Human eyes are constantly exposed to stress and negative external influences of
Especially in modern urban environments, where people spend most of their time in sedentary work, interacting with large amounts of visual information.
This contributes to a more severe and rapid manifestation of visual defects, including genetic pathologies and age-related eye degradation.
Avoiding or at least minimizing this negative impact can be achieved through preventative measures.
- 1. Causes and factors of vision impairment
- 2. Prevention of visual impairment for adults
- 3. Prevention of visual impairment for children
- 4. Results of
- 5. Video
Causes and factors of vision impairment
The most common visual impairment -This is a reduction in its severity when considering distant or near objects. Three diseases correspond to this: myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
It is also possible the appearance of black dots and other foreign objects in the field of view - this indicates the damage or detachment of the retina.
Two types of visual impairment are distinguished: temporary and permanent( pathological).Temporary impairments are characteristic for the periods of negative influences( overwork, stress, lack of sleep, long work at the computer) on the eyes and take place immediately after the cessation of these effects.
Abnormal deterioration can occur due to the following reasons:
1 | Wrong elongated shape of the eye, because of which the rays do not focus on the retina, but converge before it( myopia) |
2 | Atrophy of the muscles controlling the lens and the inability to tune it for viewing distant objects( hyperopia) |
3 | Retina or damage to retinal tissues. Leads to macular degeneration characterized by blurred vision |
4 | Damage and detachment of the vitreous |
5 | Lens clouding( cataract) |
Additional factors contributing to visual impairment include a sedentary lifestyle, a deficiency of vitamins( especially vitamin A), poor ecology, long work at the computer, mechanical effects on the shell of the eye.
Not all pathologies can be fully prevented, for example, congenital myopia will manifest itself in any case. But even with such diseases, prevention can strengthen the effect of the main treatment and prevent the occurrence of complications.
Prevention of visual impairment for adults
In adults, the eyes are already fully formed and sufficiently resistant to negative effects, but preventive measures are still necessary.
They perform two important functions: prevention of temporary deterioration associated with stress and overstrain, and maximum retention in the course of manifestations of senile farsightedness and other age-related pathologies.
The main measure of prevention is the correct organization of the workplace. If the work takes place at the computer, then it is important to place it correctly.
It should not be too high or low above eye level, its brightness should not strongly contrast with the brightness of external light, the optimal distance between the head and the PC is at least 30-40 cm( arm's length).
It is important to maintain proper posture, because clamping the cervical nerves and vessels will speed up eye fatigue. During work, you should take breaks for eye gymnastics.
It involves relaxation of the visual muscles by alternating tension and relaxation, and by alternating stresses in different directions( right-left, up-down, far-close).
The eye muscles relax well with the help of pressing circular movements with the fingers on the bridge of the nose and the eyelid area.
Breaks in work are done once in a half to two hours. It is not necessary to hold gymnastics in each break, in most of them you can just walk around the room, close your eyes or look out the window.
It is necessary to use preventive drugs that help the eyes to recover after the load. This includes immunostimulating and moisturizing drops, such as an artificial tear.
If work is to be carried out under conditions of increased trauma, safety precautions should be followed.
Especially it is important in the manufacturing industry, where small particles of substances are constantly formed - their getting into the eyes often causes damage to the retina and the appearance of blind spots and black spots.
Goggles are worn to avoid this. Caution is observed even in cases where work is carried out at a safe distance.
Proper nutrition is the guarantee of getting the body elements necessary to support the visual apparatus in proper condition.
Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins E and C, as well as products with fatty acids should become an integral part of the diet. It is important for an organism to receive those elements that tone the nervous and circulatory system.
They are rich in seafood, dairy products, chocolate. If there is no possibility to achieve such a variety of products, then the need for vitamins is covered with tableted complexes.
Contrasting water procedures increase the tone of the whole body, including the eye muscles. Washing with cold water in the intervals between work can relieve tension from the eyes and increase their endurance.
After 40 years, it is necessary to undergo annual examinations of the oculist for early detection of senile farsightedness and taking timely measures to prevent its further development.
Prevention of visual impairment for children
Up to age 14, the eyeball is in the active stage of formation. At this time, it is especially vulnerable - even in the absence of congenital pathologies.
Negative external factors can make their own adjustments to the development of the organ of vision and disrupt its work for the rest of life. Therefore, the child should be protected from occupations that can damage the eyes.
This is regulated by the time spent at the computer and TV.It should not be more than 2-3 hours a day.
Accustom the child to properly organize the workplace, to choose the optimal lighting and distance, to keep a straight posture. For the statement of a posture it is necessary to give time to sports employment.
Do not let children( especially up to 7-8 years old) read too small a font - on computers it is possible to increase the size of letters and icons through settings.
Teach a child to do gymnastics for the eyes in between lessons in school. A large set of exercises will hardly interest him, so focus on two or three of the most effective movements.
For example, on the concentration of a look at near and far objects, as well as on the rotation of the eyes in a circle.
Homework must be done under the light of the table lamp while maintaining the ceiling light.
If you notice that the child squints at reading and brings the book closer to the eyes, then this is a sure sign that you need to pay a visit to the ophthalmologist.
These symptoms do not necessarily indicate serious visual impairment, but they warn of the possibility of their occurrence in the future.
Examinations at the ophthalmologist are carried out and in the absence of negative symptoms: at the age of up to three years the doctor should be visited every six months, at the age of 3-14 years, annual examinations are necessary.
Preventive drugs should be used only after consultation with a doctor - a significant part of them have age-related contraindications. Do not forget about providing the growing body with all the required vitamins.
Results of
Prevention of vision impairment is important for people of all ages: it is necessary for children to prevent the development of pathologies in the formation of the eyeball, and for adults it is needed to minimize negative age changes.
In order not to impair vision from work or study, it is important to optimally equip the workplace, correctly set the lighting and distance to the eyes.
To avoid fatigue, regular gymnastics is performed regularly. For the full operation of the organs of vision, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins( A, E) and minerals.
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