Honey from mustard - health in every grain!

Mustard honey bees are harvested from large yellow mustard flowers blossoming in early summer. This plant is known as one of the most healing spices. One hectare of mustard field gives beekeepers up to 500 kg of fragrant nectar.

Interesting features

Color, taste, smell

In liquid form honey has a beautiful bright golden color, and after crystallization with small grains becomes creamy yellow. The taste is tender, sweet, but not cloying. The fragrance is pleasant, giving off a grassy sound.

Warning! The product, collected with mustard, neither taste, nor smell, nor appearance looks like its source.

Healing action

Mustard honey and its beneficial properties are known to mankind for a long time. It is widely used in alternative medicine for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The product absorbed all the healing properties of mustard, becoming a powerful medicine. Honey is used to strengthen immunity, improve kidneys, cleanse the body, and also as a diuretic.

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Warning! Mustard honey is famous as an excellent fortifying and invigorating product.

Mustard is famous as one of the most healing plants

In addition, this variety saves from colds of any type( flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.).To cure 100 g of honey mixed with the juice of one lemon and taken together with herbal decoctions. To accelerate the recovery from colds help recipe, where mustard honey and horseradish juice are involved in equal doses.

Important! Regular use of the product paired with hot tea or boiling water will protect you from dozens of diseases and ailments.

For the treatment of diseases

Mustard honey is used to treat:

  • of the lungs, bronchi, thyroid gland;
  • of chronic and acute pleurisy and bronchitis;

  • heart and vascular disease;
  • of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • of radiculitis and neuralgia.

Useful properties of mustard honey are not limited to the listed list. The product acts as a natural antiseptic, which heals inflammation of the larynx and the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Compresses and bandages on the basis of this honey heal and disinfect open wounds, severe burns, abscesses, suppuration and other injuries.

Warning! Nectar, collected with mustard, is highly recommended to the elderly. The reason for this is the ability of the product to dilute the blood and stabilize the processes of hematopoiesis. Natural mustard honey acts as a substitute for sugar, which is very useful for people prone to diabetes, as well as for patients suffering from it.

The product stimulates brain activity, improves memory, heals atherosclerosis. Its curative effect extends to the organs of sight and hearing, the toning of the body and the restoration of strength.

Mustard honey is a real salvation for people suffering from joint diseases. It is indispensable for arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, applying both basic and additional remedy.

The product affects the production of gastric juice, so it should be taken before meals.

Effective remedy for many diseases

Attention! Mustard honey, thanks to an arsenal of useful properties and the richest chemical composition is suitable for people of all ages. The exception is patients who are allergic to bee products or extracts of mustard.

Recipes based on honey from mustard

Honey can be used either inward or outward
  • From a strong cough. Brew according to art.a spoonful of chamomile and a mother-and-stepmother. Decoction cool, strain and dissolve in it 1 tbsp.spoon of honey.
  • For weaning from smoking. Collecting from the roots of valerian, cumin and fennel fruits, chamomile flowers with honey relieves irritation and insomnia in people who are not used to smoking. For this 2 tbsp. Spoons of the crushed harvest of herbs brew 0.5 liters of water and allow to infuse for 2-3 hours. Then strain and use a glass with the addition of 1 tbsp.tablespoons mustard honey twice a day.
  • When intoxicated. Mustard honey, thanks to a decent amount of fructose, effectively and quickly neutralizes the effect of alcohol. To do this, take 100-120 g melted in a water bath product in 2 divided doses.
  • With radiculitis. Apply a thin layer of honey to the bandage of cotton cloth and attach it to the affected area. Cover it with polyethylene and cover with a scarf. Already after half an hour-hour there will be a noticeable improvement.
  • As a face mask. To improve the complexion and tone of the skin, a recipe from 2 st.spoons of honey, one egg yolk and a dessert spoon of olive oil.

As you can see, the useful properties of mustard honey are almost unlimited. This is one of the most delicious medicines and medicinal treats, which earned the recognition of the whole world.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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