The recipe for horseradish with honey and the effect on the body

Recipe for horseradish with honey is very popular among fans of traditional medicine. Its components are generally available, and the technology of preparing the mixture is quite simple. Horseradish can be found on any private plot, as it is an indispensable component of many recipes, and when canning vegetables without it is simply impossible to do. Each landlady knows and tries to ensure that this root is always at hand. Honey is better to buy in specialized stores or from a friend of the beekeeper - only so you get a guarantee that you are buying a quality product.

Honey and horseradish help with colds, hypertension and ischemia

Properties of horseradish

Horseradish is a perennial plant that reproduces by root division. This product has a number of medicinal properties, among which:

The root of horseradish includes vitamins and useful minerals such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and manganese
  • antibacterial effect;
  • toning action;
  • fortifying properties;
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  • increases appetite;
  • promotes the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • helps with kidney disease;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

Honey and horseradish: indications for use

Mixing horseradish with honey, you can significantly improve your health. This healing tandem is able to cope with many diseases, in addition, cooking recipes are quite simple and do not take a lot of time.

For a cold

For an anti-cold remedy, horseradish and honey should be taken in the same proportions and the following:

  • horseradish root chop with a meat grinder, blender or grate;
  • honey slightly heat to make it become liquid;

  • to connect the components, mix.

Take three times a day. Adults can consume 150 grams of formula per day, children - 50 g.

For hypertension

For this recipe, additional ingredients will be needed - carrots, lemon, vodka and beets. The mixture is prepared as follows:

  • from vegetables to make juice - 250 ml each;
  • grind the horseradish in such a quantity that the result is a full glass of gruel;
  • 350 honey melt;
  • combine these components, mix thoroughly;
  • in the resulting mixture pour 150 ml of vodka and juice of two lemons;
  • mixture leave for half an hour, every 5 minutes stirring the contents.

Take the product before eating, one tablespoon. The course is a month. Then make a 2-month break and resume the reception in the same mode.

In case of ischemia

To support your heart and improve the general condition, it is necessary to mix the ground horseradish root and honey in the same proportions. Take in the morning on an empty stomach for one month.

If you have this mixture will cause discomfort in the stomach, then the amount of horseradish can be reduced

Advice! With heart disease, you need to take extra care with your health. Promote a speedy recovery will be a complete rejection of bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. Try not to overcool during this period.

In rhinitis and sinusitis

If you suffer from sinusitis or rhinitis, then suggest the following syrup:

  • honey and horseradish take in the same proportions;
  • honey to melt until liquid;
  • from the horseradish roots squeeze juice;
  • combine the resulting components, mix.

Take a liquid mixture 4 times a day. The daily dose for adults is maximum 150 ml, for children - 50 ml.

When coughing

Horseradish with honey works great for coughing. The recipe for cooking is as follows:

  • 150 grams of horseradish through a meat grinder and pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • infuse the mixture within 48 hours;
  • the liquid strain through several layers of gauze and add 150 ml of honey;
  • the obtained composition is heated on low heat until the honey dissolves completely.

Important! The mixture can not be overheated too much, since at a temperature above 60 ° C honey loses its useful properties.

Take the composition of 2 tablespoons once a day. By the way, from this same problem will perfectly help the tool on honey from another tart root - radish. If you want to get acquainted with the properties of this composition and learn the recipes of the preparation, we recommend reading the article: From coughing, radish and honey will be relieved, Throat is fine and sings songs.


Hrenovuha is a drink based on horseradish, honey and vodka. It is able to improve appetite and give the necessary charge of vivacity.

Many housewives exhibit "Khrenovuhu" on the table during the festive meals, and it perfectly replaces the usual vodka, moonshine and other alcoholic drinks

Important! When using this tincture, it is necessary to observe the norm, since it has a much stronger effect than vodka.

Drink characteristics

  1. A drink that is cooked correctly does not cause burning in the mouth and has a pleasant aftertaste. If after you have drunk a small amount of tincture, you need to eat something that will overwhelm her taste, then you made a mistake during cooking.
  2. This tincture is honey, horseradish and vodka, mixed in certain proportions. The non-original recipe may contain ginger, dill, mustard, garlic and other ingredients that can impart a certain flavor.
  3. You can make cocktails from Hrenovukha. Particularly popular is the "Bloody Mary" on its basis.
  4. Before use, the beverage must be cooled in the freezer.

Tincture on horseradish with honey has long been famous for its taste and healing properties.

Hrenovuha, cooked by all the rules, does not cause a hangover syndrome

Recipe for cooking

For "Khrenovuhi" you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 10 cm of horseradish root;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Tip! If you did not find a fresh horseradish root, then you can use a canned, frozen or dried product. Just remember that in this case you will not get a fragrant drink, since after any treatment horseradish to some extent loses its taste and useful substances.

Vodka can be purchased at a regular store. There is no urgent need to buy an expensive product from a well-known brand. Suitable for ordinary wheat vodka.

Tip! You can make "Khrenovuhu" on the basis of alcohol or moonshine, but for this it is necessary to dilute them to 45 ° C.

Root the horseradish and cut into small pieces with a knife. Transfer to a glass bottle. Add liquid honey and vodka. Intensively mix, shaking the container several times with the contents. Choose a warm place where the drink will be infused for 4 days. After this time, the tincture must be filtered through gauze with a layer of cotton wool. Again pour into a bottle and close tightly. Finished "Hrenovuha" has a light yellow shade and a pleasant aroma.

The healing power of this tincture will chase the common cold, but everyone will like a pleasant specific taste.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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