Did you get a cough? Here's a recipe for you: Radish with honey, and there's no coughing!

Radish is a unique root crop, its medicinal qualities were known even in Ancient Rus. Natural antibiotics, essential oils that make up the vegetable, make it an indispensable tool in the fight against diseases of various kinds. Root fruit is effective in itself, and paired with honey, its medicamentous effect doubles, increasing the effect on the body. Radish with honey - a wonderful, complementary tandem against cough, bronchitis, sore throats and other colds. Consider the benefits of combining them for the organism in more detail.

A powerful blow to the cough

Radish with honey from a cough - a folk remedy that has been missing for a hundred years. However, oblivion in no way affected the effect of this recipe - it still beats records of decisive healing of ailments.

For curing coughing, black radish with honey is most often used. The therapeutic root crop can boast a rich chemical composition: essential oils, life-giving trace elements( magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium), vitamins A and D. Thanks to this, its juice is distinguished by immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. Honey has soothing and enveloping properties. Reuniting in a single mixture, two curative products expel pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis from the body, soften the throat and remove hoarseness with a cold. Treatment of cough radish with honey is practiced for decades and can be used even against tuberculosis and whooping cough.

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Warning! In nature, there are many varieties of radish - black, green, brown, white, but the most useful is considered to be the root of black color.

Black root harbors a powerful healing power

Fighting diseases

The tandem we are considering is known as a cough and cold remedy, but not everyone knows that it can cure other diseases:

  • of the liver and kidneys;
  • cholelithic and urolithiasis;
  • of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;

  • bruises, bruises, ulcers;
  • rheumatism and sciatica.

In addition, radish juice with honey strengthens the roots, hair structure and is characterized by rejuvenating properties.


Despite the pronounced drug effect, the combination of radish and honey has a set of contraindications. Admission is allowed to both adults and children, but not all can consume the mixture. This recipe is not recommended for individual intolerance to one of the products and the presence of allergies.

Important! Radish treatment with honey is contraindicated in acute gastritis, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, pancreatitis in the acute stage, with diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland.

Healing tandem is forbidden to admit people who have had a heart attack, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

The product has a number of contraindications

Pregnancy and radish with honey

Why do doctors highly recommend this prescription during pregnancy? The fact is that although honey is considered a strong allergen, its use during the period of bearing a child is not prohibited. Doctors advise only to limit its dose. But with regard to the juice of radish, mixed with honey, the recommendations turn into a strict ban.

There are several reasons why a radish with honey during pregnancy is contraindicated:
because of the high content of essential oils, the radish leads the uterus to tone, creating a threat of miscarriage;
frequent use of root vegetables can cause depression and mental disorders;
radish is difficult to digest, creating in the intestine processes of enhanced gas formation.

Nevertheless, many pregnant women, without recognizing the prohibitions, take this remedy without any unpleasant consequences for the body. In fact, the quality of the mixture depends on how to prepare radish with honey.

Warning! To ensure that the radish juice does not cause harm to health, the mixture should stand for several hours, during which the essential oils will dissipate.

Of great importance is the optimal dosage of drug use. Much depends also on the state of the future mother: if there are no threats for abortion, the remedy can be taken without any fear.

Radish with honey is not recommended for pregnancy

Recipes for preparing radish with honey

From cough

Option 1 .Prepare a large black radish, wash it and remove the top. With a knife and a spoon, form a small "pit" of medium depth. Fill the cavity to half with honey( any sort of fruit will suit) and cover with a cut top. Put the root in a cool place for 4-5 hours. At the end of this period, the cavity will be completely filled with juice, which will mix with honey, creating a medicinal cough mixture on the way out.
The beekeeping product will make the vegetable juice sweet, which will allow the honey and radish to be given to the children.

Option 2 .Wash and peel the black radish. Then chop it into cubes, about 1 cm in size and put in a jar. Add in the workpiece 2 tbsp.spoons of honey and mix. After closing the jar with a lid, allow the mixture to infuse for 4-8 hours, after which the cough remedy will be ready for use.

Option 3 .The mixture can be prepared in a more lightweight manner. To do this, peel the root crop on a large grater, squeeze the juice through the gauze fabric and add to it 2 spoons of the bee product. The remedy is faster and will be ready for use after 2-3 hours.

Recommendation! The agent can be used only for 3 days, after which the radish with honey will lose its useful properties.

Do not forget to add honey to the mixture once a day, so that the radish extracts the juices. The drug can be taken not only when coughing, but also with flu, bronchitis, whooping cough, throat swelling, beriberi. More recipes for fighting cough on the basis of these components you will find in the article: From cough, radish and honey will be relieved, Throat is fine and songs are sung.

The remedy cough and catarrhal diseases

With carrot juice

This recipe is used to enhance the healing effect of cough and colds. The drug is prepared as follows: mix 100 grams of radish juice and carrot juice and add to them a tablespoon of honey. The product should be taken every hour on a spoon.

How to take radish with honey

Drug mixture is recommended for use:

  • for children - one teaspoon 3-4 times a day;
  • adults - one tablespoon 4-5 times a day;
  • pregnant - one large spoon 3-4 times a day.

The course of admission is 7-10 days, but only if you do not fall into the category of people to whom this drug is contraindicated. To enhance the effect, doctors are advised to use potions in accompaniment with other medications.

If you are still tormented by questions and doubts, before making radish with honey, watch the video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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