Treatment with honey for all will suit, From an ulcer will relieve, the cold will pass

  1. Pharmacological properties of
  2. Indications for use
  3. Contraindications and side effects of

The medicinal properties of beekeeping products are widely used both in folk and in traditional medicine, therefore almost everyone knows about the treatment with honey. But there are many varieties of honey, which of them and in what form should it be used for this or that disease?

Pharmacological properties of

Numerous studies confirm the uniqueness of the composition of honey, and some people are even completely sure of its divine origin, because where it is seen that one product has so many useful qualities! Theoretically and in practice it has already been repeatedly confirmed that honey has the following pharmacological properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • restorative;
  • soothing;
  • normalizes the metabolism;
  • toning;
  • stimulating recovery and growth processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
  • regulating the intensity of intestinal secretion;

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  • improves memory and vision;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antineoplastic;
  • wound-healing;
  • antiallergic, etc.

In addition, honey can increase the body's resistance to various harmful compounds and toxins, as well as enhance mental and physical abilities of humans. Many argue that this unique product has a rejuvenating effect on the human body and thereby significantly prolongs the life span.

Indications for use

Honey is indicated to be used in almost all diseases that can develop in humans, because apart from eliminating inflammation and activating regeneration processes, its use greatly helps a person cope with the deficit of valuable biologically active substances and quickly restore his own defenses. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that honey heals. This beekeeping product is successfully used with:

  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • cardiovascular ailments;
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute and chronic ailments of the upper respiratory tract;
  • dental problems;
  • ENT pathologies;
  • eye diseases;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • sexological disorders;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • Pregnancy Toxicosis;
  • cosmetic defects, etc.

Important: honey acts as a high-energy source of nutrition, so it is indispensable in the treatment of diseases accompanied by loss of appetite and a significant reduction in weight, especially in children.

Also, honey can be easily used as a preventative for maintaining health in general. In addition, he is an excellent antiseptic, so he will become an indispensable assistant in the presence of long, non-healing or suppurating wounds. Due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it quickly copes with furuncles, eczema, carbuncles, ulcers, burns, etc.

Honey - the best remedy for furunculosis and acne

Nevertheless, for the treatment of various pathologies it is recommended to use honey of different varieties. For example, for diseases caused by streptococci or staphylococci, it is better to use sage, lime, acacia or heath honey. How can we understand what kind of honey is effective from which diseases?

In fact, everything is simple. Traditional medicine has long considered the characteristics of each variety of bee delicacy and found the most appropriate use for it. Therefore, it is enough to carefully read the recipes and follow the recommendations given in them accurately, and even better to contact a professional apitherapist who can individually select the beekeeping product variety, the dosage, the frequency of its reception and the form of use( applique, internal use, baths and t.).Also, such a specialist knows better than others what products in each case should be taken with honey.

Warning! Before you start using any recipes of traditional medicine, you should consult with your doctor and get his approval.

Diseases of the respiratory system

It is difficult to find a more effective natural remedy for respiratory diseases than honey. First of all, it helps to quickly release the lungs from phlegm. To this end, it should be consumed with milk, aloe, fats. Such therapy will give good results with:

  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • general weakening or exhaustion of the body.

With general malaise and colds, milk with honey can help improve the condition. For the preparation of the composition, it is necessary to dissolve a spoonful of bee delicacy in a glass of warm milk. More about the benefits of this miracle drink you can find out by reading an article about milk with honey on our website.

It will also be superfluous to use honey with horseradish juice, taken in equal quantities, or with herbal infusions. The mixture of 100 g of honey, 1 lemon juice and 800 g of water is especially good for removing signs of a cold.

Honey has long been famous for its powerful expectorant properties

Get rid of a strong cough will help mix onions with honey, and from sinusitis - honey applications that are imposed on the nasal mucosa. Beekeeping products are also effective in combating sinusitis. For this, it is recommended to use honeycomb combs that need to chew at least 5 times a day for about 15 minutes, but the remaining wax must be spit out.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Products of beekeeping have long been used to combat inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, as they have anti-inflammatory properties, normalize the acidity of gastric juice and have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. To improve the condition of patients with peptic ulcer or gastritis, folk medicine suggests taking an empty stomach in the morning and at night a couple of spoons of honey, diluted in herbal medicinal herbs or in ordinary water. This helps increase the release of mucin, which protects the mucosa from the destructive effect of aggressive hydrochloric acid, thereby provoking the healing of erosions already formed and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Advice: with increased acidity, it is recommended to use dark-colored honey containing an increased amount of mineral compounds. With reduced acidity, take honey dissolved in a glass of cold water a few minutes before eating.

Also honey is an effective remedy for heartburn. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon it is worth taking cottage cheese, milk or porridge, in which a small amount of this beekeeping product was previously added.

Treatment with honey of enteritis, colitis, chronic and spastic constipation is carried out by using a mixture of apple juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. If, after that, it is a rule to eat vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of fiber, such a tactic will provide a significant increase in the therapeutic effect.

Diseases CCC

Daily honey intake 2-3 times during 1-2.5 months has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, namely:

  • decreases the viscosity of the blood;
  • dilates coronary vessels, and blood circulation in them improves;
  • the metabolic processes in the cardiac muscle are activated;
  • decreases high blood pressure;
  • increases low blood pressure.

Warning! When treating bee products from the diet, it is necessary to exclude absolutely all other sweets.

Honey should always be present in the diet of elderly people, this will save them from heart attacks and a sharp deterioration in the well-being

Thus, the popular beekeeping product is indispensable for:

  • heart failure,
  • arrhythmia,
  • tachycardia,
  • cardiac decompensation,
  • ischemic disease,
  • hypo- and hypertension,
  • cardiosclerosis, etc.

Strengthen the healing effect can be by using honey simultaneously with broths or infusions of various medicinal plants. So, with heart failure, it is not superfluous to find broccoli and St. John's wort, and for other pathologies - broth of hawthorn, infusions of valerian, dill and motherwort.

Warning! The use of beekeeping products can in no case replace the use of medicines, and in certain cases this can lead to tragic consequences. Also, do not try to remove acute attacks of diseases using folk methods, in such situations only traditional medicine can provide real help.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Pathological changes in the cells of the liver and bile ducts are eliminated due to the content in bee delicacy of special substances that restore them. Treatment with honey and prevention of exacerbations is carried out by taking its solution( 2 tsp to a glass of warm water, preferably apple juice) to 3 a day.

You can also supplement the honey treatment with the use of other products of beekeeping, in particular, pollen and royal jelly. So, per day it is necessary to take 30 g of honey, 0.6 g of pergie or pollen three times and only 2 times 50 g of milk.

Advice: to achieve the maximum effect from the application of bee products can be by combining their use with plants that have choleretic, antispastic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties.

Thus, honey in combination with various medicinal plants can help cure:

  • cholecystitis;

  • chronic neurogenic inflammation of the bile duct and bladder;
  • fermentation in the intestines, etc.

Diseases of the genital area

Honey with pollen has long been used to treat prostatitis. The amount of honey consumed is calculated based on the weight of the patient in a proportion of 1 kg of weight - 1 g of honey. Supplement the treatment with 7-10 g of perga or 2 tsp.pollen. The whole daily dose of beekeeping products is divided into 3 equal parts, which are taken during the day. Typically, the duration of treatment is 30-45 days, you can repeat it after 2 weeks.

Why not protect yourself from prostatitis with the help of bee products?

In gynecology, also often treated with honey, in particular, lime, melissovym, forest. This product helps cure:

  • metritis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • Colpitis;
  • vulvitis, etc.

For the treatment of gynecological ailments, honey is not only consumed inside, but also made with it appliques and electrophoresis. Supplement the therapy with the intake of infusions, tinctures or broths of Eleutherococcus, shepherd's bag, aralia, nettle, magnolia vine, yarrow, etc.

Important: when treating honey, avoid using any other sweets.

Contraindications and side effects of

It is clear that the use of bee products helps to quickly get rid of most diseases, but sometimes their use is limited, and in rare cases is not at all safe. Therefore, before starting any medication, it is always necessary to consult a doctor.

Basically honey should not be used with:

  • allergies to beekeeping products;
  • presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • pulmonary emphysema, heart failure, lung sclerosis and some other diseases are not allowed by aerosol treatment with honey.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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