Colds and acute respiratory infections, accompanied by pain in the throat, headache, runny nose and cough, significantly worsen the general condition of a person, do not give the habitual active imagelife and sleep normally. In folk medicine for the elimination of these unpleasant symptoms and acceleration of recovery, beekeeping products have long been used, honey and propolis occupy a special place among them. The latter is developed and used by bees as a building material for sealing the cracks in the hive and adjusting the dimensions and as a means for disinfection and protection against pests. Tincture of propolis from cough is a very effective and universal curative product. It can be used both externally and indoors, for adults and children, with wet and dry cough caused by different localization of the inflammatory process in the airways. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, helps the body in the fight against pathogenic microflora, strengthens the immune system.
Therapeutic properties of propolis with cough
Cough refers to unconditioned human reflexes. It can occur for a variety of reasons: heart disease, allergies, CNS abnormalities, stomach reflux, foreign object entry, etc. But in most cases, the appearance of a cough is associated with inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract due to colds and acute respiratory infections. It can be a consequence of inflammation of the mucous throat, trachea, bronchi or lungs, therefore, the treatment should be administered depending on the localization of the inflammatory process and the nature of the cough( wet or dry).Nevertheless, in the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are universal remedies that can be used for any type of cough both independently and in combination with traditionally prescribed medications and physiotherapy procedures. One of these means is propolis or bee glue.
Propolis is a resinous substance with a rather pleasant herbal odor and a bitter taste. It found vitamins, a large number of minerals, enzymes, flavonoids, essential oils, organic and fatty acids, proteins, tannins and other useful compounds. The effectiveness of bee glue against cough, as in other diseases, is due to the diverse composition of biologically active compounds that supplement and potentiate the action of each other.
Means prepared on its basis:
- have antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
- accelerate the healing of diseased tissue of inflamed mucous membranes;
- promote the strengthening of immunity and increase the body's defenses;
- stops the development of the inflammatory process;
- have an analgesic effect;
- provides the body with vitamins and minerals, especially necessary in the period of illness.
Interesting: The chemical composition, color and aroma of bee glue depends on many factors: the type of plants from which bees collected resinous substances for its production, the state of bees, the climate, the time of year, the location of the hive, etc.
For the treatment of dry and wet coughPropolis is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. In severe forms of these diseases, requiring antibiotic therapy, bee glue is able to enhance the action of antibiotics, which can reduce their dosage or shorten the duration of treatment. Propolis itself is a natural antibiotic, characterized by high efficiency, selective action( destroys only pathogenic strains of bacteria) and the lack of formation of pathogens resistance to it even with prolonged use. In addition, when combined with antibacterial drugs, it reduces their negative impact on the beneficial intestinal microflora and helps prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.
Bee glue is useful not only for treating ARI, but also for preventing their occurrence during seasonal epidemics. The use of propolis or its tincture during coughing makes it possible to feel considerable relief in the first days. With caution, bee glue can also be used to treat cough in young children, but its concentration should be reduced in proportion to the child's age, although many do not recommend giving it earlier than 12 years.
Internal use of propolis for cough
In case of infectious respiratory diseases accompanied by cough and sore throat, various medicinal preparations for oral administration are prepared from propolis. It is mixed with honey, milk, butter or simple water infusions.Milk with Propolis
Warm milk with honey is a well-known recipe from childhood for treating cold symptoms such as cough and sore throat. It turns out that no less effective means is the combination of milk and propolis. Prepare a remedy very simply. Milk slightly warmed up to a warm state and add to it an alcoholic tincture of propolis at the rate of 15 drops per 200 ml of milk. It is recommended to drink a drink 2 - 3 times a day, and the last reception should be before night sleep. This product has a soothing and enveloping effect, relieves swelling and irritation of the inflamed mucosa of the respiratory tract, facilitates an easier escape of thick sputum when coughing.
Advice: When using tincture of propolis with milk from cough in children, its dosage is reduced to 5 drops, and 1 tsp is added to improve the taste.honey or sugar.
Tea with tincture of propolis
At the first symptoms of cold and acute respiratory infections, tea with propolis tincture is recommended. It is prepared very simply. For this purpose in usual black, green or grassy tea add 1 - 2 tsp.tinctures. To enhance the healing effect, you can additionally add a couple of black peppercorns, a piece of ginger root and 1 - 2 unclosed dried clove buds.
Propolis with honey and butter
For the treatment of propolis cough with bronchitis, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy. The bee glue is ground or finely grated. Take 2 tbsp.l.of the resulting mass and mixed with 500 g of butter. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath, stand for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from the bath and add 1 tsp.honey. Use the prepared product for 1 tbsp.l.three times a day for two weeks.
Cough remedy for sore throat
Cough is often caused by inflammation of the mucous throat, while it is dry, painful, does not bring relief, prevents sleep. An effective remedy for eliminating such a symptom will be a slow mastication in the mouth of a small piece of bee glue weighing from 1 to 3 g or resorption of a piece of refined sugar, which must first be drunk with a couple drops of alcohol tincture of propolis.External application of propolis with cough
Outwardly tincture of propolis from cough is used in the form of compresses, rubbing, throat rinsings and inhalations.
Warning: Before starting to treat cough with propolis, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the appropriateness and safety of this method and to conduct an allergy test.
An effective remedy for coughing caused by sore throat is rinsing. To prepare a propolis-based throat rinse solution, 50 g of the bee product is placed in a small saucepan and ½ liter of water is poured. Boil this mixture over a low heat, until propolis completely dissolves, then allow to cool and use for the intended purpose. Even easier to prepare a solution for rinsing the throat is possible from alcohol tincture of propolis, for this it is simply diluted in boiled water in the proportion of 1 to 40. Gargle with the prepared preparation every 2 hours until the condition improves.
In the treatment of a cough, steam inhalations give good results. They help dilute thick sputum and facilitate its natural evacuation. To perform inhalation with tincture of propolis from cough, 30 ml of tincture is diluted in 1 liter of hot boiled water, and then, covering the head with a towel, deeply inhale the resulting vapors at a distance of at least 30 cm from the solution. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day in the morning and in the evening.
Rubbing Ointment
Rubbing the chest and legs with warming ointments helps to get rid of the cough more quickly. To prepare a propolis based remedy, it is mixed with animal fat( bear, goat, badger, goose) or butter in a ratio of 1 to 5. The mixture is placed on a water bath and stirred while heating until a uniform consistency is achieved. Raziraniya chest and legs are carried out immediately before night sleep, and then put on socks, cover with a blanket and go to bed. This cough remedy is well suited for treating children.
About the medical properties of propolis: