The calorie content of honey is much higher than sugar. In addition, it does not contain fiber, and, therefore, is absorbed by 100%.From this follows a completely legitimate answer to the question of whether they get fat from honey. Fat! But only if you do not follow the simple rules of using this highly nutritious and tasty treat.
Can I recover from honey?
Despite the high caloric content, there are all kinds of honey diets, and many people successfully use them. So how to correctly answer our question? From honey get fat or lose weight? To understand this, consider the reasons for the collection of extra pounds. The main ones are:
- overeating;
- eating high-calorie foods;
- is a sedentary lifestyle.
If you understand, you can recover from any product that has, at least some calories, if you eat it in huge quantities. Honey is so high-calorie that in order to exceed the daily norm of kilocalories, it will take quite a bit - a little more than 100 g. For comparison, in one teaspoon without top contains 8 g of honey. So, in a day you can eat no more than 12 such spoons. Excess is fraught with a set of extra pounds.
High caloric intake of food is the most common cause of excess weight. However, despite the fact that honey is more than 2 times the sugar by the number of calories, it is still not the most harmful product in this regard. In 100 g of chocolate contains 500 kcal, and in the same amount of bee delicacy only 328 kcal.
Warning! Despite the fact that honey is one of the most high-calorie foods, if it is consumed in reasonable quantities, then it will not only help to gain excess weight, but also help get rid of unnecessary kilograms.
A sedentary lifestyle is another factor predisposing to completeness. With insufficient movement, blood flows slowly, energy consumption does not practically occur, and, consequently, the metabolism slows down. Honey, as you know, accelerates it, and, therefore, helps to burn extra pounds.
So, to answer the question - are they getting fat from honey, we sum up all of the above:
- honey speeds up the metabolism, contributing to the burning of fat stores;
- its caloric value is greatly exaggerated, there are sweets, much more harmful in this respect;
- with a moderate intake of this product, it is consumed without rest for the everyday needs and fat does not get any calories.
The answer to the question, can I get fat from honey? It becomes obvious. Can. If you eat it in large quantities.
Tip! To control the amount of food consumed, you can pre-measure the desired volume. In this case, it will be difficult to exceed it.
How to stay slim, eating honey?
In part, we already answered this question - to observe the measure. However, there are still some nuances that affect the degree of risk replenish, with the use of honey for food.
Here are the main predisposing factors:
- Heat of honey over 50 0С, reducing its value and utility for the body.
- The use of high-calorie varieties.
- Simultaneous reception of other carbohydrates - bread, sweet baked goods, sweets and chocolate.
- Increased appetite, when consuming honey, which, in turn, can cause overeating and obesity.
Staying slim, despite all these factors, will help strict control of the diet and compliance with the conditions of proper storage of honey. Learn how and for how long this curative product is stored, you can from the article about the shelf life of honey.
That's interesting! In addition to honey diets for weight loss apply all kinds of applications and wraps from this useful product. Their action is based on the warming effect, which is manifested when the skin comes into contact with honey.
Basic rules of honey diets
Honey diets are based on the principle of fast assimilation of "right" carbohydrates - glucose and fructose.
honey diet. The basic rules for most of them are the same and contain the following items:
- Refusal of starchy food.
- Mandatory inclusion in the diet of dairy and sour-milk products.
- The use of fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin A and fiber.
Starch is able to react with honey, thereby reducing some of its useful properties. Therefore, it is excluded from the diet.
Dairy products help to digest honey better, improving the permeability of intestinal walls.
Vitamin A promotes the cleavage of fat cells, and fiber helps the body get rid of everything that is superfluous.
Tip! To consolidate the effect of the honey diet, it is recommended to arrange unloading days involving fruits that contain a high percentage of fiber.
Interesting information on how to properly use honey, you can see in this video: