- What is a zabrus?
- Indications for use
- Treatment with wax lids
- How to chew?
- Storage rules
Zabrz is a wax film that is formed on the framework of a hive and indicates the maturity of honey. With her help, bees seal the nectar into honeycombs. This so-called cap contains in its composition unique biologically active substances that help fight against a variety of diseases. This is the reason for the widespread use of bee zabrusa in folk medicine.
What is zabrus?
Honey print or bee zabrus is a by-product of beekeeping and nobody specializes in it. It is extracted in the process of pumping honey. As soon as there are signs on the border - this is a sign that nectar is fully ripe.
Why is zabrus a by-product? As you know, honey is stored in honeycombs and sealed with lids from wax. And in order to remove it from there, it is necessary to scroll on the honey extractor. After spinning, the zabrus, roughly speaking, turns into waste. But thanks to its unique properties, this product has found a worthy application.
Indications for use
Honey prints can be consumed by both adults and children. Indications can be:
- inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses;
- of the oral cavity;
- of the GI tract;
- viral diseases;
- inflammation of the bronchi.
Zabrus is used for preventive purposes. To maintain immunity and prevent the occurrence of various kinds of diseases it is recommended to chew this product four times a day. The daily norm is four teaspoons, and it should be chewed for 10 minutes.
Use in cosmetology
Properties of wax lids have found application in cosmetology. It is used to produce medicinal ointments that heal skin diseases such as rash, furunculosis, abscesses, calluses and corns.
In addition, this beekeeping product has excellent anti-aging properties, so it is used to create skin care products for face and hands.
Children are recommended to take honey sabers for the prevention of various diseases and maintain immunity. For the autumn-winter season there is even a certain mode of consumption:
- for children from 2 to 5 years of age it is recommended to chew this product three times a day 30 minutes before meals in the amount of a fourth of a teaspoon;
- from 6 to 12 years - three times a day for 30 minutes before eating half a teaspoon.
Tip! Do not be afraid that your child will not like zabrus, since it is very fragrant and pleasant to the taste. If the baby is too hard, then you can add a small amount of honey.
During pregnancy
If a pregnant woman does not have allergies to beekeeping products, she can safely use this product for the duration of her sweet situation. Wax lids contain perga, honey, propolis, wax and pollen. All these bee products are useful and indicated for admission during pregnancy. They are able to perfectly support immunity, being an excellent preventive remedy for colds and flu. On the healing properties of each of them we told on the pages of our site. For example, you can find out how to use pollen from the article: Whoever actively uses bee pollen, strengthens nerves and heart.
How to take zabrus during pregnancy? Very simple - chew 2-3 teaspoons a day.
For weight loss
Fats are absorbed in the body due to bile, and bee zabrus contributes to its release. In addition, this product gently excretes stool stones, being an excellent laxative.
Many nutritionists recommend including honey stamps in their diet to people who observe a strict diet for any reason, since zabrus saturates the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances that give energy and strength.
Important! Having a pleasant taste, this product replaces high-calorie sweets. And the components that make up it contribute to the normalization of body weight, having a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
Treatment with wax lids
As mentioned earlier, bee zabrus can heal from various diseases. It helps with colds, flu and virus infections, inflammatory processes in the mouth, and also improves immunity in the off-season and supports the protective functions of the body in winter.
We offer to consider how to use zabrus in the occurrence of various diseases.
For the health of teeth
You will forget about periodontitis and stomatitis if you regularly chew these honey caps. Our forefathers knew about this and used zabrus to maintain the health of the teeth and oral cavity.
During chewing of wax balls, a large amount of saliva is released and the tooth enamel is cleansed mechanically. They also have an antimicrobial effect, so they perfectly disinfect the oral cavity and eliminate gum disease. To use zabrus for the health of teeth and oral cavity, it must be chewed in the morning and evening after meals for 10 minutes every day.
With pancreatitis
Due to the presence of pollen and propolis in this unique product of beekeeping, they treat such a complex disease as pancreatitis. After daily chewing kryshechki are inflammatory processes of the stomach and duodenal ulcers. In a day it is recommended to use zabrus twice a teaspoon before meals.
Propolis completely destroys pathogenic microbes, pollen supplies vitamins to the body, and honey and wax gently envelop the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to a quick recovery. It is recommended to use the product in combination with medications - it enhances their effect and has a beneficial effect on immunity.
From cough
With the help of zabrusa you can cure a cough. When chewing from it, volatile essential oils are released which, in a short period of time, can eliminate unpleasant sensations in the throat and gently remove the painful focus in the respiratory tract. Upon inhalation, volatile substances penetrate into the lungs and bronchi and have a therapeutic effect.
To eliminate sore throat, you need to chew the wax balls every hour. And against dry long cough will help zabrus, dissolved in warm tea.
Against the allergy
What is most surprising, this honey product is able to eliminate allergic reactions. Of course, this sounds somewhat paradoxical, since it contains honey - a strong allergen. But since honey is in very small quantities, and the bulk is volatile matter and propolis, zabrus does not cause a negative reaction from the body, but, on the contrary, helps to overcome it.
Important! As you know, the cause of allergy is weakened immunity. And the enzymes, which are in the composition of wax caps, restore the protective functions of the body and strengthen the immune system.
With pains in the stomach
Zabrus effectively removes a painful focus in the stomach, as it is an excellent analgesic. In addition, the action of this product is akin to an antibiotic, so it quickly removes inflammation.
To get rid of the pain in the stomach, you should chew the wax balls when there are unpleasant sensations before eating half a teaspoon. In chronic diseases it is necessary to use it every day throughout the course of treatment.
Maxillary sinusitis
If you have a bad cold or sinusitis, then it is recommended to chew zabrus every hour. His action will be fast enough, and all the unpleasant feelings will be in two days. But treatment is not worth stopping, because the disease during this time will not have time to leave your body. It takes a few more days to eat the product so that the infection completely recedes.
With angina
Many know what angina is and what unpleasant sensations in the throat it is accompanied. The upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed, and swallowing and coughing become very painful. Zabrus has in its composition a powerful antibiotic, which quickly destroys the infection, effectively removes the inflammatory process and significantly increases local immunity.
To cure sore throat, you need to chew waxy lids for 15 minutes every half hour for half a teaspoon.
Bronchial asthma
Asthma is the last stage of an allergy that requires rapid and serious interventions, especially when an acute form occurs. In this case zabrus should be consumed before the onset of an exacerbation as a preventive agent.
Important! During a broncho-pulmonary spasm it is necessary to use only medical preparations. Zabrus at this point is unable to help.
After the spasm is removed, you can start chewing honey stamps, which should always be at hand.
How to chew?
It is not difficult to consume bees, it needs to be chewed well until it completely loses its flavor. After which it can be discarded or swallowed. In the latter case, having got into the stomach, the wax balls will begin to adsorb "unnecessary" substances and purify the gastrointestinal tract.
For an adult, the daily allowance should not exceed four teaspoons. It should be eaten after eating, since, otherwise, this product is able to reduce the appetite.
retention rules The question often arises as to how to store zabrus. The best container for it will be a container of glass with a tight-fitting lid. The temperature should be room temperature. In such conditions, this product will retain all its useful qualities and properties for a long time.
Some beekeepers recommend filling the wax lids with natural honey, but the formation of voids in the container should be avoided. With proper storage, the zabrus has a shelf life of about two years, but in the second year it is no longer worth storing, but should start eating.
Now you know what zabrus is, how its withdrawal takes place and what diseases it can cure. Use the unique wax sealer correctly, and every day it will give you a new portion of health.