In many villages, the ancient recipe - viburnum with honey - still enjoys an enviable popularity. With its help successfully for hundreds of years people are treating a huge number of diseases, including common ARVI.This natural medicine is certainly much more useful and safer than all modern medications. So, why not try to cure your ailments with this time-tested method?
Useful properties
Bitter and tart taste of viburnum contains a huge amount of useful substances, including vitamin C, minerals( magnesium, potassium, copper, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.), carotene, pectin, tannins, as well as rare acids, for example, isovaleric and valerian, oleic, formic, etc.
Thanks to this, it:
- stimulates the immune system;
- helps stop bleeding;
- strengthens the vessels;
- shows choleretic and diuretic properties;
- is a good antiseptic;
- has an antispasmodic effect;
- relieves nervous tension;
- is a potent antioxidant;
- increases hemoglobin levels in the blood;
- increases the acidity of gastric juice;
- lowers blood pressure, etc.
It is customary for people to mix kalina with honey, as they potentiate the action of each other. Due to this, the obtained agent is successfully used for treatment of:
- diseases of the digestive system;
- epilepsy;
- neurasthenia;
- eczema;
- furunculosis;
- of insomnia;
- anemia;
- diseases of the female genitourinary system.
In addition, taking even small doses of berries with honey will help to cut any cold on the vine. Therefore, you need to prepare the viburnum with honey for the winter, and if you have any signs of a malaise, take 1 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.
Tip: keep the viburnum fresh and unchanged for six months can be by dipping the berries in liquid honey, after which they must be left to dry.
Another way to preserve the long-lasting beneficial properties of viburnum with honey is to make a tincture on cognac. Just one tablespoon of this drink a day can normalize the pressure, improve the work of the kidneys, digestive system and strengthen immunity. On the way to prepare it, you can learn from the article: How to make a tincture of viburnum - popular recipes.
Despite all the benefits, viburnum with honey has contraindications. These are:
- pregnancy;
- individual intolerance of any of the components;
- gout;
- hanging of blood clotting.
Recipes of
How to make a viburnum with honey depends on the purpose for which it is planned to use this medication. In some cases it will be more effective to take the juice of berries, in others - gruel obtained by grinding through a sieve.
It has been used for a long time from viburnum with honey from a cough, and cough can be of any nature, and not just a cold. Therefore, this remedy is equally effective both for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and for bronchial asthma or pollinosis.
The treatment of potassium with honey is carried out with the help of the following preparations:
- Honey is heated a little on a water bath, after which it is immersed in the viburnum and leave to infuse for 6 hours. The mixture should be periodically heated gently, but it is better to wrap the jar in foil and in a warm towel, so the temperature will remain at the desired level, and the beneficial properties of honey will not be lost. The finished product is taken on a tablespoon 4 times a day.
Important: if the dirt on the berries is visible to the naked eye, they can be poured with boiling water for a short time to kill the entire pathogenic microflora.
- A kilogram of berries is thoroughly washed, dried, pawned in a saucepan and poured with the same amount of liquid honey. The agent is insisted in the refrigerator for a day. After this, the mixture is brought to a boil on low heat and left to boil for 3 minutes. Once the syrup has cooled, you can begin taking it. Usually, the beneficial properties of viburnum with honey, prepared with this recipe, are sufficient to maintain immunity and cough. For this purpose, it is necessary to use 2 tbsp.l.mixture( required together with berries) up to 4 times a day.
It is important: you need to prepare the preparation only in an enamel saucepan.
- At night 2 tbsp.l.berries vinegar steamed half a liter of boiling water, tightly close the container and immediately wrapped in foil and a towel. In the morning, the first thing to do is squeeze out the berries and filter all the liquid that has formed. It adds 4 tbsp.l.of natural honey and mix. Such infusion is taken warm by 1/3 cup to 4 times a day. In addition to coughing, it is good for angina and hoarseness.
Advice: we recommend using the third recipe, since honey is not subjected to any heat treatment while preparing the medicinal product, and, therefore, preserves all its useful properties.
- The healing properties are even flowers and twigs of the viburnum. To extract from them all useful substances, they are placed in 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour on low heat. Immediately after this, the broth is tightly wrapped in a warm towel and left to be infused. After several hours, the liquid is filtered and mixed with a glass of honey. The finished product is taken warm by 1/3 cup to 4 times a day.
"Female" diseases
The juice of the viburnum with honey is used by the people to treat a large number of diseases of the female sexual sphere. Many women confirmed that properly cooked viburnum with honey helps with cysts. To make a healing remedy for this unpleasant and even dangerous disease, you need to take 0.5 kg of berries and 0.25 liters of honey.
Initially, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the viburnum in warm water. Do this usually, even while the berries are on the branches. After washing, they are carefully peeled into a deep container and crushed with a pressure potato. Cut off the viburnum with extreme caution, since this process is always accompanied by a spray of juice. Then immediately proceed to the most difficult stage - the separation of the juice from the bones and skins. To get the maximum amount of medicinal juice, it is necessary to re-rub the formed gruel through a thick sieve.
Tip: "waste" skins and bones can be used to make compote.
Usually from 0.5 kg of berries you get 250 g of juice. This amount is enough to prepare a mixture of women's ailments. The resulting juice is mixed with the same amount of flower honey. Ideally, honey should be liquid, but if it has already been sugared, it is easiest to add it in small portions to the prepared juice and to achieve complete dissolution, only after that add new portions of honey.
Warning! Prepare the viburnum with honey only from real honey, which is still 10 months from the time of harvest.
Course of treatment
As a result, you get 0.5 liters of a mixture, which is enough for the entire course of cyst treatment. Take it on an empty stomach as follows:
- 1 week - 1/3 teaspoon in the morning.
- 2 weeks - ½ teaspoon in the morning.
- 3 weeks - 1 teaspoon in the morning and in the evening.
- 4 weeks - 1 tablespoon morning and evening.
- 5-9 weeks - a break.
- Week 9 - 1 tablespoon morning and evening.
- 10 week - 1 teaspoon in the morning and in the evening.
- 11 weeks - ½ teaspoon in the morning.
- 12 weeks - 1/3 teaspoon in the morning.
Warning! The finished product must be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.
Sometimes, in the third week of treatment, watery discharge begins to appear. They arise because of the leakage of fluid filling the cysts, and indicate the effectiveness of the method.
Application in cosmetology
The use of viburnum with honey is difficult to overestimate. This tool has found its application even in cosmetology, because it helps to get rid of acne and wrinkles of varying severity. It also becomes indispensable in the fight against pigmentation spots, since it has a skin-whitening effect.
blender. To achieve such effects, it is necessary to include the mashed potatoes with honey in the face masks, and take it 1x spoon three times a day. By the way, three times daily intake of a mixture of 50 grams of mashed potatoes with a blender of Kalina and 100 g of honey helps cure skin defects such as ulcers and speed up the healing process of any wounds.
Kalina with honey is effective in controlling a large number of diseases, some even argue that with the help of this tool you can defeat cancer, but still they are most often treated by cold and gynecological diseases, and also carry out their prevention. Nevertheless, before starting this miracle cure, you should always consult a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications for its use.