In order to make honey with nuts and dried fruits, you need very little time, but the benefits of such a treat will be enormous. The chemical composition of this super-nutritious dish is full of names of vitamins and minerals. It also contains proteins and digestible carbohydrates.
Health Benefits of
Each ingredient in a vitamin mixture itself contains a significant amount of healthy substances. Honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins - they are all good in their own way.Dried fruits have the following substances necessary for the body:
- pectins
- vitamins
- minerals
- cellulose
- organic acids.
If you understand in more detail, then dried apricots helps the work of the heart, cleanses the vessels, promotes digestion. Prunes normalize pressure, treats the gastrointestinal tract. Raisins are useful in kidney diseases, hypertension, colds.
Chemical composition of nuts:
- fats
- proteins
- carbohydrates
- amino acids
- vitamins
- trace minerals.
Nuts improve brain function, strengthen memory, saturate the body with minerals and unsaturated acids. They are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Some species, for example, Brazil nuts and pecans, due to the high content of selenium are considered useful for the prevention of cancer.
Honey is just a storehouse of useful substances. It contains:
- proteins
- amino acids
- digestible carbohydrates
- organic acids
- phytoncides
- enzymes
- hormones
- vitamins
- fats
- minerals.
Honey is used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Especially it will be useful to weakened, often sick people, as it is an excellent preventive and immunostimulating agent. Among other things, in a mixture of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, nuts and honey, it plays the role of preservative.
Recipe for the preparation of a vitamin mixture
To prepare a vitamin mixture will need dried apricots, raisins, nuts and honey. The recipe at first glance is quite simple, you just have to mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and pour honey. However, here there are some subtleties. So, what do you need to know in order to prepare a vitamin cocktail containing honey, nuts, dried apricots and other dried fruits?
Cooking rules:
- Dried fruits before grinding are soaked in hot water. It's enough 10 minutes to get them soaked.
- Nuts are preheated in the oven. With peanuts remove the skin.
- Honey is taken only liquid. If it is sugared, then you can warm it up a little in a water bath. However, do not overdo it, because when it heats, it loses its useful properties.
- To improve the taste, you can add lemon. In this case seeds are removed from it.
- You can experiment with the formulation if you do not have any of the ingredients. For example, to prepare a mixture in which there will be only dried apricots, nuts and honey. And you can, on the contrary, supplement the recipe with figs and dates.
- glass of liquid honey;
- 200 g of prunes;
- 200 g raisins;
- 200 g dried apricots;
- 200 g of a mixture of nuts;
- lemon.
The order of preparation is as follows:
Soaked dried fruit is slightly dried on a paper towel. Then they are ground in a blender with nuts and pre-cut into slices of lemon. You can also simply twist the mixture with a meat grinder. The resulting mass is mixed with honey and spread on cans with a ground lid, which are then stored in a refrigerator. Prepared in this way, the vitamin mixture does not spoil for very long, it is necessary only to protect it from the effects of heat, sun and air.
Advice! If there is an allergy to honey, then it can be replaced with berry jam. Similarly, the remaining ingredients are replaced.
How to use?
Honey with nuts and dried fruits - a fairly high-calorie mixture, so it is not recommended to eat more than 4 tablespoons a day, otherwise extra pounds will quickly find a place on the abdomen and hips. To enhance health, it is sufficient to use this remedy 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon for half an hour before meals or an hour after eating.
At night, this mixture is better not to eat, since then there will be difficulties with falling asleep. It is recommended to people involved in hard physical work, weakened diseases and sportsmen. Children should give it 1 teaspoonful, but very small, at the age of up to 3 years it is better not to give it at all, since the probability of developing food allergies is high.
Contraindications to the use of
Special contraindications prunes, dried apricots, nuts, honey and other dried fruits do not have both separately and as part of the mixture. Is that not worth eating them in the presence of food allergies. For young children under 3, it is not recommended to give honey for the same reason.
People with chronic illnesses should consult a doctor before using this medication. Especially it concerns patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, diabetics, asthmatics. It is also not recommended in the presence of acute inflammatory processes and fever.
For a detailed video instruction on how to make a mixture of honey, dried fruits and nuts, see here: