Mixtures with honey are helpers of immunity

Every autumn, most people think about how to protect children, loved ones and themselves from colds that can permanently knock a person out of the cage or even imprison him in hospital walls. To dull weather no longer caused horror, we advise you to take a special mixture for immunity with honey, which will help the body to withstand all the dangers of the cold season.

Dried fruits with honey - the perfect combination

Who does not like to eat sweets in the morning? And in the evening? Who would not want this habit, close to bad, to benefit the body? This is possible, because you can strengthen your immunity and have fun at the same time. It's enough just to cook a delicious and healthy dessert from dried fruits with honey.

It's no secret that the main product of beekeeping has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and honey for immunity is also the first assistant. Therefore, it helps the body to resist various diseases and prevent their development. At the same time, dried fruits are an unrivaled source of vitamins, in particular, potassium, which is involved in a variety of vital processes, for example:

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  • blood pressure regulation;
  • work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • activation of the brain work;
  • blood supply to organs, including the brain, etc.

In addition, dried fruits contain iron, easily assimilated by the body. Therefore, honey with dried apricots, prunes or raisins will help overcome the anemia that develops in most people in the autumn-winter period. Traditionally, it is customary to prepare a kind of vitamin bomb from honey with the addition of:

  • Raisins, as it contains a lot of organic acids, strengthening teeth and gums, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, this product is used in the fight against anemia, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, as well as with problems with the nervous system. In addition, raisins are an ideal natural energy.
  • Dried apricots. It contains almost a record amount of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, organic acids, pectin and vitamin B5.Some of these substances are involved in the processes of cleansing the body of salts of heavy metals. Others contribute to the purification of blood vessels, as well as to improve the condition in diseases of the heart, eyes and the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, the components of dried apricots, especially in combination with honey, rejuvenate the skin and strengthen the hair.
  • Prunes. This product contains a significant amount of fiber, various organic acids, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, A, PP and C. Therefore, it helps to cope with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal pathologies,e.
  • Walnuts. This kind of nuts is considered to be the most useful, therefore it is recommended to use them daily in small quantities. Walnuts are a source of antioxidants, so they not only strengthen immunity, but also reduce the risk of getting cancer or getting heart problems. In combination with honey, they activate the metabolism, tone up the body and help it to recover much faster after serious physical or mental stress.

Warning! It is not necessary to use all the listed dried fruits. You can always choose your favorite ones and exclude those that do not suit your taste.

In traditional mixtures, you can add lemon, figs, dates and other ingredients.

The ingredients that make up the mix perfectly match, because the sweetness of honey and raisins is subtly marked by sourness of dried apricots and prunes. Therefore, you no longer have to force yourself and children to take a handful of tasteless medicines. And the advantages of using dried fruits with honey for immunity are obvious, because, besides, they are more useful and safer than any preparations, so they are even more economical.

How to cook?

A mixture of dried fruits with honey can be cooked literally in 15 minutes. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. Rinse 300 g of selected dried fruits and chop with a knife or in a blender.
  2. Add 300 g of honey of your favorite variety.
  3. Mix thoroughly and put it into hermetically sealed cans.

Important: the finished mixture can be stored for no more than 6 months.in a refrigerator.

The finished product is recommended for 1-2 h.in breaks between the main meals, because it is in this amount of the mixture contains the optimal dose of vitamins. If a person has been in contact with a patient, has overtaken or has already noticed that he is ill, the frequency of receptions and the amount of the mixture can be slightly increased. On average, the finished product is enough for a month with daily use. After it is over, you should take a break. Resume the intake of vitamin mixture can be at least 10 days.

Attention! Before you start using dried fruits with honey for immunity, make sure that they do not cause you to be allergic.

It is not necessary to abuse vitamin blends, especially at night, as they are very high in calories.

. Other formulas of mixtures for immunity

There are many variations in the preparation of mixtures for immunity. This is:

  • Hippocrates recipe.300 grams of dried apricots, walnuts, prunes and figs are mixed with 100 g of honey and ground in a blender until pasty. Take the finished product for 1 tsp.twice a day.
  • 200 g raisins, dried apricots and prunes are washed and poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dried and cleaned of pits, if any.200 g of walnuts are washed.1 carefully washed lemon in the peel is lowered literally for a couple of minutes in boiling water, so that it becomes softer and gets rid of bitterness. As soon as the lemon has cooled, and in the same water in which it was cooked, it is cut into slices and necessarily remove all the seeds. All ingredients are ground with a meat grinder or blender and mixed with 3 tbsp.l.honey. The mixture is taken for 1 tsp.three times a day.
  • Thin slices are cut into 50 g of peeled ginger root and a whole lemon with skin. This is put into a hermetically sealed can of 0.5 liter and poured over with honey. The mixture is left to infuse in the refrigerator. After 2 months, it begins to take 1 tbsp.l.three times a day or add to tea.
  • 100 g aloe, puree 1 orange, 500 g powdered walnuts and 300 g honey mixed thoroughly. The mixture is taken by 1 dessert spoon three times a day.
  • On a fine grater, rub 1 lemon, pour ½ cup of honey and add 5 crushed garlic cloves. The mixture is left in a dark place for 1 week. Take it for 1 tsp.three times a day.

Advice: before the preparation, all dried fruits should be better served with boiling water, then dried, nuts should be heated in a frying pan.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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