cleavage, as complex carbohydrates are absorbed directly into the systemic bloodstream.
For the treatment of gastritis and ulcers, it is better to purchase a flower honey from the beekeeper. The product collected by bees from buckwheat crops is oversaturated with biologically active substances and can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa. Even with its use in a highly diluted form, there may be uncomfortable sensations in the epigastric region. What honey is good for the stomach:
- lime;
- acacia;
- chestnut;
- sprayed;
- sunflower.
These honey varieties contain a combination of protein and non-protein microelements - nitrogenous compounds. They take part in the metabolism, accelerate the regeneration of not only the affected mucous membrane, but also the deeper layers of the stomach. And iron, potassium, manganese and copper from the composition of honey improves blood circulation, help to replenish stocks in cells and tissues of nutrients.
Tip: To treat chronic gastric pathologies, you should not buy honey in stores. Manufacturers can add flavorings to it, as well as preservatives for longer storage.
Of great importance in the treatment of stomach diseases is the positive effect of carbohydrates on the functioning of the central nervous system. The fact is that often relapses of ulcers and gastritis occur against the background of emotional instability, increased anxiety, acute experience of conflict situations. The inclusion of floral honey in the diet will eliminate neurological disorders and depressive conditions.
. The therapeutic effect of flower honey
In folk medicine, honey is used in the therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcers, hypoacid and hyperacid gastritis. A sweet and tasty product has an effect on glandular cells located in the mucosa and producing hydrochloric acid. Depending on the method of application of honey, it is able to stimulate the production of gastric juice or reduce its production. Course intake of medicinal solutions and mixtures normalizes the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract:
- ulcers are cicatrized, the damaged mucosa and / or muscle layer is restored;
- improves digestion and peristalsis due to stimulation of contractions of smooth muscle muscles of the stomach and intestines;
- accelerates metabolic processes, preventing the long advance of the food lump to the large intestine;
- from the digestive organs gradually accumulated slag, toxins, end-products and intermediate products of metabolism;
- restores the optimal qualitative and quantitative composition of enzymes.
In the laboratory diagnosis of patients with gastric diseases, spiral Helicobacter pylori bacteria are detected - a common cause of ulcers and gastritis development. Carbohydrates contained in honey, accelerate the synthesis of biologically active substances that exhibit antibacterial, antimicrobial and disinfecting efficacy. They prevent the attachment of pathogenic bacteria to the walls of the stomach and their free movement through the digestive tract.
It is interesting: For any kind of honey, the expressed antiseptic properties are characteristic. Regular use of the product of beekeeping interferes with the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes in the stomach, which becomes an excellent prevention of excessive gas generation.
. Special features of using
Before gastric gastric treatment, gastroenterologists should be visited. There are many methods of folk therapy, but each is designed for a specific disease, which the doctor diagnoses. With severe pain after eating and acute inflammatory process, it will be necessary to use antibacterial agents, intestinal antispasmodics, digestive enzymes and preparations with bismuth tricalium dicitrate( Novobismol, De-Nol).And the use of honey solutions and mixtures will strengthen and prolong the therapeutic effect of medicines, help reduce the number of their side effects.
Hyperacid gastritis
Pathology occurs against the background of excessive production of ferric chloride by ferric chloride and pepsin. This becomes the cause of the appearance on the mucous membrane of various microtraumas - ulcers, cracks, wounds. To minimize gastric damage, it is necessary to reduce the production of acid during meals. For this folk healers recommend drinking an hour before eating a honey solution. Prepare it as follows:
- Warm up 200 ml of boiled( and preferably distilled) water to a temperature of 30-35 ° C.
- Add a teaspoon with a slice of dense flower honey and mix thoroughly.
It is necessary to take a healing dilution before meals 3-5 times a day. You can not stir honey in hot water, as most of the enzymes and organic acids break down under the influence of high temperature.
Despite all the precautions, eating a sweet solution can provoke severe pain in people with extensive mucosal damage. In this case honey with increased acidity of the stomach is taken in the form of a thick mixture. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix the product of beekeeping and fresh natural butter in equal proportions. Take the drug should be a teaspoon half an hour before meals.
Warning: Treatment with honey will not bring a tangible positive result if a person does not follow a diet. During the therapy of hyperacid gastritis, it is necessary to exclude fatty meat and fish varieties, baked goods and puff pastry, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea from the diet.
Hypoacid gastritis
Honey for the stomach is also actively used in the treatment of hypoacid gastritis. This type of disease is diagnosed less often, but it gives the person no less suffering.
Insufficient production of ferric acid by ferrous cells leads to a long stagnation of uncleaved food in the stomach. There are processes of putrefaction and fermentation, often provoking the death of intestinal beneficial microflora. To accelerate the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is necessary to stimulate the production of pepsin and gastric juice. In folk medicine, the following technique is used to increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid:
- In a glass of cool water, dilute a tablespoon of flower honey.
- Drink a sweet solution in small sips just before eating.
The duration of the therapeutic course varies from two weeks to a month and depends on the degree of mucosal damage. Together with digestion, the peristalsis is quickly optimized due to the soft, relaxing effect of the honey solution. A rise in acidity promotes the active growth and reproduction of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the large intestine.
Ulcer lesions of the
The use of honey significantly speeds up the metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on microcirculation. Restoration of blood circulation in damaged tissues ensures the influx of molecular oxygen, biologically active substances and nutrients to them. This complex effect accelerates the healing of ulcers on the gastric walls. Healers are advised to take every morning on an empty stomach a medicine made with this prescription:
- Warm the glass of water to 30 ° C and dilute a teaspoon of flower honey in it.
- Using a pipette, measure 15 drops of aloe juice( about a teaspoonful) and add to the sweet solution.
The duration of the course treatment is from one to two months, during which the ulcer gradually cicatrizes. If the stomach hurts from honey in solution, then it can be added to viscous porridge - oatmeal, rice, corn.
Warning: Honey is not used in the therapy of ulcers and gastritis in people who have individual sensitivity to the active ingredients from its composition. Treatment of a sweet product by pregnant and breastfeeding women is done only after consultation with a gastroenterologist, gynecologist or pediatrician.