Honey: a delicious medicine and a useful treat

  1. What is honey?
  2. Honey is the best friend and healer.
  3. The benefits of individual honey varieties
  4. Honey as a dietary product

Bee honey is both ancient and modern. Despite the millennial tradition of observation, for many people the beneficial effects and benefits of honey for the body are a mystery, and its use is a matter of taste.

Increasingly, a huge choice in trade networks, markets and fairs is the result of a well-organized advertising campaign, but really high-quality and the product can be found only by acquaintance, from the "trusted" beekeeper.

The benefits and harm of honey collected by bees have nothing to do with synthetic and "intricate" varieties that can be offered to ignorant customers under the guise of "medicine for all diseases."

Only real honey collected by bees can have medicinal properties, prolong youth and strengthen health: it is known that beekeepers and their relatives predominate among long-livers over 100 years old.

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Honey is a popular product that often falsifies

. Only honey that is harvested in the native region will be of real benefit to the body. How not to be mistaken? To begin with, there are varieties that are positioned as, for example, "Bashkir honey", can not be produced on the territory of this republic( chestnut, acacia, dyagile, buckwheat).Then comes the honey products with an "exotic" accent, the origin of which is very doubtful in the conditions of our country( camel's thorn, eucalyptus).But there are also such "miraculous" species, which in nature can not be, for example, ginseng, celandine, boron uterus, hazel, dog rose, crayfish, juniper, lotus Far Eastern, etc. Unfair traders "attribute" to such varieties of "honey" the medicinal properties of medicinal plants. So there are specialized products "for the liver", "for the heart" and many others - practically from all diseases. And it has already entered into a kind of tradition - at any honey fair, wherever it is organized, wide display cases with buckets of "honey" are necessarily decorated with informative tablets describing the healing properties of these "achievements" of pseudo-beekeeping.

What is honey?

In order to be able to understand what is useful for honey, you need to get an idea of ​​what kind of product it is, how it is produced, what are the features of its application.

  • Honey is a sweet, viscous product, harvested and partially processed by honey bees.
  • Honey is a combination of carbohydrates( glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, etc.), flower pollen and water, which is from 13 to 20% and actually affects the density of this sweet nectar.
  • Flower honey obtained from a specific plant is called monoflorous, while the pollen content of this plant in the final product, according to the current GOST, should be at least 46%.Only such a product can be called, for example, lime, buckwheat.
  • Nectar, collected from many different plants, is transformed into polyflora honey( mixed, floral, motley).
  • Honey bee is a fairly high-calorie product( 330 kcal), so adults are recommended to eat 100-150 grams of this good per day and children under 50.
It is impossible to collect "pure" honey, as bees bring nectar from different plants thatcan be found next to the apiary. There is a dominant flavoring note, for example, a linden, and the fragrant "shades" of other plants complement it

. Tip: When buying this therapeutic treat, you should ask the seller if there are protocols for analyzing the pollen content in honey for each type of product - so you can convict dishonesttraders or find a really high-quality product.

Honey is the best friend and healer.

The main useful property of honey is to establish a metabolism in the body, to split the "excess" fat, to prevent its deposition in the "problem" areas of the figure. It is on this basis that all other medicinal qualities are based - to help with diseases, to strengthen immunity, to promote weight loss. What is particularly useful honey?

  • This sweet product contains practically the same trace elements as human blood, so it is useful for anemia.
  • Vitamins, organic acids, biogenic stimulators with which natural honey is rich, have a beneficial effect on the vital functions of the body: bactericidal effect, restoration of strength, reduction of pain, counteracting colds and inflammatory diseases, skin rejuvenation, internal organs and systems.
Honey is completely absorbed by the body, it is not only an energy and nutritional product, but also a remedy used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Features and contraindications

The use of honey is a subtle, individual process. To harm the body, he can only in cases where there are contraindications to the use of honey:

  • is allergic to pollen and, consequently, to all beekeeping products;
  • to abuse sweet dainty, for example, with diabetes mellitus;
  • product is initially poor quality, for example, containing mechanical or biological impurities and allergens, superheated in the sun, fermented due to non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • bees created a "poisonous" honey( another name - "drunk").

Warning: Honey can harm the teeth, like everything sweet. If you tend to caries and other dental problems after eating honey, rinse your mouth with water.

The use of certain varieties of honey

The use of this useful treat for therapeutic and preventive purposes can help solve several problems at once, since the key action of honey on the body is the restoration of the normal course of metabolic processes. Clearly different kinds of honey do not have a clear therapeutic specialization, there are separate features and recommendations, so you can orient yourself to your own taste preferences - after all, the treatment should be tasty.

Name of honey Characteristic features of Useful properties of honey
Linden Sweet, fragrant scent of linden, color from whitish to pale yellow;matt, crystallized.
  • antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • expectorant action in angina, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • treatment of the common cold, influenza;
  • strengthening agent for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • anti-inflammatory action in the treatment of wounds and burns.
Acacia Slim aroma, pleasant taste;color transparent, light with a golden hue - in liquid form;white matte - in a crystallized form.
  • is a fortifying agent;
  • sedative for insomnia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect in gastrointestinal, biliary, renal diseases.
Sunflower Pleasant mild taste, faint aroma;golden color in a liquid consistency, yellow in a crystallized form, large crystals.
  • bactericidal properties;
  • is a fortifying agent.
Buckwheat Strong aroma and specific taste, the color is brownish with a reddish hue in a liquid form, light brown in a crystallized form. The content of proteins and minerals is higher than other honey varieties.
  • high content of proteins, minerals( iron), is useful for anemia;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • is used in the treatment of digestive organs, liver;
  • preventive action in atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Donnikovy Specific aroma, reminiscent of vanilla, taste with a touch of bitterness;the color is light amber, sometimes white.
  • is a fortifying agent;
  • treatment of kidney;
  • sedation with nerve tension.
Chestnut Aroma of horse chestnut flowers, thick bitter taste;color is dark brown.
  • antimicrobial properties;
  • treatment of the digestive system, kidney.
Clover Color - light, transparent, when solidified - white.
  • prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • is an effective remedy for diseases of the digestive system;
  • increased lactation.
Meadow Bright aroma of honey-colored flowers, color from light to bright yellow.
  • antibacterial, analgesic, emollient.

What is the most useful honey? Traditional medicine recommends as the most multi-component, with a wide range of therapeutic effect honey with herbs - meadow, forest, mountain, steppe, etc. This sweet nectar was collected by bees from dozens, and even hundreds of plants, among which there are many medicinal. In addition, dark honey, containing more iron, copper, manganese than light, is extremely useful.

There is an opinion that the most useful is polyflora honey - with different colors

Honey as a dietary product

Weight loss with honey is a popular, useful and simple way to tidy up not only the figure, but the whole body as a whole. Here are some options for the "honey" diet.

Recipe 1. 1 tbsp. Honey stir in 200 ml of warm drinking water. Take on an empty stomach( especially useful in the morning!), In the afternoon for 20 minutes.before meals. All other sweets are excluded. It is advisable in this period not to have floury, fatty, semi-finished products, to establish a drinking regime - so the organism will be easier to adjust to a "healthy mode", and the weight loss course on honey will be more effective. It is recommended to conduct such a course lasting up to three months.

If honey is replaced with all sweets, then with daily consumption of 50-100 g of this delicacy, you can adjust metabolism and lose weight.

Tip: For losing weight, it is better to give honey to herbs - the simplest local product without additives will bring more benefits to the body than the advertised overseas.

Recipe 2. In honey water, prepared according to the previous recipe, add lemon juice( 1 tablespoon) or grated ginger( 0.2 tsp).You need to orient yourself to your own taste and individual preferences, since with a pleasant drink there will be a completely different motivation to achieve an ideal figure. Take also on an empty stomach, but not the same number of glasses every day, and gradually increasing the daily dose to a volume of 2.5-3 liters.

Attention: The use of lemon juice and fresh ginger is not recommended for stomach diseases.

Regular use of "honey water" for several months in conjunction with a rational diet will help restore the body tone and prepare a figure for the beach season

Other interesting properties and features of honey can be found in the video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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