Time strip, two strips, or Why stratifies honey?

Often on freshly picked or bought honey, you can see the bundle - it is divided into two parts, differing in color and consistency. There is an opinion that the product bundle is a clear sign that it is artificial or divorced. However, it is not. If the amber dessert breaks, then this does not mean that it is of poor quality. Then why is honey stratified and how to distinguish it from a fake?

Factors causing layer separation

Honey is stratified for many reasons:

  • premature collection;
  • overheating;
  • storage in a room with humid air;
  • dilution of the product with other substances in order to increase the volume;
  • mixing of different varieties;
  • natural ways.

Premature collection

When honey is pumped before the time, without letting ripen in the hive, a dark liquid forms on its surface. It appears because of an overabundance of moisture in the product, which the bees did not have time to eliminate. Such a product is hardly qualitative. With prolonged storage, it loses its useful properties, acquires a sour taste and starts wandering.

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Warning! Use unripe honey as soon as possible. Extend its shelf life by storing it at a temperature of 5-10 0C.He will stop wandering, but there will still be layers.

On the surface of the immature product, the 2nd layer -

liquid often appears. Overheating

If the purchased honey is exfoliated, it is possible that it has been exposed to excessive heating. The separation of layers usually occurs at a temperature of 35-36 0C, and at a mark of 40 0C the product loses all its usefulness. The process can also be provoked by the usual transportation during a hot season.

Storage in a high humidity environment

Storage of an amber dessert with a loosely closed lid in a room with a high level of humidity can lead to the appearance of a second layer on its surface - liquids. It is formed due to hygroscopicity of the product, that is, its ability to absorb moisture from the environment. To prevent this from happening, it should be stored in a hermetically sealed container.

Mixing varieties of

It is important for fans of beekeeping products to know why honey stratifies to unmistakably distinguish natural goods from counterfeit. Separation of layers often occurs due to mixing of different varieties. As a result, varieties are rejected, exfoliating from each other. Such a product is not fake and it can be safely consumed.

Artificial increase in volume

The stratified product may indicate unscrupulousness of sellers. In order to increase its volume, it is often mixed with water, starch, flour, chalk or sugar syrup. As a result of these machinations, the product acquires heterogeneity and is divided into two parts.

Separation of layers may indicate unscrupulousness of sellers

Natural ways of

There is also a very natural explanation for the fact that honey is exfoliated. It should be noted that in many varieties the separation proceeds so slowly that the beekeepers may not notice it.

Warning! Stratification of a quality product in no way affects its chemical composition, taste and medicinal properties.

The fact is that any honey contains glucose and fructose. Glucose provokes its crystallization, due to which a fresh liquid product after several months thickens and changes its color. Fructose is deprived of such abilities, it, on the contrary, dilutes honey. The predominance of this or that component in the product determines what it will be: crystallized or puffed.

Fructose in the product is usually very small. Uniformly distributed between the crystals, it does not affect their uniformity. However, if the ratio of fructose and glucose levels, the latter will slowly go to the bottom, and the first will rise, creating a second layer.

Attention! Honey is usually stratified at high temperature, so it should be stored in a cool place.

Natural stratification occurs because of an equal ratio of fructose and glucose

The homogeneity of the bee product is also disturbed when, when pumping out, the beekeepers mix different varieties or honey with different collection times.

How to distinguish stratified, but high-quality honey from falsification?

Due to product bundle, it's easy to distinguish quality goods from counterfeiting. The natural separation of layers with prolonged storage indicates that honey is natural. The process does not affect its taste, smell and useful composition. If the product was artificially enlarged or stored in high humidity conditions, after a while it will inevitably ferment and change its taste qualities.

When you buy at least a little exfoliated goods, pay attention to its capacity. The bloated cover indicates that the product is fermenting. The forgery also gives off a sour taste and smell, a small foam on the surface.

Now you know why honey stratifies. To protect yourself from a poor-quality product, try to buy goods from trusted sellers.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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