Honey for the heart: therapeutic effect and recipes for broths

  1. Some statistics
  2. Use for the heart
  3. Recipes

For all honey lovers, there is excellent news. Even the ancient people knew that with the help of this product you can treat burns, wounds, infections and upset of the gastrointestinal tract. To date, it has become known that honey helps even with heart disease. This product has a whole group of nutrients that improve the work of the myocardium and blood supply in the coronary vessels. Honey for the heart is also useful in terms of lowering cholesterol concentration and normalizing blood pressure.

Some statistics

Cardiovascular diseases are by far the most common cause of death. According to WHO, about 31% of all deaths in the world are cardiac pathologies. The average heart rate is reduced by about 72 beats per minute, about 100,000 beats per day, 37 million per year and 2.5 billion per lifetime. One can not but agree that this body is very hardworking, but also vulnerable. Age changes affecting the coronary vessels that supply blood to the myocardium are common to almost all people on Earth, so the action of many modern drugs is aimed at preventing this process.

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Many use honey as a sweetener instead of sugar, because they consider it more natural and pleasant to taste. These people will be pleased to learn that in this way they unconsciously prolong their lives.

Use for the heart

Is honey useful for the heart? Before we disassemble in detail how honey has a beneficial effect on the body, it is necessary to understand some of the rules for its use. First, it can not be eaten much, one teaspoon is enough. Secondly, useful properties are preserved only in raw honey. In its raw form, honey retains the largest amount of trace elements and other nutrients that favorably affect health. Beneficial effect on the heart:

  • Reduction of free radicals in the blood;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Lowering cholesterol;
  • Reducing blood viscosity;
  • Improve the metabolism of the heart muscle.

Antioxidant activity of

Now you can tell about the beneficial effects that occur with the regular use of honey. This product has proven effective in eliminating signs of inflammation. This is one of the main advantages of raw honey, compared with other varieties. In addition to sugar and water, raw honey contains a large number of flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants. These compounds increase the body's natural resistance to the negative effects of free radicals. In addition, regular use of honey can prevent the oxidation of unused cholesterol.

As a result, the endothelial layer of arterial vessels is damaged to a lesser degree, which allows us to protect ourselves from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. With a decrease in the severity of inflammatory processes, it is possible to prevent the growth of atherosclerotic plaque and to protect yourself from a heart attack or stroke.

Comparison of a healthy and atherosclerotic altered vessel

It must be said that the ratio of nutrients, trace elements and antioxidants directly depends on the bees and on what colors they collect the nectar. To be more precise, the darker the honey, the more antioxidants it contains( the same with red wine).

How is honey useful for vessels? As studies have shown, buckwheat honey significantly increases the concentration of antioxidants in the blood.

Large concentrations of sugar lead to damage to the arterial wall. In this regard, a major danger is diabetes. With a decrease in the production of natural insulin, the blood sugar level begins to increase steadily. The endothelium of the vessels is damaged and at this point the atherosclerotic plaque begins to form. If you completely abandon the use of sugar, you can reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis. Anyway, practice shows that very few people are ready to radically change the diet. It will be more realistic if people find an alternative to sugar in the form of honey. This product is much more useful and contains more nutrients.

Nevertheless, it must be remembered that raw honey also contains sugar, so it is very important not to eat it too much otherwise the effect will be the same as the use of ordinary beet sugar in food.

Honey improves the lipid profile and optimizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. From scientific research it became known that with regular use of honey in food, the level of triglycerides( blood lipids, which are harmful at elevated concentrations) decreases and the level of HDL cholesterol( "good" cholesterol) rises. The concentration of these two substances is very important in assessing the lipid profile.

It should be noted that in the course of this study, improvements in the lipid balance were small, therefore, the treatment with honey of cardiovascular diseases should not take place as monotherapy. This product is best combined with a low-calorie diet or with drugs that reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Improvement of cardiac metabolism

Regular use of honey affects not only coronary vessels, but also directly on the cardiac muscle( myocardium).The heart performs hard work, continuously pumping blood through the circulatory system. Such labor requires high energy costs, and honey contains the necessary nutritional components. In addition, there is an indirect improvement in myocardial nutrition by increasing the level of hemoglobin( red blood cell pigeon that carries oxygen) and the expansion of the coronary vessels( the more the arterial lumen the better the blood supply to the heart muscle).

Reduced blood viscosity

NZKhismatullina - one of the leading specialists in the field of apitherapy believes that if you often use honey for food, you can reduce the viscosity of the blood. With a decrease in blood viscosity, the risk of thrombus formation and myocardial infarction can be reduced. Many modern drugs, the mechanism of action of which is directed against the formation of thrombi( Trombo ACC, Clopidrogel) are aimed precisely at reducing the viscosity of the blood.

Localization of pain in case of myocardial infarction

Antihypertensive effect

Professor M.V.Golomb for a long time studied the influence of honey on the heart and found that with his help you can treat patients suffering from hypertension. In his research, he noted that the regular use of honey in food( about 100 grams per day) improves the overall condition of patients, stabilizes the heart and reduces swelling of the extremities. In his experiment, about 500 patients with hypertensive disease participated. According to the author of the study, almost all patients had normalization of arterial pressure and urination.

In addition, patients have improved sleep, decreased overall fatigue and increased vitality.

Recipes for

There are many different recipes for decoctions, tinctures and other drinks that work to improve the work of the heart. Next, the most common recipes are presented, which are most popular among connoisseurs of traditional medicine.

Broth of dogrose with honey

For its preparation it is necessary to take 1100 ml of pure, preferably filtered water, 50 g of dried and dog-rose and 100 g of raw honey. Rosehip must be washed in running water, mashed, pour boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Some people add lemon zest to the flavor, but it's an amateur. After that, the broth should be infused for 3-4 hours, strain through gauze and add 100 g of honey. To stir thoroughly. Take 100 ml to 4 times a day.

Decoction with St. John's Wort

This decoction will need 2000 ml of purified filtered water, 200 g of honey and 100 g of dried St. John's wort. Boil water, add the herb of St. John's wort there. Boil for 10 minutes. After this, turn off the heat and cool the broth at room temperature for half an hour. After this, strain, add 200 g of honey and mix thoroughly. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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