What is in the composition of honey?

  1. Glucose
  2. Minerals
  3. Vitamins

Honey is a natural healer, which, in addition to medicinal properties, has unsurpassed taste qualities. It's not for nothing that the first month of marriage is called "honey", as this is the sweetest and happiest time for a newly-married couple. Recent scientific studies have established that honey differs from other foods in the richest composition, which turned out to be quite similar to blood plasma. So what is the nutritional value of honey? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Bee honey contains a huge amount of important substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.


Glucose is one of the most important components. This is the basis of the food value of the product. Glucose is a mixture of fruit and grape sugars, which are easily absorbed by the human body. Depending on the variety, this indicator will be equal to 98% or 100%.Monosaccharides penetrate the body through the walls of the stomach and intestines and give a huge charge of energy.

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Honey is an excellent alternative to the usual granulated sugar

It is thanks to glucose honey has a pleasant sweet taste, for which many of it is often included in your daily diet. Using this product, you will prolong youth, because he discovers the secret of longevity. About why honey is more useful than sugar, read in the article: Is there sugar in honey, or an eternal confrontation of two sweet foods.


Honey contains a large number of mineral salts, which also determine its nutritional value. These components are already present in our body, but in fairly small doses. They play an important biological role, since it is on them that the normal operation of the central nervous system, the processes of blood formation and tissue saturation with oxygen depend. Minerals actively "cooperate" with hormones, enzymes and vitamins, which are present in large quantities in honey, and help our body resist stress and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

An interesting fact! The scientists conducted a curious experiment. For a small group of animals, a ration was made, from which products containing mineral salts were completely excluded. The food was varied enough and had a rich vitamin, protein, carbohydrate and enzyme composition, but in spite of this, the experimental subjects quickly began to lose activity and soon a threat of death loomed over them.

To say that honey contains a large amount of trace elements is not to say anything. In order not to create useless and dry enumeration of the elements of the periodic table, it is necessary to consider this issue somewhat differently.

Just one honey bed a day provides a complete set of mineral salts
  • Calcium - thanks to it our skeleton is strong. Calcium is necessary for the formation of bones.
  • Cobalt - responsible for the normal life of the whole organism. Its lack leads to disruption of growth, hematopoiesis and development. In some cases, with a deficiency of cobalt, infertility can be observed.
  • Bismuth - helps in the fight against a disease such as syphilis, completely destroying its pathogens.
  • Lithium - eliminates manifestations of arthritis.
  • Zinc, nickel - reduce the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Strontium, sodium - work on the kidneys and promote the excretion of metabolic products from the body.
  • Gold - prevention and assistance in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • Sulfur - helps detoxify the body during heavy metal poisoning.
  • Chlorine - has an indirect effect on metabolic processes.
  • Molybdenum - takes an active part in the formation of amino acids.

Important! Every day, the body should receive 2 mg of molybdenum, otherwise it will affect its development.


Vitamins have high biological activity, even in small doses. Thanks to them, there is a metabolism, and the body acquires the ability to resist the influence of unfavorable external factors. What processes are responsible for vitamins?

  • Increases resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Prevents aging.
  • Participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids.
  • Promote rapid healing of wounds and fractures.

The human body begins to experience a special need for vitamins in various stressful situations, during pregnancy and lactation, with prolonged mental stress, during physical overstrain, with adrenal insufficiency and thyroid disorders.

So, the answer to the most important question is which vitamins are contained in honey? It should start with the fact that this list will not be as long as the list of minerals and if you are interested, we will try to give the maximally detailed characteristics to each of them.

Vitamin A

Retinol or vitamin A contributes to the normal development of our body. Thanks to him we grow and gain weight. He takes an active part in the process of vital activity of skin cells, contributes to its regeneration. Ensures normal operation of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract.

If vitamin A is not enough, we will lose the ability to see well, the cholesterol metabolism will be broken, and the skin will become dry and wrinkled. There will be problems with the kidneys, and the body will lose the ability to resist infections.

Vitamin A gives the skin radiance and beauty

It should be remembered that an overdose of retinol can cause fever, vomiting and loss of appetite.

This substance enters the body in the form of carotene and, digesting, turns into vitamin A.

Vitamins of group B

This group has more than 10 vitamins that participate in the metabolic processes of the body.

Attention! It is known that a deficiency of this vitamin can cause a beriberi disease. This is confirmed by one study. Scientists fed pigeons with foods devoid of this vitamin, and soon they fell ill. When, in the diet of birds introduced flower honey, the disease beriberi completely retreated.

Group B vitamins provide normal functioning of the nervous system, keep the teeth healthy and have an analgesic effect.

With their deficiency, there are problems with fat metabolism, heart rhythm is broken and polyneuritis begins to develop. A person is constantly accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, appetite worsens, depression occurs. Hair can fall out, and the skin of eyelids and ear shells begins to peel off.

Vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP is contained in an amount of 4 mg per 1 kg of honey. Responsible for such processes:

  • improves carbohydrate metabolism;
  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • has a positive effect on hemodynamics;
  • stimulates liver function;
  • improves blood function;
  • increases gastric secretion;
  • has a wound healing and detoxification action;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol;
  • promotes oxidation-reduction processes.

Important! The daily requirement of an organism in vitamin РР makes about 20 mg. If there are disturbances in the work of the digestive organs and there is a tension in the neuropsychic activity, the need for this vitamin increases.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is one of the most important substances for normal body functioning. Thanks to it there is healing of wounds and a metabolism, the permeability of blood vessels is normalized, the resistance of the organism to various kinds of infections increases. Vitamin C helps fight poisons by providing detoxification effects in poisoning.

Thanks to this substance, the vital tonus of the body is increased

Attention! The use of vitamin C in large doses is dangerous to health. There is anemia, and the resistance of the body is suppressed.

If ascorbic acid is deficient, the following can be observed:

  • develops scurvy;
  • irritability arises;
  • cardiac rhythm is disturbed;
  • appears rapid breathing;
  • reduced performance;The
  • gums begin to bleed.

Vitamin E

This is a whole group of vitamins, each of which has a special biological effect. Vitamin E is able to persist at high enough temperatures and does not collapse, even when the thermometer reaches + 170 ° C.

It is very useful and has the following properties:

  • improves memory;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • has antihistamine action;
  • produces an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • is a cell membrane stabilizer;
  • prevents the oxidation of vitamin A;
  • activates spermatogenesis;
  • promotes the accumulation of fat-soluble vitamins.

Its often in its diet include athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Vitamin E is used for sexual disorders and is indicated during pregnancy. It helps to cure various skin diseases, stimulates the work of foam and kidneys.

Vitamin E gives energy and enhances mental abilities

Vitamin H

Biotin is essential for our body to normalize amino acid metabolism. Thanks to it, the products of carbohydrate metabolism decay. The lack of vitamin H affects the health of hair, nails and skin, as well as the functions of the nervous system.

Warning! The required daily dose for an adult is 0.3 mg.

Vitamin K

This vitamin belongs to the group of fat-soluble compounds. Thanks to him, our blood has the ability to coagulate. The lack of this component leads to hemorrhages and bleeding.

Now you know what vitamins, minerals and trace elements are contained in honey, and understand that this is a real storehouse of useful substances. With the regular use of this beekeeping product, you normalize the work of internal organs and protect your body from infections.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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