Useful properties of bee pollen, Doctors know - they are good fellows!

Useful properties of bee pollen are explained by its unique composition, namely the content of amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body, which come with food. In addition, pollen found about thirty trace elements: potassium, necessary to maintain the heart muscle, iron, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc.

Bee pollen has unique healing properties, restores body strength, prolongs youth and longevity

Pollen is rich in carotene, vitamin B, C, E, D, R, K, some phytohormones, and antibacterial substances that activate the body to fight viruses andbacteria.
Rutin, contained in pollen in record quantity, is a preventive agent of heart diseases. It improves the work of the myocardium and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Pollen enzymes are biological catalysts, which play a huge role in metabolic processes.

Benefit of bee pollen

Bee pollen is used to treat body exhaustion, anemia, and during rehabilitation after severe illness. This tool is able to quickly raise the hemoglobin of the blood, increase immunity. Due to its useful properties, bee pollen is recommended for use during epidemics of influenza.

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  • This product saves from depression, improves mood and discourages.
  • For meteosensitive people this is an indispensable tool. It is taken in days unfavorable by meteorological conditions.
  • Antisclerotic properties are pronounced rather brightly. Pollen normalizes the level of lipids in the blood, which is very important for the prevention of the formation of sclerotic plaques.
  • This unique remedy is also useful for hypertensive patients. A special feature of this product is that the process of reducing pressure is very soft in comparison with similar synthetic drugs.

  • The use of bee pollen for women seeking to maintain a figure is obvious. It is known that a lack of food can lead not only to the loss of fatty tissue, but also to muscle mass. Taking pollen during diets is able to prevent the breakdown of proteins.
  • Pollen is universal for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, because it not only raises the pressure, but also eliminates dizziness and headaches. It helps in the treatment of angina pectoris, ischemic disease, heart defects, cardioneurosis, myocardial dystrophy.
  • This folk remedy improves the effect of some phytotherapeutic drugs. Their simultaneous administration accelerates the regeneration of tissues in the postoperative period, especially after surgery on the liver. Complex treatment of beekeeping products by chronic respiratory diseases gives an amazing result.

Allergy sufferers should not be afraid to take this remedy, as bee pollen, unlike floral, carried by the wind, is treated with the secret of bees, which leads to the destruction of allergy compounds.

Keep it in a dark place for no more than 2 years. During storage, useful properties gradually weaken.

Bee pollen for athletes

Bee pollen is a plant remedy affecting the growth of muscles, the so-called natural anabolic. This is one of the most indispensable and popular products in the diet of athletes seeking to increase muscle mass. Bee pollen consists of a flower. It is collected by bees, moisturized and glued together with nectar and bee saliva.

What is the use of bee pollen for athletes?

It improves the supply of energy, raises the fatigue threshold, overall performance, physical endurance. Such properties are very important not only for "workers with iron", but also for individuals engaged in combat. This product of beekeeping rejuvenates the skin, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, activates immunity and mental abilities, and also strengthens the cardiovascular system, protecting the person from heart diseases.
Bee pollen is a non-addictive amino acid concentrate. The effect of its reception is preserved for a long time. The recommended dose for athletes is 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight, taking into account a balanced diet.

How to use

Pollen is taken half an hour before meals. In order to fully absorb it, do not recommend the product to swallow immediately, but it should be held under the tongue until complete resorption. This is due to the destructive effect of digestive juices, weakening the useful properties of the product.
Bee pollen is used individually or in the form of therapeutic mixtures, for example, with honey. A mixture of pollen and honey improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, the entire muscular system, increases oxygen consumption, normalizes blood indices - hemoglobin and red blood cells. Prepare it this way: 50 grams of pollen mixed with 250 grams of honey and take 5 days from the time of cooking one tablespoon three times a day for thirty minutes before eating.
Bee pollen, like any other biologically active agent, can, besides good, cause harm. Its use in large quantities leads to a violation of vitamin balance in the body. Therefore, each course of treatment requires a long break.


Bee pollen contains a huge amount of valuable nutrients and biologically active components:

  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • lipids,
  • nucleic acids,
  • vitamins,
  • minerals.

The pollen protein in terms of the content of essential amino acids and biological value is superior to the milk protein, which is considered to be the most valuable.
Fats, fatty substances and fatty acids contained in pollen - phospholipids, phytosterols, lauric, stearic, oleic, linolenic acids. They are part of prostaglandins, regulating hormonal activity in the body and contributing to the removal of excess cholesterol.
There are many phenolic compounds in pollen - phenolic acids and flavonoids, which have the following useful properties: strengthen capillaries, eliminate symptoms of inflammation, remove cholesterol from the body, protect against radiation, normalize redox processes, stimulate bile production, prevent the formation and growth of tumors.

The healing properties of bee pollen

It is useful for people who have been infected with infectious diseases or recovering from surgery to take a mixture prepared from one hundred grams of oil, fifty grams of honey and twenty grams of pollen. The resulting mixture is spread on bread and given to depleted patients twice a day. In addition, this mixture is able to prevent impotence in men.
Bee pollen is given to children to stimulate immunity, increase appetite, weight gain, growth and vigor. It is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 and take two teaspoons three times a day. About what diseases this product can help and how to properly give it to children, we described in the article: The use of bee pollen in various diseases.
For the treatment of prostate adenoma should take twenty grams of pollen twice daily before meals. In combination with honey, it is able to normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and eliminate some of the symptoms of nervous and endocrine systems. In addition, it is a powerful biostimulating and gerontological agent.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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