According to GOST, the shelf life of honey is from 8 to 12 months, depending on the conditions under which it is stored. However, in the markets you can find a two-year and even three-year product. Thus sellers assure, that long exposure only improves its quality and taste, and curative properties at all do not decrease with the course of time. Is it so? Let's try to figure this out.
What determines the duration of storage of honey?
In the conditions of the hive, honey does not spoil for years. The hermetically sealed honeycomb cell is an ideal vessel for storing this delicious product. Through the wax walls are unable to penetrate harmful microorganisms, and the lack of oxygen prevents fermentation. Another thing is if the honeycomb is opened and their contents are packaged in a shop container.
When pumping out honey, various foreign substances and bacteria enter. It is influenced by temperature, humidity, sunlight and many other factors. Under these conditions, the shelf life of honey varies from several months to several years and depends on the degree of environmental impact on it.
Decreasing factors:
- temperature above 20 ° C;
- sunlight;
- humidity of air more than 75%;
- is an open storage method.
The safety of the delicious bee products is also affected by its chemical composition. The more padi in it - the sweet substance collected by insects from the trees in late autumn, or the dry month of summer, the less will be the period of its storage.
Bees, which are often fed with sugar, produce a product that is poor in vitamins and organic acids. He not only does not bring any health benefits, but also quickly deteriorates.
The shelf life of honey depends to a considerable extent on the degree of its maturity. A good, mature product is able, under favorable conditions, to retain its medicinal properties for up to 2 years. Retrieved before the term, it contains few biologically active substances and too much water. When stored on its surface, foam forms and the taste is acidic. Such signs indicate the onset of fermentation.
An interesting fact! During the excavation of the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, archaeologists often discover waxed pots of honey. At the same time, they show no signs of spoilage, and chemical analysis indicates the complete suitability of the product for consumption.
How long can honey be stored at home?
In industrial production, where all the conditions are met, the shelf life of natural honey( without any additives) is 1 year. And how long does this delicious product preserve its useful properties at home?
An unequivocal answer to the question about what shelf life of honey does not exist. Everything depends on its kind, external factors and degree of maturity. It often happens that even if all the rules of storage are observed, fermentation processes begin in it and the product becomes unfit for consumption. In this case, we can assume its low quality.
This honey, under all conditions of storage, does not spoil for years. However, after 12 months.he begins to gradually lose his healing properties. Therefore, it is desirable to not keep it any longer than this time. In this case, note that the store label indicates the date of packing, and how much the sweet product has lain before it is completely unknown.
Tip! To buy honey is best from familiar beekeepers or at seasonal fairs. Only in this case you can be sure of the usefulness of this delicious product.
It should be noted that sometimes when storing honey, you can observe the effect of stratification - the product is divided into two parts, which differ in color and structure. Why is this happening, and is this a sign of poor quality? The answer you will find in the article: Once a strip, two strips, or Why stratifies honey?Does crystallization of honey have any influence on the shelf life?
Inexperienced buyers are often frightened to find that after some time initially liquid honey in the bank thickened and sugared. However, this process is natural. Crystallization of honey for its useful life has no effect. Moreover, if he stayed liquid after 3 months after the purchase, then, most likely, the product is falsified and contains extraneous additives. Exception - acacia honey. The period of its crystallization can last up to a year.
The rate of sugaring is influenced by the storage temperature and the type of herbs from which nectar was collected. If you keep the jar in the refrigerator, the crystallization process will go faster. At room temperature, honey does not change its initial consistency for a longer time.
The high content of fructose increases the crystallization time. This explains why the acacia, lime and root varieties are not sugared for a long time and retain their liquid structure.
Tip! When buying honey, pay attention to its consistency. The last pumping out is in mid-September. If in January it still remains liquid, then, most likely, the product contains impurities or it is melted to give a presentation.
See also a video on how to properly store honey and after what time its crystallization takes place: