Natural medicine for the liver - honey

The human liver is an amazing organ, despite its small size, many tasks are assigned to it, including the production of bile necessary for digesting food, and hemopoiesis, and many others.

But its main function is the relentless purification of the body from all kinds of toxins and harmful substances that get into it with food and during breathing. It is therefore not surprising that this body like any other needs periodic cleaning and restoration with safe means, and honey for the liver is the best medicine.

Warning! Even official medicine can not challenge the powerful positive effect of honey on the liver.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of liver

Traditional medicine has always been in demand. Its recipes conceal the wisdom of many peoples, accumulated over the years, but their main advantage is the use of exclusively natural components. Perhaps, that is why now the popularity of folk remedies is growing day by day.

Liver remedy based on honey, milk and eggs

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In a 3-liter jar pour 400 g of good honey, lay out 7 carefully washed and dried raw chicken eggs and pour 1.5 liters of natural milk. Seal the container tightly and leave it for about 2 weeks in a dark place.

The product will be ready for use when the eggs increase in size and rise to the surface, and a thin film appears on top of them. After that, the jar is opened and the "cream" formed on the surface is removed. The remaining mass is filtered through a colander, previously covered with gauze. In the "curd" left on the gauze, liquid is poured from the eggs. This can be done by small holes with a needle in the shell. The remaining yolk and the shell with the film are discarded. The mass thus obtained is knotted in gauze and hung over the pan to drain all liquid from it. This fluid must be passed through the "curd" 5 times, after that it will be the drug.

The spent "cottage cheese" is thrown away, and the resulting liquid is poured into a tightly closed jar and stored in a refrigerator. Use it in the morning on an empty stomach and coldly shaken first for 1 tablespoon until the bolt is over. If necessary, such treatment with liver honey can be repeated again after six months.

Attention! Any means can be taken only with the permission of the attending physician.

Other medications with honey for liver

  1. A kilogram of fresh black currant is grinded through a sieve or ground using a blender or any kind of meat grinder, and then mixed with the same amount of quality honey. Take 1 teaspoonful a half an hour before meals.
  2. 30 g of honey grinded with 200 g of cottage cheese and add a few grams of royal jelly. The agent can be successfully used as an additional in acute stages of liver disease.
  3. In the morning, squeeze a glass of juice from sweet and sour apples, add a spoonful of honey and drink on an empty stomach. This procedure should be performed daily for 3 weeks.
  4. From bile stagnation, the daily use of mineral water in the morning after a honey spoon is dissolved in it.
  5. Feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium is well eliminated with a mixture of honey and cinnamon. For its preparation in 500 g of fresh honey, you need to add a tablespoon of cinnamon and mix thoroughly. Take the mixture three times a day before meals.
  6. The wormwood stem, together with the leaves, is ground and soaked for 24 hours in water. Then it should be cooked in a mixture of a glass of honey and water until thick.
  7. In a half liter of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of ground chicory root are brewed, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 3 tablespoons of honey are added. The finished product can be taken almost unlimited quantities of hot.
    Chicory root is well suited for recovery and cleansing of the liver.
  8. On olive oil, young corn cobs are fried, which they eat by dipping into fresh honey. Such snacks help improve the biliary tract.
  9. In a hermetically sealed container mix 1 glass of olive oil, vodka, honey and lemon juice. The resulting mixture is closed and is removed to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. After that, take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 2 weeks, but before each use, the mixture must be shaken. After 2 weeks, the course can be repeated.
  10. Pour the pumpkin seeds into a jar and pour in liquid honey. The finished product is consumed as a dessert of 2-3 tablespoons, regardless of the time of day.

Important: In severe cases, when liver problems are particularly acute, you can not rely entirely on honey treatment, as honey can not replace traditional drug therapy. In such cases, you need to see a doctor and start receiving specialized medications, otherwise the disease can progress and lead to organ loss.

Which honey is better to choose?

Honey of different varieties has different properties, as for the liver, then it is best for it to boast

. The question of whether honey is useful for the liver is no longer worth it, but what kind of this beekeeping product is better to choose in order to maximize the benefit? According to experts, to treat liver diseases and restore it is best to choose honey:

  • dogrose;
  • apple;
  • raspberries;
  • ashberry;
  • clover;
  • forbs.

The last of these varieties is also called polyflora. You can learn more about its useful properties from the article - Honey with herbs: a special taste and medicinal qualities of a natural medic.

If a person is diagnosed with hepatitis, honey will be more useful for him:

  • white-ovoid;
  • meadow;
  • dog rose;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • is crimson;
  • leaves;
  • apple;
  • sox;
  • rowanberry.

Thus, human honey and liver are perfectly combined, up to the point that this amazing natural product can be used even in case of aggravation of some diseases.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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