- Use of honey for medicinal purposes
- Use of honey in cosmetology
Earlier, honey was widely used for the treatment of any disease in both adults and children. With the advent of pharmacology and ready-made medicines, old methods receded into the background, and some were completely forgotten. But now this sweet medicine, given to mankind by bees, returns its former popularity, because the useful properties of honey for women can not be overestimated. Today he has found wide application in cosmetology, and grandmother's methods of treatment of gynecological diseases with his help managed to stand in the ranks of traditional medicine.
Use of honey for medical purposes
Honey is a well of biologically active substances of various kinds. At the same time, it does not irritate the tender mucous membranes of the genital organs, so the treatment with honey of female diseases has been carried out from time immemorial. It was used for syringing, impregnating compresses, and also making special honey tampons and candles. In this way, women struggled with:
- inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, in particular, adnexitis, parametritis, colpitis of various nature, etc.;
- by erosions of the cervix;
- myoma;
- cysts;
- thrush;
- mastopathy;
- endometriosis;
- menopausal disorders, etc.
Warning! For medical purposes, doctors recommend the use of melissa, thyme, mint and, of course, lime honey, while it is desirable that it was purchased from rural beekeepers, in the integrity of which there is no doubt.
Today, the most popular tampons with honey because of their simplicity in production against the background of high efficiency and the possibility of application even in such difficult stages of a woman's life as pregnancy and lactation. Many argue that the treatment of erosion of the cervix with honey during or immediately after pregnancy gave a positive result even in cases when doctors recommended that the cauterization be done. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that this pathology can be a harbinger of oncology, so the use of tampons with honey is possible only when there is no high risk of malignant cells.
Advice: before starting to use honey for the treatment of female diseases it is worth checking if it causes allergies by applying a small amount to the intact skin of the forearm. If within 2 hours her condition does not change, that is, there will be no redness, swelling, etc., you can safely begin treatment.
If it is planned to treat thrush with honey, it should be supplemented with the use of other medicines, as in severe fungal infections the antimycotic properties of honey may not be enough. In such cases, women may be advised to perform a syringe and 30% honey solution.
Advice: it is worth combining the use of external means with the use of honey inside.
. Women are recommended to take honey inside with herbal medicines to eliminate menstrual irregularities, prolonged bleeding, climacteric neurosis, and pregnant women receiving 1 tbsp.l.half an hour before meals will help prevent vomiting in first-trimester toxicosis. Nevertheless, consider honey a panacea for all women's ailments in no way. Certainly, it can provide invaluable help in some cases, which is confirmed by some studies, but in others it will be absolutely useless or even harmful to the natural microflora of the vagina. Therefore, self-medication is not worth it. It is best to harmonize the use of honey-based products with a gynecologist.
How to make honey tampons
To conduct honey treatment at home, you need to purchase a sterile bandage and directly bee nectar. Depending on what disease is supposed to be cured with the help of this tool, there are different ways of making tampons.
- For the treatment of endometriosis and various inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages of bandage form a small ball, 2-3 cm in diameter, firmly attached with a thread or twisted bandage and well impregnated in a solution prepared from 1 tsp.honey and 2 tsp.boiled water. The tampon is injected as deep as possible into the vagina at night, but it should not stay in the body longer than 12 hours. The course consists of 10-14 daily applications, after which it is worth taking a break. Immediately before the injection of the tampon, you can do douching with a weak infusion of chamomile. You can also alternate applications with the lubrication of the vagina with propolis tincture.
- With thrush it is worth permeating tampons with a mixture made from equal amounts of honey and a decoction of nasturtium flowers large. To make a decoction of 10 g of vegetable material is placed in 100 g of water and boil for no more than 15 minutes, then filter.
- To combat infertility, tampons with very thick or already sugared honey are used. In a few layers of bandage, put ½ teaspoon of the product and wrap it in the shape of a ball. Its bottom is fixed with a twisted bandage or thread. Such a tampon should be injected into the vagina for only 3-4 hours daily for 2 weeks.
- Tampons with aloe and honey are used to treat disorders of the menstrual cycle, colpitis, vulvitis, erosions, provided there is no pregnancy. The aloe leaf, which lay for 10 days in a refrigerator in thick paper, is peeled and peeled. The obtained gel-like substance is mixed in equal proportions with honey, wrapped in a bandage and tampons are formed. They put on the night for 10 days.
Important: you should not prepare tampons for future use, it is better to prepare a fresh preparation daily. It is also not recommended to take ready-made tampons designed to absorb menstrual blood.
Honey treatment in gynecology is carried out and by means of electrophoresis. This increases the effectiveness of applications, especially with trichomonas colpitis. But at home, such a procedure is problematic, so those wishing to go to a medical institution.
Using honey in cosmetology
In addition to the fact that honey in gynecology is used today more often, it is also a sought-after component of cosmetics, because a woman completely satisfied with her appearance is probably impossible to find. Some tend to lose weight, others - to improve the skin, the third - to cope with cellulite, the fourth - to stop hair loss, etc. As they say, there is no limit to perfection. And honey can help in any of these situations.
With its regular use inside for several months, digestion is normalized and immunity improves, resulting in the destruction of the pathogenic microflora in the intestine and normal recovery. This contributes to the improvement of the digestive system, the activation of metabolism, elimination of toxins and ballast substances from the body, as well as the normalization of blood circulation, which makes a woman lose weight, the skin becomes elastic and velvety, and her hair becomes shiny and silky.
But what woman does not want to get the result right away? Therefore, there are hundreds of recipes for masks, scrubs, creams, lotions and other products with honey that allow you to cope with these or other cosmetic defects in a short time. Here are the most effective of them:
- Exfoliate dead cells and give velvety skin a natural scrub made of honey, oat flakes and grated almonds.
- To strengthen hair and give it shine, it is recommended to apply a mask, prepared from 100 g of slightly warmed honey and 5 egg yolks, once a week for 1 hour.
Important: honey is washed off well, so do not be afraid to apply a mask for the entire length of the hair.
- To soften, moisturize the face, make a mask of apple juice and honey. It will saturate the skin with vitamins and moisture, as well as help to clean the pores and heal minor damage.
- For women with dry skin, the best cosmetic product will be a special honey lotion. It is prepared from ½ tsp.lemon juice, 1 tsp.vegetable oil( it is better to take olive or almond) and 1 tsp.honey. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mixture is taken to a cool place for a quarter of an hour.
- To cope with cellulite, you can take a course of honey massage. The effect will be noticeable in just 2 weeks, as honey is absorbed by the skin excellently, stimulates metabolic processes in the cells, thereby removing toxins and excess moisture from them. Therefore, the skin condition improves on the eyes. Nevertheless, without physical exercises and correction of the diet, even this magical remedy can not completely rid the woman of cellulite.
Thus, the use of honey for women is enormous. Therefore, all ladies are advised to regularly use this product for food and periodically use it for cosmetic purposes, especially since the cost of home cosmetics is several times less than the factory price.