Glycerin, honey, caffeine lemon are effective and effective means that will not only save you money, but will also give a guaranteed result. Why there are mountains of pills, when there are recipes with natural and natural substances that do not require the expenditure of huge efforts for their preparation.
Natural components of
Let's see what useful properties can boast of lemon, honey, glycerin.Glycerin
Surely you have heard about a cream with glycerin for hands or for the face - is it dangerous to use it inside? Glycerin for the skin is useful in that it draws moisture out of the air and clogs it in the skin, but how does it help fight the cough? Glycerin acts as an emollient for mucous membranes. It is formed in the body as a result of enzymatic breakdown of fats, so it can be eaten without fear. Get it, using animal fats or fat. It was also found that it can be extracted from oils. Glycerin is a clear liquid and is slightly viscous in consistency.
Attention: get purified glycerin only in the pharmacy and pay attention to the presence of the inscription on the bottle "for internal use".Be sure to consult a pharmacy, do not take a badly cleaned drug - it can negatively affect the liver.
This product is famous for its range of useful properties. In addition to the content of vitamins, it is also a preventative. Lemon oil and the acid of this fruit have a curative effect. This is a very affordable product that is used in the manufacture of many drugs, cosmetics for hair and face. After regular consumption of lemon, immunity, working capacity and endurance of the organism as a whole increase.
Honey, like lemon, being one of the most popular natural remedies, will destroy bacteria, and still add a pleasant taste to your medicine, acting as a contrast to an acidic yellow fruit. Take any honey that you have at home, if there are several varieties - give preference to one of the flower ones.
So, all these natural products are individually curative, but their combination allows you to make the treatment more effective - soon you will forget what a cough is. Keep always at home a lemon and honey( if possible, and glycerin).Using lemon with honey as a regular treat, you can prevent the disease and then, perhaps, do not even meet with a cough. Well, if it already happened, then you will need the following recipes.
- Preparation of medicinal tincture. Wash the lemon and make a few holes in it, so that the process of extracting the juice( with a knife or fork) is more active. Bring the water to a boil and dip the yellow fruit there for 10 minutes. Then remove and allow to cool. After cutting into two halves and squeeze them into a glass or mug. So, you have a juice from one lemon, then add glycerin( several tablespoons), and then pour all the honey( you need to pick up liquid or heat, if it is candied).Stir the mixture thoroughly. When it is completely cool, place it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
- Storage. After the time has passed for which she was supposed to be in the refrigerator, pull out. Keep the tincture will need to be in a cool place, but the refrigerator for this purpose will not work. In the cool season, keep on the balcony, or just in a dark place, away from direct sunlight.
Please note: never start using cold tincture, if you keep it on the balcony, then let it stand at room temperature before use.
- Application. If cough is severe and debilitating, use a healing mixture 5-8 times daily for 1 teaspoonful. If you are worried about a cough that is not strong, then it will be enough for 1 tea spoon a couple of times a day. When you have a cough at night, use the tincture before going to bed.
Here is another recipe for the healing mixture, which includes glycerol and honey with lemon from cough.
Wash the lemon and beat with boiling water. Grind it in a blender. In the resulting lemon slurry add honey and peeled glycerin( 1 tablespoon each).As soon as a cough occurs - immediately eat a healing mixture of 1 teaspoonful. Keep in the same way as the previous medicine - in a cool place.
Important! The resulting mixtures can remain suitable for use and do not lose their properties for a very long time - glycerin, honey and lemon are natural preservatives.
How to make dishes or desserts with such useful products as honey and lemon, you can see here: