All about the benefits of bee pollen

  1. Contents of the
  2. product update Product use
  3. Storage conditions

Bee pollen is unique and unique in its composition and properties. This product is given to us by nature itself. Her bees extract, preliminary combing it with special brushes, moistening a secret, rolling in small lumps and having on their hairy legs. That is why the product was called "upgrade", because during transportation it is on the legs of bees-pickers.

Bee pollen is a deposit of useful substances

Ingredients of the

update The valuable substances that make up bee pollen can be listed endlessly, since in total it has about 50 biologically active substances and about 240 microelements. Our distant ancestors knew about this and for a small handful of this valuable product they were ready to give a lot.

So, the composition of the update includes:

  • irreplaceable amino acids for the human body;
  • biologically active substances of a wide spectrum of action;
  • vitamins - A, B, C, D, E, H, K, O, PP;
  • instagram viewer
  • enzymes;
  • microelements - aluminum, barium, beryl, vanadium, gallium, potassium, calcium, silicon, arsenic, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, copper, sodium, nickel, tin, lead, silver, strontium, titanium, uranium, chromium, phosphorus, zircon, zinc, iron;
  • phytoncides;
  • phytohormones;
  • lipids;
  • of sugar;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • salts;
  • amino acids;
  • ashes;
  • antibiotics;
  • routine;
  • fats.

As can be seen from the composition, bee maintenance is a very useful product. It contains a huge number of amino acids, most of which the human body is unable to produce independently. Vitamins are responsible for virtually all vital processes, and rutin stimulates the cardiovascular system.

It's important to know! Pollen collected from different plants will have a different composition, so the amount of some substances will vary depending on the type of update.

Update is a so-called concentrate in which all components perfectly interact. Thanks to this, it has found the widest application in folk medicine, and its properties are confirmed by modern science.

It is recommended to use Update as a biologically active food additive

Use of the product

Very often it is prescribed for constant physical exertion and for a quick recovery after the transferred diseases. Bee pollen, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is able to make up for the lack of hemoglobin in the blood and improve immunity.

Doctors advise to use the update during the epidemic of the flu

Carotenoids, included in its composition, contribute to the improvement of vision. This product has a positive effect on the nervous system - it normalizes sleep and blood pressure, increases appetite.

Bee pollen is very useful for people prone to depression. It gives energy, vitality, improves mood and frees you from despondency.

Update has a powerful antibacterial action, which makes it an indispensable remedy for colds in the spring - autumn period. Microbes and bacteria perish in a short time, physical weakness and nervous tension recede, and the body is filled with strength and vigor.

Warning! People with diabetes should not use this product.

Useful properties of bee pollen are very important for the normal functioning of our body. It can be used by adults and children to treat a variety of diseases.


This beekeeping product contains a sufficiently high percentage of zinc, which has a stimulating effect on the processes of sperm production in men. Regular reception of pollen will solve problems with potency and improve the quality of the sperm.

This product has already helped many families become truly happy

Incredibly high use of bee pollen and for women. Especially when they are experiencing the most exciting and beautiful period of their lives. This is due to the fact that the renewal in its composition contains a large amount of folic acid, which is so necessary for the normal development of the fetus, the formation of all its organs and growth.

Warning! The use of pollen in large quantities can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Natural bee pollen is very useful for eating during a diet, as it promotes active burning of fats, while preventing the breakdown of proteins. It saturates the body with vitamins and gives twice as much strength, which is usually not enough for women who are forced to follow a strict diet.

Update removes cholesterol from the body. It purifies the blood, thereby improving its composition. Strengthening of the vessels leads to the fact that the heart begins to work much better.

What else is bee pollen useful? It is indispensable for meteosensitive people and when it is taken on unfavorable days the general condition becomes much better - the headache recedes and the pressure normalizes. Update is famous for its anti-sclerotic properties, as it is able to normalize lipid metabolism, which in turn, helps to reduce the build-up of antisclerotic plaques.

Universal pollen and for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • relieves dizziness;
  • improves general condition in hypotension;
  • is very effective in heart disease;
  • is able to heal from cardioneurosis, ischemia and myocardial dystrophy.

The components of this beekeeping product restore the cells of the liver and pancreas, which makes it very useful in the fight against alcoholism.

Update is indicated for menopausal diseases

For children

It is very important to know about the benefits of bee pollen for children. Her healing properties are striking. This product prevents growth and developmental disorders of the child, it is recommended to take it at signs of mental and physical retardation. Renewal is able to strengthen and protect a weak child's body.

It's important to know! If there is an allergy in the child for the products of beekeeping, the pollen will bring only harm, even if it is used in small amounts.

Update is a natural immunomodulator that perfectly supports the general health and allows the body to successfully fight infections. You can find out how to use this bee products for health improvement from the article: How to Take Bee Pollen.

Storage conditions

Freshly collected product contains about 30% water, so first of all it must be dried. Only in this case the update will retain all its useful qualities. You can dry it at room temperature, neatly spread out on a flat surface in the shade or use a special drying cabinet.

When storing bee pollen, it is very important to observe the following rules:

  • should be protected from dampness;
  • do not allow an increase in air humidity;
  • it is necessary to dry the update not later than two days after the harvest.

Following these recommendations, you will keep all the active ingredients of the product and prevent spoilage.

Warning! Do not dry pollen in direct sunlight or at an air temperature above + 45 ° C, because in this case it will lose absolutely all its valuable properties, and hormones, vitamins and enzymes are completely destroyed.

After drying the pollen should not be crumbly. Ideal consistency is slightly moist, when it can be crushed with fingers. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then the lumps will become slightly lighter. The shelf life of bee pollen is about two years.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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