We apply beeswax for health and beauty

  1. Application in folk medicine
  2. Cosmetology
  3. Candle making
  4. What dissolves the wax?
  5. How much can I store?

Being one of the most unique and amazing in its properties, natural wax is used today almost everywhere. The widest application of beeswax is due to its action, which is aimed at both healing from various diseases and prolonging youth.

Beeswax is distinguished by a long list of useful properties that have found application in pharmaceutical and cosmetology

Application in folk medicine

The natural product of the life of bees is quite multifunctional. It is prized for medicinal qualities, has anti-inflammatory and softening effect and is very useful for the human body. Due to these qualities, beeswax is widely used in folk medicine. It has long been known the benefits of a miraculous ointment based on this beekeeping product, which perfectly helps cope with colds and skin inflammations. The way of its preparation and application you will find in the article: Spectrum of application and prescription of ointment based on bees wax.

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This product has a fairly wide range of indications

Chewing wax

It is used to eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity. Daily chewing of wax brings huge benefit, besides it is pleasant to taste. Such procedures are able to have the following effect:

Thanks to the high content of carotene, the wax is able to cure of stomatitis, sore throat and gingivitis
  • , the metabolism is stimulated;
  • increases secretory and motor functions of the stomach;
  • respiratory system cleared;
  • with teeth is eliminated by plaque;
  • gums become firm and cease to bleed;
  • mucosa of the oral cavity is healed;
  • runs a runny nose.

An interesting fact! In Bulgaria, this product is used to make chewing sweets, after which the state of teeth and gums improves significantly, and intensive salivation that occurs during chewing stimulates the production of gastric juice and normalizes the digestive process.

As for the elimination of a number of diseases the product of the vital activity of bees is necessary to chew, then many have a logical question as to whether it is possible to eat beeswax and what can happen when it is swallowed. If you are not allergic to honey and other products of beekeeping, then there is no danger of wax for you. When chewing with saliva, some amount of wax, one way or another, still gets into the human body and this in no way harms your health.

It is known that this product is a natural antibiotic, as it can reduce growth and stop the development of many pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Elimination of skin defects

For the treatment of corns and plantar warts, beeswax is combined with propolis, heated in a water bath, poured a small amount of lemon juice and dried herbs of lemon balm. This mixture must be applied to problem areas, fixed with a bandage or bandage and left for half an hour. The effect will be noticeable after the first application.

To get rid of corns, the wax is mixed with propolis and heated on a small fire. The resulting mass should be applied daily, and in a short time you will forget about painful calluses.

Tip! Do not forget to steam up your legs before such procedures.

Joint pain

Beeswax is also intended for topical treatment. Based on it, warming ointments, compresses and patches are produced, which help with inflammatory diseases of the articular tissue.

For the treatment of joints with beeswax, 200 g of this product should be combined with a tablespoon of honey and heated in a water bath. Gauze is folded in several layers and soaked in a hot mixture. Then attach it to the painful joint, cover it with compress paper, wrap it in a woolen cloth and leave it for 30 minutes. At the end of this time, the compress is removed, the joint is wrapped with a towel and allowed to rest for about 15 minutes.

For joint pain left your body, you need to perform 12 similar procedures.


In cosmetology, beeswax is used to make masks, creams, ointments, and also widely used in its pure form. This miracle product is able to protect the nail plate from destruction, soften and moisten the skin of the face and lips in frosty and windy weather, save wrinkles and give your hair a healthy shine.

For hair

Hair care products, flavored with this product, perfectly nourish the bulbs, making the hair silky, soft and docile. They acquire additional volume and healthy shine.

Beeswax is often included in masks and hair dyes that heal the tips of the tips and are indispensable for styling and modeling hairstyles.

Similar remedies can be prepared in a few minutes at home, and they will quickly heal and strengthen your hair.

For nails

Bee wax is also useful for nails. This product envelops the nail plate with a thin film, which has a protective effect. The procedure is simple enough:

  • to grind a small piece of wax with your fingers;
  • when it becomes sufficiently plastic, the wax should be rubbed gently into the nail plate and applied to the cuticle;
  • continue to rub until completely absorbed.

For facial skin

Problem skin is a phenomenon that is familiar to many. Some suffer from signs of premature aging, others from excessive dryness, others complain of the appearance of acne. In all these cases, beeswax can help, since in cosmetics this raw material has received the widest application.

This product perfectly cares for the skin

About 300 nutrients in its composition have a nourishing, softening and protective effect. It is for this reason that it is included in many cosmetics.

  1. From wrinkles. They appear with age and always bring with them a huge disappointment. After all, you want to save your youth for as long as possible. Beeswax will cope with the problem of wrinkles. To prepare the product, you must melt on a water bath one teaspoon of wax and add to it taken in the same proportions honey, rosehip oil, wheat germ oil and onion juice. Apply the compound on face and rinse after half an hour.
  2. Nourishing cream. To make it, you need to combine half a glass of olive and half a glass of coconut oil, put 50 g of wax. Dissolve the mixture in a water bath, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Add half teaspoon of vitamin E and 15 drops of essential oil. Stir the mixture and place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. When the mass thickens it can be applied to the skin.

    Good to know! Cream based on beeswax must necessarily contain some essential oil, which is in this case a preservative. The most suitable are the oils of coniferous trees.

  3. Complex mask. This drug has no age limitations and is especially useful for oily and fading skin. To prepare the composition, you must melt a teaspoon of wax using a water bath. Put the same amount of honey and almond or chamomile oil. Add a tablespoon of onion and lemon juice. Mask of beeswax apply a thick layer on the face, neck and décolleté area and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, wash the composition and apply a nourishing cream.

This product has a very good effect on the skin. It rejuvenates and protects it, eliminates inflammation and traces of acne. But it is very important to follow certain rules of preparation of funds, which will increase the effect and make the composition as useful as possible:

  • for melting in a water bath it is worth choosing an enamel or aluminum container;

  • to avoid the formation of lumps, the wax should be constantly stirred and do not make the fire under the dishes too intense;
  • to keep the mask on the face follows no more than half an hour.

Bee wax is indispensable for the health of the face. With this ingredient it is pleasant to work, as it is easily melted and has a pleasant aroma.

Candle making

The tradition of making the simplest light sources from bees wax originated a very long time, but to this day it is very popular. Make them at home is very simple, and the occupation itself does not take much effort and time from you.

This simple thing can become a wonderful gift to family and friends, and also take the central place on the festive table

To make candles of beeswax yourself, you need to buy special forms of silicone, jute cord and awl. Wax put on a hot water bath and in the meantime make holes in the molds with an awl. In the received nests, insert the cord from the jute so that a small part of it looks at 3 cm. Melted wax poured into molds and leave until completely hardened. About a day later, remove the silicone - the candles are ready!

Tip! To make candles at home, only pure wax is suitable without any additives.

What dissolves the wax?

During the manufacture of various mixtures and formulations, there is often a question as to what to dissolve beeswax. This product is quite complex in its chemical composition and has a very dense structure, which greatly complicates the process of interaction with other components.

To connect it with something, you must first melt the wax in a water bath. In liquid form, it dissolves well in paraffin, which can become one of their home candle ingredients. To prepare skin care products, wax can be easily diluted with essential oils.

Good to know! This product is absolutely insoluble in water, glycerin and alcohol. It interacts well with fats, turpentine, gasoline, ether and chloroform.

How much can I store?

The shelf life of beeswax is unlimited. He perfectly tolerates the usual room temperature and its properties remain the same. In order for the aroma and color of the product to remain the same, it must be placed in a sealed container of glass or plastic. Choose dark and dry places for storage, and for mixtures based on wax, use emulsifiers.

To get the most out of it, try to use this product for the first three years after receiving it.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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