Application of bee pollen in various diseases

  1. Indications for use
  2. Update for the treatment of diseases
  3. Contraindications
  4. Rules for the use of

Each beekeeper knows that the update is useful not only for striped hard workers, but also for humans. Every year the use of bee pollen becomes more and more popular and justified in the field of pharmaceutics, cosmetology and food industry, as it has unique preventive, dietary and curative qualities. This product has helped to restore health to more than one generation of people, and apitherapists are not tired of discovering new facts about its healing properties.

Update is a product that does not have competitors in the concentration of substances necessary for the human body.

Bee pollen has a fortifying effect, it can help you to normalize weight, improve appetite, stimulate brain function, improve physical performance. The use of this product prolongs youth, slowing down the aging process. All these wonderful abilities are due to a wide range of his healing qualities. If you want to know more about them, we recommend you read the article: All about the benefits of bee pollen.

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Indications for use

Bee update can be recommended as an excellent preventive in such situations:

  • stressful situations associated with significant mental and physical stress;
  • preparation for conception, pregnancy and lactation period;
  • is recommended in the spring-autumn period during epidemics of influenza and ARVI;
  • to meteodependent people, who on unfavorable days from the point of view of meteorology suffer pressure fluctuations and dizziness;
  • for immunodeficiency;
  • as a restoring agent in the postoperative period and after the passage of chemotherapy;
  • for chronic fatigue.

Regular use of bee pollen will give you strength and provide a great mood. It is equally useful for adults and children, since it has a unique composition that can have a positive effect on the body at any age.

Important! Overdose of bee pollen can lead to beriberi, so do not break the daily rate.

For children

It is recommended for use in infants with growth and mental retardation. This product strengthens the growing children's body, helping to develop normally and gain weight.

Indications for prescribing to children can be as follows:

Update is indispensable for children's health
  • after treatment with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs;
  • in the presence of signs of dystrophy and hypotrophy;
  • in the absence of appetite;
  • of myocardial disease;
  • of bowel disease;
  • dysbacteriosis and digestive disorders;
  • liver disease, pancreas;
  • low hemoglobin content in the blood.

In addition, bee pollen is very important for immunity. It promotes the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors, protects against viruses and infections.

Important! Before giving the baby the pollen, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and exclude her individual intolerance.

For children, the refreshment can be given in pure form from a spoon. And if the child does not like her taste, the pollen can be dissolved with honey or butter. It is also allowed to sprinkle any food that your baby likes.


Bee pollen is recommended for use by men who suffer from low sperm motility. In this case, this product is indispensable, because it has a high percentage of zinc content, which in turn not only positively affects the processes of sperm formation, but also improves the quality characteristics of sperm, and makes you forget about problems with potency completely.

During the treatment of alcoholism, pollen normalizes the work of the liver, restoring the cells

If we talk about the representatives of the fair sex who are preparing for the most beautiful and unforgettable period in their lives, the renewal is exactly what is needed. By replacing medical products, the pollen supplies the woman with the necessary amount of folic acid, which is very valuable for a future mother undergoing serious hormonal changes, and is indispensable for the normal formation and development of the fetus. That is why bee pollen is indicated during pregnancy and during preparation for it.

Update for treatment of diseases

You can talk endlessly about the healing properties of pollen-renewing. Its unique and unique composition creates real miracles. It can be used to treat a number of diseases, among which:

  • menopause;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system recede, as pollen contains potassium and magnesium. Normalizes metabolic processes in the myocardium, stimulating the contractility. Reduces heart rhythm disturbances, increasing the ability to withstand physical activity;
    Pollen increases insulinemia and is indicated with diabetes mild
  • , bee pollen treatment is used in neurology, treating it as a mild psychotropic agent. Update successfully copes with neuroses and asthenia, it can overcome depression and restore vivacity;
  • after diseases that required surgical intervention. This is due to the characteristics of the protein composition and the presence of amino acids, which in a short time are able to restore the strength of the patient. Biostimulators present in the update, improve regenerative processes and reduce inflammation after surgery;
  • in case of external ulcerative diseases pollen is combined with taking milk jelly;
  • this beekeeping product is widely used for chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and bronchiectasis;
  • pollen helps with duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, as well as erosions of the digestive tract. It eliminates diarrhea and constipation, leading to a normal bowel function;
  • is useful for anemia with anemia and other deficit diseases.


Despite its universality and great benefit, bee pollen has some contraindications. First of all, from its use should be abandoned to people suffering from individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Sometimes it happens that a person quietly uses honey or, for example, uses wax for various purposes, and the allergy occurs precisely on the update.

Tip! To prevent possible troubles, you should conduct a simple test - put a small amount of pollen on the back of the hand and fix it with a gauze dressing or band-aid. After some time, the bandage is removed, and if the reaction from the skin does not follow, you can start using this product.

In severe forms of diabetes pollen is not recommended to be mixed with honey

Rules for the use of

In order not to damage your health, you need to know how to use bee pollen. For reception it is necessary to separate a certain dose and carefully dissolve it until it dissolves completely. In order to quickly master it, you can first drink a glass of warm boiled water. After taking it is advisable to wait about half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Use the update once a day or divide the recommended daily rate by two times. The first part should be swallowed in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - about 12 o'clock in the afternoon or evening before dinner.

Recommendation! It is undesirable to use bee pollen after 18.00, as some of its components excite the central nervous system, which can lead to insomnia.

Bee pollen can be used in two ways: in pure and diluted form. Dissolve it in water, flower varieties of honey or butter. Also, jam or jam may be used as a basis.

This method is popular with those who do not tolerate the specific taste of the update, but it is considered less effective in the treatment or prevention. For use as a mixture, it is first ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. It does not look very appetizing, but the mixture is more homogeneous and more easily absorbed by the body.

Try to purchase bee pollen in specialized stores or from proven beekeepers. Only in this way will you protect yourself from buying a substandard product, and natural renewal will bring your body maximum benefit.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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