Coprolits or fecal stones are seals from fossil feces that have accumulated over many years in the distal parts of the colon resembling folds in pockets. Stones these clusters are called both because of their density, and because of the resembling a pebble of round shape. Their diameter is on average 6-12 centimeters. There are examples when, by the age of 40-50, people formed whole rubble in their large intestine weighing up to 40 kilograms, and the biggest one in history, such stone reached 2 kilograms.
- Whence stones
- Symptoms availability
- Treatment with drugs
- bisacodyl
- Guttalaks
- Dufalac
- Norgalaks
- Regulaks
- Forlaks
- Elimin
- Recipes enemas
- Honey
- microclysters Ogneva
- C
- oil C enimaksom
- Herbal
- Traditional methods
- Orange monodiet
- Vodka with oil
- Glauber's salt
- Castor oil
- Apples and oil
- Prevention
- Treatment of a child
- Than the stones
are dangerouserutsya stones
main causes of fecal stones in the body:
- incorrect and unbalanced diet;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- bad habits;
- an abundance of goodies in the daily diet;
- randomly swallowed berry, fish or animal bones;
- residual particles of undigested food;
- ingestion of foreign particles( hair, tablets).
It is proved, for example, that coprolites can be formed due to the intake of insoluble antacids in a large volume. Under the influence of bacteria undigested residues decay and compact. Year after year the process is aggravated.
to contents ^Symptoms of their presence
The most common symptoms of contamination with slag of the digestive tract:
- increased overall fatigue without a valid reason;
- violation of sleep;
- weakness;
- anger and irritability;
- excessive sweating and, therefore, a bad body odor;
- causeless headaches and dizziness;
- frequent diarrhea or constipation;
- reinforced gas waste from the anus;
- causeless permanent discomfort in the abdomen;
- bleeding from the anus;
- stale mouth breathing( fetid odors, even in the absence of stomach diseases);
- yellow or gray plaque;
- strong white or yellowish coating on the surface of the tongue;
- a frequent sense of bitterness in the oral cavity;
- presence of gallstones and kidney stones;
- developed cholecystitis;
- problems with frequent inflammatory processes of the organs of urination;
- allergic reactions, itching, acne, skin rashes, boils, eczema;
- cracks in the skin, especially on the heels and soles;
- frequent illnesses due to decreased immunity, 90% of which are in the intestine.
All these symptoms are the result of a chronic, gradually accumulating poisoning of the human body with poisons and toxins accumulated inside for many years.
to table of contents ^Treatment with
drugs It is recommended to take laxative pharmaceutical preparations only after sparing people's therapy with infusions and decoctions. Do not forget: any medicine, when exposed to the human intestine, has numerous side effects. It is also advisable to consult a doctor before the treatment and carefully study the instructions of the prescribed medications.
And yet, taking laxatives is considered the most gentle method of cleaning the colon. Since antibiotics or technical medical intervention is very detrimental to the body.
Tablets in an enteric coating. The main component of the action is bisacodyl.
Laxative medication. It improves the process of excretion of electrolytes and liquid from the intestine, blocks their reabsorption. It is indicated with frequent and chronic constipation.
Usage: Is taken orally. At the beginning of taking the medication, adults should limit themselves to 5 milligrams, and in the absence of a side effect, 10-15 milligrams.
Side effects: nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and swelling, accompanying a feeling of heaviness, frequent colic in the intestine, complete dehydration with constant intake, loss of electrolytes( especially potassium).
Drops. The main component of the action is sodium picosulphate.
Laxative medication. Actively stimulates the promotion of intestinal contents. Reduces the absorption of liquids and electrolytes.
Method of administration: It is recommended to start taking with 7-8 drops diluted in water. The action of the medication begins 10-12 hours after ingestion.
Adverse events: general weakness, convulsions, dehydration, lower blood pressure, GI disorders.
Syrup of hyperosmotic laxative action. The main components of the action are lactulose and purified water.
The medication perfectly relieves a person of any kind of constipation and normalizes the natural process of fecal matter departure. Promotes the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis even in children.
Method of administration: The dosage of medication is selected individually, starting from 5 milliliters 1 time per day. Course - 1-2 months.
Adverse events: flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Enema. The main component of exposure is sodium docusate. The drug helps to soften the excreta mass, can help reduce the surface tension of water in the intestinal tract and induce a defecation reaction.
Method of application: to make medicinal enemas no later than 20 minutes before the time of the desired onset of defecation.
Adverse effects: impaired digestion, stool disorder, rectal anal bleeding, allergic dermatitis.
Phyto cubes for chewing. The main components of the action are leaves and fruits of Senna narrow-leaved, citric acid paraffin in liquid consistency, sorbitol, sorbic acid, propylene glycol, sugar syrup, flavors, solid fat, and fatty paste.
Medication laxative effect. Actively stimulates the advancement of mass slag feces.
How to use: chew the cube before going to bed. The medication will laxative after 8-10 hours after eating the cube. In day you can eat only 1 cube.
Adverse events: nausea, vomiting, allergies, spasms in the digestive tract.
Easily soluble in water white powder.
Laxative with osmotic effects. When taking the drug, you need to eat foods with fiber and increase physical activity for better exposure.
Application method: 1 package powder to dissolve in 50 milliliters of boiled chilled water. Drink. The action occurs within 24-48 hours.
Adverse events: diarrhea.
Drops. The main component of the action is sodium picosulphate.
Strong and fast acting laxative. Does not lead to addiction. Excellent for all types of constipation. It is best to use the drug for constipation resulting from inactive lifestyles, diets, pregnancy, overweight, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, postoperative period.
How to use: 10-15 drops diluted with water and drunk before going to bed. Promotes a one-time feces.
Adverse events: not identified.
Recipes of enemas
To remove stool stones from the intestine can also resort to enemas. This technique is used both in hospital and at home. But in any case it is better to coordinate the process with the doctor.
The most famous recipes of enemas for coprolites:
to contents ^Honey
Its basis is honey, but not any, but pumpkin. It is gentle and gentle cleaning. First, the intestine is cleaned with a normal enema, and only then a mixture of 300 grams of honey and 200 grams of warm boiling water at a temperature of no higher than 38 ° C is introduced into the anus. It is desirable to hold the solution inside for half an hour. If you use the enema every day for 5-7 days, stool stones are removed gently and painlessly. In addition, such an enema promotes the treatment of skin diseases, is useful in diseases of the liver and gallbladder and even contributes to the disappearance of papillomas.
to the table of contents ^Ogneve's Microclyster of Fire
The name of the procedure was acquired in honor of its inventor - Russian surgeon Ognev.
To prepare the mixture it is necessary:
- 200 milliliters of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
- 200 milliliters of pure non-technical glycerin;
- 200 milliliters of a soap solution or 100 milliliters of dry wine.
After administration of the mixture, the patient should take a reclining position for 10-15 minutes.
The enema causes burning and is called in medical practice a "fiery enema".
This type of enema is forbidden with contraindications to the use of peroxide, with any inflammation of the thick, sigmoid and colon.
to the table of contents ^With
oil For clipping it is necessary to decide on the choice of oil: olive, linseed, sunflower, vaseline, sea-buckthorn, hemp. Mixing of oil is not recommended.
The selected oil must be heated to the temperature of the human body. Oils need about 100 grams. The oil has a good enveloping effect on coprolites and greatly facilitates the process of their exit. Microclystia act begins 10 hours after the injection. To avoid leakage of oil, it is necessary to take a lying position after the procedure for 30 minutes.
This enema does not irritate the intestines, does not increase peristalsis and is not absorbed deeply, cleans gently and gently.
to contents ^With enamax
The preparation "Enamax" strengthens the osmotic pressure in the lumen of the intestine and initiates peristalsis.
This drug is sold in disposable plastic enemas with a volume of 120 milliliters.
Adults at once enter the entire volume. It is recommended to keep the remedy after injection in the intestine for at least 8-10 minutes.
Active stimulating coprolites effect occurs only 5 minutes after the procedure.
Such enemas are prohibited when hypersensitivity, hemorrhoids in acute form, with cracks in the anus, and with erosive and ulcerative diseases.
to table of contents ^Herbal
Mix in equal parts pharmacy herbs: celandine, yarrow, marigold, sage, chamomile, oregano, birch and eucalyptus leaves, dill and plantain seeds.
To prepare the medicine, take 5 large spoons of dry herb collection. Collect 2 liters of boiling water. Leave the broth for at least 30 minutes in a sealed container. After the time has passed, drain and cool to room temperature. You need to do an enema in the morning before 6 o'clock. The first week of cleansing to do the procedure every morning, and the second week to spend enema every other day.
Folk methods
Popular recipes for home folk remedies for coprolite problems:
to the table of contents ^Orangemono-diet
For cleaning, it is worth every day for 14 days to eat 2 oranges of medium size in the morning and in the evening. It is only the upper, thin, dried peel skin that needs to be scraped off the fruit. A white layer between the zest and flesh should also be eaten. And also consume a white fibrous septum between the lobules.
to contents ^Vodka with
oil Connect 40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 20-40 ml of vodka in a tightly closed container. The container should be tightly closed and shaken for 5 minutes by shaking. Open and as soon as possible all drink. This mixture should be drunk 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Try to alternate the application in equal intervals of time. The mixture is used for medicinal purposes for 10 days in a row. Take a break for 5 days and again repeat the oil and vodka course. After the third course, take a break for 2 weeks. If necessary, repeat this treatment cycle until 2-3 years.
to contents ^Glauber's salt
Glauber's salt is a white, hygroscopic powder, easily soluble in water. The powder is very bitter in taste. One day before the first cleaning procedure, it is worthwhile to prepare a medicine. Dissolve 40 grams of salt in 400 milliliters of warm boiled water. Drink in a day mixture for 2 hours before bedtime. Mixture to drink in small doses up to 30 minutes. After 2 hours you need to drink 2 cups of still fresh water. The cleaning effect can be observed already in the morning. After such treatment it is necessary to observe a 3-day water-vegetable diet.
to contents ^Castor oil
For the preparation of a cleansing agent, it is worth taking castor oil in the calculation of 1 gram per 1 kg of human body weight. Heat the oil in a water-vapor way. Squeeze the juice of lemon in the amount of 2 parts of juice for 1 part of the butter. Quickly drink warm oil and drink lemon juice. Do not eat or drink anything for 12 hours after taking the medicine.
The procedure is best done at night, with severe nausea, you can chew a little raisins. Cleansing begins after 2 hours, and the slag withdrawal after 12 hours.
to contents ^Apples and oil
Safe and useful way to improve and rejuvenate the body to those who have contraindications to the use of cleansing enemas. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a tablespoon of olive, linseed or sunflower oil.
To clean the intestines, you need 2 kilograms of sweet and sour apples. Every 2 hours you need to eat an apple. To drink during this day only water. This discharge for the gastrointestinal tract is useful 2 times a month.
to table of contents ^Prevention
To avoid the formation of coprolits it is worth:
- to moderate foods that provoke frequent constipation: boiled eggs, rice, pasta, potatoes, pastries, buckwheat, millet, semolina, chocolate, fat broths, bananas.
- drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water a day;
- drink only green tea without impurities and sugar;
- there are products with fiber: oat bran, oat flakes, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, flax seeds, berries, fruits;
- more to walk and do at least a little exercise in the morning.
Treatment of a child
Than the stones
are dangerousIf you do not start taking coprolits from the body at the first symptomatology of their presence, you can simply "earn" stasis and intestinal obstruction. Such problems can only be solved through surgical intervention. In addition, the constant intoxication of the body will negatively affect the external state, especially on the skin and hair. Internal health will suffer, too, because due to the presence of stones, food will not properly benefit, because it will be accompanied by the absorption of toxins.