Pergu is used for prostatitis, with stomach ulcer, asthma, bronchitis!

  1. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  2. Treatment of infectious and chronic diseases
  3. Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract
  4. Treatment of diseases of the genital area
  5. Application in cosmetology

Since ancient times, perga has been used for the treatment of heart diseases, digestive system, genital organs, infectious diseases,goals, including for weight loss.

Beekeepers on the strength of useful properties put it on the 2 nd place immediately after royal jelly, therefore the use of perga is advisable even in the fight against diseases that occupy the first places in danger of death.

But for the treatment of each particular ailment, different recipes are used and, accordingly, the doses of bee bread.

Warning! Always, before starting to use any product for medical or prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get his permission for these actions.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Most often, the development of cardiovascular pathologies is associated with inadequate intake of foods rich in potassium, or a violation of absorption of this substance. Regular resolution of pergia will contribute to:

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  • Relief of the condition in myocarditis, heart defects and IHD.To do this, add 2 parts of honey 1 part of Perga and take a ready mix of 1 tbsp.l.up to 3 r.per day for two months.
  • Elimination of anemia. To this end, it is necessary to dilute 180 g of honey in 0.8 liters of water and only 50 g of bee bread. After completely dissolving the products of beekeeping, the mixture is left until it starts to ferment. As a rule, this takes several days. Then take it for ¾ cup half an hour before meals.
  • Elimination of heart failure and normalization of the heart rate. In 50 g of water, 0.5-1 st.l.bread, after a quarter of an hour it is taken inside. The course of treatment in such cases is usually 1 month, but if necessary, it can be repeated by resting for 2 weeks.
  • The resorption of cholesterol plaques and, accordingly, the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tip: even when you eat bread in a mixture with honey, you need to keep it in your mouth and dissolve, this increases the effectiveness of the medicine taken.

Strangely enough, but bee pengu has found application even in the treatment of heart attacks and strokes. During the recovery of the body after the transfer of such attacks it is recommended to take 5 g of bee products daily before meals, and this dose should be divided into 5 receptions. This will allow recent patients, bedridden, to get up and take care of themselves on their own within a few weeks after starting the treatment with bee bread.

Treatment of blood pressure disorders

Usually apitherapists advise hypertensives to take bee bread before meals, and hypotonic, on the contrary, after. This is due to the fact that with the use of Perga before meals, there is an increase in blood flow to the stomach, so in all other parts of the body, including in the head, it weakens. A consequence of this is a decrease in blood pressure. When you take the product after eating a similar effect is not observed.

Under reduced pressure, it is not necessary, under any circumstances, to take perga before meals, as this will lead to an even greater reduction in pressure, and maybe to syncope

. Important: if a hypotonic is ignorant or accidentally takes bee bread before eating, then itsand so low pressure can further fall. In such cases, to take any serious action should not be, because after 30 or 40 minutes his condition is completely normalized.

There are no special recipes for taking Perga for normalizing the pressure level; it is simply necessary to dissolve 1 g of perga twice a day, but not exceed this dose.

Treatment of infectious and chronic diseases

Perga with a cold is the first thing. It will not only help restore strength, increase immunity, but it will also provide invaluable help to the body in the fight against pathogens because it has strong antibacterial properties. It will be superfluous to receive it if there are chronic or long-term illnesses. In such cases it is sufficient to take 1 / 3-2 / 3 tsp. Breads up to 3 times a day for a month.

Thus, bee bread is advisable to use in the treatment:

  • angina;
  • of pharyngitis;
  • influenza;
  • ARI, etc.

Also, perga can be used to strengthen immunity with an increased risk of contracting any infectious diseases, for example, in the autumn-winter period. But here's how to take pergue for immunity, directly depends on the person's age. Adults can safely every day rassasyvat 2 grams of the product, but children a dose should be reduced at least 4 times. In those cases when the epidemic flares up, the number of episodes of pergía ingestion per day can be slightly increased, and if a person is already ill, within 3-4 days the dose of the taken remedy is increased by 1.5-2 times.

In addition, perga, especially in combination with propolis, is effective against chronic diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. To eliminate skin rashes and itching, it is recommended that creams and ointments based on propolis wipe affected areas of the skin, and bee bread should be taken 3 g 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

Usually, for diseases of the digestive tract, it is recommended to take 3 g of pergis three times a day. This scheme of treatment helps in almost a week to completely restore the mucous membranes and normal intestinal microflora.

Perga can be used for any gastrointestinal diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties

Bee bread is successfully used for the treatment of gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, perga is effective in pancreatitis, but it is recommended to take it only during the remission of the disease.

Treatment of diseases of the genital area

Thanks to the unique composition, bee bread can be useful to men who suffer from:

  • prostatitis;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • infertility.

At the same time, this product, manufactured by caring bees, can be successfully used by women for the treatment of any diseases of the reproductive organs. In such cases, both men and women will be approached by a two-fold method of applying perga to 4 g.

In addition, women's bread can help to reliably transfer the responsible period of pregnancy, and the fetus - properly formed. The carried out researches have shown, that double reception of this product in day on 2 g reduces risk of a miscarriage and development at a fetus of any pathologies in 2 times. It is also superfluous to also take Perga and in the postpartum period for the speedy recovery of the body and stimulation of lactation.

Tip: if you do not find the right recipe for pergoy, you can apply it on half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, with a course of 3 to 6 weeks. But with worsening of the condition, the appearance of discomfort, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, you must immediately stop taking bread and contact the doctor.

Application in cosmetology

For experienced beauties who prefer to prepare cosmetic products at home, perga can be a real discovery. Due to its rich chemical composition, perg found wide application in cosmetology as a nutritious, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and even rejuvenating agent. Therefore, it can improve the appearance of the face and hair.

For example, a classic facial mask is prepared from half a teaspoon of this beekeeping product taken in a crushed form and the same amount of any kind of honey. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the finished mixture is applied to the skin cleansed with lotion for 20 minutes. After this time, the pergovo-honey mixture is washed off with warm water. This procedure can be repeated 2 times a week.

Face mask made from honey and pearls will give the skin youthfulness, elasticity and firmness

Tip: To strengthen the anti-aging properties of the mask, propolis or chicken egg can be added to it. Some women also prefer to supplement it with a small amount of ready-made nourishing cream.

In addition, perga in cosmetology is used to combat acne. To do this, use it inside a few grams per day, not forgetting to regularly rub the skin of problem areas with alcohol extract of propolis.

Also bee bread can be used to improve the appearance of the hair. Perga for hair is applied in the form of a powder. For preparation of one portion of the means it is enough to take 1 tbsp.l. Perga powder and mix with raw yolk, 2 tbsp.l.slightly warmed honey, 50 ml of heated burdock oil. The resulting mixture is applied to dry hair and carefully distributed over the entire length. Then the hair is tied in a bundle, and a polyethylene hat is put on the head. Keep the mask is at least 1 hour.

How to lose weight with pergi?

Among other things, perga is used for weight loss. This is explained by the fact that this natural product:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • restores blood circulation in all organs, including microcirculation of problem areas( which helps to overcome the problem of cellulite);
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system, so that a person ceases to experience constant anxiety and, consequently, "seize" stress;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • increases the tone of the body, which allows you to begin active sports activities, etc.

But how to take pergu for weight loss? Usually it is sufficient to consume 2-4 grams per day, but this does not mean that you can only use the product of beekeeping and ignore sports and nutrition. Bee bread only enhances the body's ability and normalizes the work of all organs, but it does not differ in fat burning properties.

Perga does not do all the work for you, but it will make it much easier

Also with the aim of losing weight you can use this mixture: 180 g of honey, 50 grams of bread, 800 g of water at room temperature. It is best to first dissolve the honey in the water and only then, stirring constantly, add the pepper to it. After completely dissolving all components, the mixture is left to be infused in ordinary room conditions until it is fermented. Take it in half a glass 30 minutes before eating.

Apparently, the perga has found the widest application in folk medicine. This is not surprising, because it has a lot of useful properties and has a very beneficial effect on the body, if you comply with the necessary dosage. More information about what this bee product is so useful, you will find in the article about perge: A natural product with more than 20 useful properties.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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