Maisky refers to honey harvested in early spring. It is made from nectar of cherry, apple, bird cherry, lily of the valley, strawberry, acacia and other plants flowering in May-early June. May honey is the most delicious, fragrant and healthy variety. It is a polyfloric product of beekeeping, that is, concentrating the nectar of several plant species.
Appearance and characteristics
Color, taste, smell
Fresh, recently drained May nectar is a transparent syrupy liquid of a light green or pale yellow hue. She does not smell and does not give bitterness, striking with an amazing sweetness of taste.
For your information! The product gets true value in 4-6 months, when it is infused, and assorted nectars will be bound in a delightful mix of flavors and flavors.
After just six months, the May honey acquires its legendary smell with the invigorating presence of menthol, its luxurious golden yellow color and its unsurpassed taste - gentle, soft, balanced sweet, leaving a cooling aftertaste in the mouth.
The product is the focus of many May plants, the specific composition of which can not be reproduced in any other variety. That is why its taste, color and aroma are truly unique.
Features of the
collection Fresh May nectar enters the markets in late May, and its collection begins in the middle of the month and ends in early June. Its sources are a variety of honey plants, so the product is of different colors, but, as a rule, light. In freshly refined form it is very liquid.
Attention! May honey is quickly sugared, and if it is sold in the syrup state in the fall, you should know: before you is a non-natural product.
Chemical composition of
Honey, harvested in May, has the richest chemical composition. It contains more than 300 nutrients and compounds. These are minerals, vitamins, organic acids, proteins, enzymes, fructose, sucrose, phytoncides, flavonoids and others. Such an extensive composition is explained by nectar, which is infested with pollen of various honey-plants. Summer varieties of honey include far fewer micronutrients, because only one or two types of honey beans are their sources.
What is the reason for fast crystallization?
There is a simple explanation of why May honey quickly sugar. In spring, bees are much less active than in summer. Their low working capacity is associated with the awakening of nature itself. Therefore, when harvesting nectar winged toilers are not zealously concerned with the filtration of pollen of plants.
Attention! The concentration of pollen grains in May honey exceeds the optimal dose by a factor of ten. Microparticles do not harm the product, but contribute to its rapid condensation. It is for this reason that the May honey is sugared or else said, it crystallizes quickly.
Medication properties
Control of diabetes
The decent content of natural fructose makes early honey absolutely safe for diabetics. In addition, it prevents the onset and development of this disease. The product is quickly absorbed by the body, despite the increased sweetness, and does not add extra pounds. Fructose also normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis. If you are interested in the question of the use of honey in this disease, we recommend that you read the article in addition: It's so sweet to live without forbidding or hurting honey with diabetes.
Against dozens of diseases
May nectar is an excellent remedy for headache, migraine and atherosclerosis. Indispensable is its soothing effect for colds, severe coughing, stress and exhaustion of the body. Honey effectively fights against eye and liver diseases.
Useful properties of honey of May supplement and cleaning activities. The product removes from the body slags, salts and toxins, cleaves the harmful deposits in the kidneys, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. His duties include the massacre of spirits and radiation.
Antiseptic product
The quality antiseptic effect of the product was not not noticed by pharmacists and cosmetologists, who added its extracts to a variety of medical and cosmetic products.
It is impossible not to mention antibacterial and disinfecting properties of honey and its achievements in the treatment of purulent wounds, inflammatory diseases, ulcers, furuncles and deep cuts.
And that's not all. ..
Glucose, which contains May honey, perfectly nourishes the brain, heart, muscle mass, liver. One spoonful of food a day struggles with insomnia, promotes the full development of the child, restores health after serious illnesses and surgical operations. This kind of honey gives the person tremendous vigor and energy, strengthens immunity and improves well-being.
The product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it eliminates spasms, stabilizes blood pressure, lowers the tone of blood vessels, improves blood circulation. It contains trace elements similar in action to human blood. Therefore, patients suffering from anemia and hypertension simply need to consume 100-150 g of May nectar per day.
Attention! May honey is prohibited for use by people who are allergic to bee products.
In cosmetology
May honey, useful properties of which have been appreciated by cosmetologists, is an excellent therapeutic agent for hair, nails and skin. Painted in the form of a mask, it strengthens, rejuvenates, nourishes, slows down the aging process and smoothes wrinkles. Hair gain strength and shine, stopping their loss and eliminating dandruff. The product gives strength and elasticity to the nails, and the skin is youthful and silky.
Warning! Honey can be used alone or in a mix with other useful products( eggs, lemon, milk, aloe, etc.).
May honey, thanks to its multicomponent composition and medicinal qualities, is more in demand than other varieties.