How correctly to treat propolis joints?


  1. Benefits for the joints
  2. Rules for the use of propolis
  3. The best recipes with propolis
  4. Contraindications

Treatment with propolis joints has become increasingly popular. This is explained by the effectiveness and harmlessness of the means. And although drug treatment is necessary to combat the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the products of beekeeping can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. As an additional component, apitherapy helps to eliminate pain and returns the former mobility even with neglected forms of the disease.

Propolis is an effective and harmless medication for joints.

Benefits for joints

Propolis is called bee glue in another way. Small toilers collect this sticky, sticky substance from the spring buds of trees and treat them with special enzymes.

The chemical composition of propolis depends on the location of the hives and the surrounding grass and trees. Almost all vitamins, minerals, micro- and macronutrients necessary for man are found in bee glue.

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The effectiveness of propolis in the fight against articular pathologies is based on its anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the substance improves blood circulation in the affected tissues, reduces pain and swelling, accelerates regeneration.

A particularly good result of bee glue shows in the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis.

To reduce symptoms and restore tissue as quickly as possible, folk healers recommend using propolis for joints both externally and inward.

Warning. If the articulation has already begun a destructive process, it will not be able to cure it with the help of bee glue. The substance can only stop the deformation and reduce manifestations of the disease.

Propolis is able to alleviate the joint pains of any etiology

Therefore, it is so important to combine the beekeeping product with the medicines prescribed by the doctor, and go through apitherapy courses, not forgetting about it even during remission.

Propolis Application Rules

Propolis is a complex substance with a multicomponent composition and a strong effect on the body. In order to get the benefit from the product, it is necessary to apply it correctly:

  1. It is recommended to carefully monitor the state of health during the first procedure. This will correct further treatment.
  2. After applying the drug, the affected joint should be wrapped with a warm cloth.
  3. Apitherapy is best done in the evening. After the session, it is desirable to limit movement in the affected joint for 30-40 minutes.
  4. You can not supercool during the treatment period, so you should dress according to the weather.

If there are signs of local or general allergy, treatment with propolis should stop and take an antihistamine pill. If there are no adverse reactions, the frequency of application and the dosage of the drug are allowed to increase.

The best recipes with propolis

Propolis for joints can not be called a panacea, but with proper use it can significantly alleviate the condition of patients. There are a lot of prescriptions for apitherapy. Below we will consider the most effective, and which of them to choose - to be solved only by the patient together with the attending physician.

Medications for internal use

The most popular remedy for joint pathologies is the classical tincture on alcohol. The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolism in tissues and accelerates regeneration. The medicine can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is better to cook it yourself.

For the tincture you will need:

  • 50 g propolis;
  • 250 ml of alcohol or vodka.

The mixture is kept in a dark place for at least a week, periodically shaking the solution to better mix the ingredients. The finished product is taken 25 drops per 50 ml of liquid twice a day.

Spirituous tincture of propolis is taken orally, used for compresses and grits

No less effective is the "green" tincture. For its preparation take 100 ml of aloe juice and 1 tbsp.l.of crushed propolis. The composition is placed in a glass container, shaken carefully and kept for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Warning."Green" propolis for joints does not contain alcohol, so it is suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and adolescents.

The resulting product is filtered and consumed for 1 tsp.before each meal. Treatment is carried out for 40 days with a weekly break.

There is also a "vegetable" tincture. It is prepared from an equal amount of ground propolis and walnuts mixed with celery juice and a spoonful of alcohol. The mixture is infused for several hours at room temperature. Take the drug three times a day for 1 tbsp.l. Store only in the refrigerator. Treatment is conducted for 30 days.

Drinks with propolis

Very well restores the destroyed joints gelatinous broth. For the preparation of a collagen mixture it is necessary: ​​

  • 2 teaspoons gelatin;
  • 6 tablespoons of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of alcohol-infused propolis.

The gelatin crystals are poured with cool liquid and allowed to swell. Then the mixture is heated in a water bath until the ingredients are completely dissolved and beeswax is added. The resulting composition is mixed and taken to an empty stomach every morning.

Caution. Propolis does not lose its medicinal qualities when heated and boiled.

Well relieves pain and inflammation in the joints drink from cinnamon and propolis. In a glass of boiling liquid, put a few spice sticks, add a spoon of alcohol tincture and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Therapeutic composition survive the night and take the next day for 100 ml in the morning and in the evening.

Drink of propolis with cinnamon has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Citrus drink is prepared from 5 lemons, infused in 3 liters of boiling water, and 6 tablespoons.l.tinctures of propolis. The agent is stored in a refrigerator and taken in 100 ml twice a day. Treatment is carried out for a month.

Drugs for internal use not only have an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, but also supply the body with vitamins, increase immunity.

Analgesic Ointments

Treatment of propolis joints includes local effects on the affected tissue. Many ointments are prepared from beeswax, which are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of joint pathologies:

  1. Bee-glue with Vaseline. The ingredients are softened in a water bath and thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is poured into a small bowl and cooled. Use daily.
  2. Multi-component ointment. The drug is prepared from equal parts of propolis, honey, wax and resin. The ingredients are warmed on low heat, a yolk of one egg is injected into the slightly cooled mixture and mixed. The composition is applied to the affected joint hot, covered with wax paper and insulated.
  3. Alcoholic ointment. For medicine take 100 grams of softened propolis mixed with sea salt and 0.5 liters of good red wine. A few drops of rosemary or eucalyptus ether are added to the composition. The drug lasts two weeks in a dark place and is used for rheumatic pains and in rainy weather.
Ointment based on propolis is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of relapses of the joint disease.

. An ointment with cinnamon has a good analgesic and warming effect. It is prepared quickly, immediately before use. The molten propolis is mixed with the ground spice and the hot mixture is applied to the affected joint. For greater effect, camphor oil can be added to the formulation.

Tip. Apply ointment with camphor is better in the autumn-winter period and during attacks of joint pain.

Razmyrki for joints

To facilitate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis will help simple decoction of propolis. To make it, the bee glue is poured with water and heated on low heat until it dissolves completely. The hot liquid is applied with a cotton swab on the affected joint several times a day. It is made from local baths for hands and elbows or used for compresses.

According to another recipe for arthritic joints, the ground propolis is mixed with laurel leaves passed through the meat grinder. The mixture is filled with vegetable oil and insist for a week. The finished drug is rubbed into the affected joints daily.

For rheumatism, a mixture of honey with propolis
painfully removes pain. For treatment of aching rheumatic pains, softened bee glue is mixed with honey in the same proportions. The warm composition is rubbed into the affected area for 5-6 minutes. After massage, the product is applied in a thick layer, covered with wax paper and insulated. To achieve a lasting result, you must hold at least 10 sessions.

Healing compresses

Propolis lotions are most effective for arthrosis. The simplest compress is prepared from the following components:

  • 200 grams of interior fat;
  • 4 tbsp.l.melted propolis.

Ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. The hot mixture is impregnated with a rolled up in several layers of gauze and superimpose it on the diseased area. On top, the wrap is covered with polyethylene and wrapped. Keep until completely cooled.

Tip. After warming up procedures joints are smeared with ointment on the basis of propolis. This combined effect enhances the effect of treatment and accelerates tissue repair.

Spirituous compress of propolis fastened with a bandage and insulated

A compress made of propolis and alcohol has an expressed anesthetic and warming effect. Hot tincture is combined with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1, well kneaded and applied to canvas fabric. The compressor is insulated and held for 35-40 minutes. If there is no skin irritation, the next session is prolonged to 2-4 hours or leave a lotion for the night.

Compress with white clay has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Kaolin is dissolved in water, add crushed propolis or spoon of tincture to alcohol. The mixture is applied to several layers of gauze and applied to the joint. Hold for 3-4 hours or leave overnight.

Therapy is carried out for 10-14 days. After a short break, the procedures are resumed.


Propolis for the treatment of joints can be used by pregnant women and toddlers. This simple and safe tool has no serious contraindications to the use. The only restriction to apitherapy may be an allergic reaction. It is manifested by a rash, redness of the skin and itching. In this case, treatment should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that the great advantage of bee glue is its high efficiency combined with safety. Drugs based on propolis quickly eliminate pain and inflammation, improve motor activity and accelerate recovery.

Caution. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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