The recipe for lemon, garlic and honey is simple enough to perform, the ingredients for it are found in any home. Despite the specific taste of any of the products included in its composition, a rather pleasant drink is obtained, in which there is absolutely no smell of garlic, and the acid of the lemon is softened by honey. The benefit of such a miracle is enormous because of the valuable healing qualities of its composition.
Useful properties of garlic
As a rule, at one mention of this vegetable, people start to frown and clamp their noses. But in vain, because garlic contains phytoncides, killing harmful microorganisms and inhaling its vapors will help get rid of the common cold. In addition, there are substances in its composition, the benefits of which are invaluable to health.
Useful properties of garlic:
- antibacterial effect;
- prophylaxis of scurvy;
- strengthening and cleaning of vessels;
- improved blood supply;
- increased testosterone levels;
- lowering blood pressure;
- improved metabolism;
- strengthening of the immune system.
Garlic is widely used in folk medicine as a curative and preventive remedy. Odorous denticles are used fresh, and they also make a medicinal tincture on their basis. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but the best of them we collected in the article: The magical effect of garlic tincture.
Rejuvenating properties of "fragrant" vegetables were discovered by ancient monks in Chinese monasteries. Lemon garlic and honey - tincture, which appeared due to their research.
An interesting fact! Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants. The period of its application in cooking and medical purposes is more than 6000 years.
Useful properties of honey
Honey is a product of bees processing of flower nectar. In addition to its rich chemical composition, in which vitamins and minerals occupy a large part, it contains hormones and enzymes that most favorably affect human health.
Honey health benefits:
- immunity strengthening;
- destruction of harmful bacteria;
- improvement in blood flow;
- increased muscle tone;
- normalization of metabolism;
- treatment of anemia and dystrophy;
- prevention of colds.
This list can be continued for a long time. For us it is important one thing - a mixture of honey of garlic and lemon contains all the useful properties of its ingredients.
Tip! Honey helps with a hangover! So a great alternative to cucumber brine is a glass of water with a spoon of honey.
Lemon - health benefits
Lemon is a fruit of a tree rich in vitamin C, which has a number of positive properties.
Useful properties of lemon:
- prevention of avitaminosis C;
- treatment of atherosclerosis;
- increased immunity;
- treatment of colds;
- prevention of influenza;
- treatment of urolithiasis.
The combination of this fruit with other useful products often allows you to get a wonderful remedy for many diseases. For example, a lemon with honey is often used for cleaning vessels.
An interesting fact! The original name of the lemon is an Indian apple, since it was imported from India.
Therapeutic properties of garlic-lemon-honey tincture
We found out how people are affected by garlic, lemon and honey. And the use of tincture from these products? Is it so great? Let's try to figure this out.
Honey, garlic and lemon tincture is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- cardiovascular disease;
- colds and flu;
- metabolic diseases.
With the help of this product, the vessels are cleaned. Lemon, garlic and honey also perfectly tone up, giving a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Tincture of these products is not in vain called the elixir of youth. By acting on the molecular level, it triggers regeneration processes, that is, restores damaged cells. There is a kind of rejuvenation of the body, hence this rejuvenating effect. With regular use of tincture, the body cleanses. Garlic, lemon and honey are treated with hypertension.
How to cook?
Recipe containing lemon, garlic and honey is very simple. It will not take him much time.
Required products:
- 4 heads of garlic;
- 300-400 g of bee honey;
- 6 pcs.lemon.
Bones are removed from the cut lemons. Garlic is peeled. Then all the ingredients are put into the blender and ground to a gruel-like condition. The resulting mass is added honey. After the mixture has settled, juice is drained from it. The resulting drink is aged for 10 days in a cool dark place. To avoid spoilage, the elixir is stored in a glass bowl with dark walls in the cold.
The recipe can be slightly changed. For example, first squeeze juice from lemons, and then add honey and chopped garlic. Then the juice should not be drained, the mixture is already quite liquid. You can also prepare a kind of garlic-lemon-honey jam. For this, less lemons are taken.
An interesting recipe, which uses honey, lemon, garlic and flaxseed oil, the benefits of which are all the same heard. It will require the following ingredients:
- kilogram of honey;
- 4 lemons;
- 3 pcs.garlic;
- a glass of linseed oil.
Peeled lemons and garlic are crushed. Then honey and oil are added to the received mass. Store in a refrigerator in a glass container.
Tip! To ensure that the prepared elixir does not spoil for a long time and retains all its useful properties, it is necessary to protect it from sunlight.
Rules for the use of the elixir
How to apply a product containing honey, lemon and garlic? How to properly take an elixir in order to maximize its healing properties?
To purify the body of toxins tincture is drunk 2 times a day, morning and evening for 1 tbsp.spoon. She is bred in a glass of water and taken for 15 minutes.before the morning meal. In the evening - after an hour after eating.
When using garlic-lemon-honey tinctures, you should also observe the following rules:
- You can not drink alcoholic beverages categorically during the course of treatment.
- Coffee, strong tea, spicy seasonings and spices are also contraindicated.
- Water should drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters per day to facilitate the removal of toxins.
Tip! Directly before going to bed, it is better not to drink an elixir, since then there will be difficulties with falling asleep.
Contraindications to the use of
Treatment, including honey, garlic and lemon, should be under strict medical supervision in the presence of the following diseases:
- kidney disease;
- epilepsy;
- diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- food allergies.
It is not recommended to use this mixture for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for young children. If there is any allergy to one of the components - honey, lemon, or garlic, then its use is better to abandon.
Video, where the step-by-step process of cooking garlic-lemon-honey elixir is shown here: