How to use propolis to treat throat


  1. Therapeutic properties of propolis
  2. How to properly use bee glue in pathologies of ENT organs
  3. Medicinal forms
  4. The best recipes for treating throat
  5. Propolis for pregnant women
  6. Contraindications

Autumn is the time for bright paints, clear, tart air and. .. respiratory infections. Colds are always accompanied by nasal congestion and pain in the throat. Treatment of the throat with propolis is the best way to get rid of a beginning illness quickly and without medication. Especially like this method of therapy for supporters of all natural.

Propolis - natural antiseptic

Medical properties of propolis

Propolis used by bees to block holes in hives, disinfect honeycombs and isolate foreign objects, has a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect. By its decontaminating qualities the product owes a rich chemical composition.

Bee adhesive contains:

  • resinous components;
  • waxes and fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • pollen of plants;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.
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In the course of research in propolis, more than 200 compounds, which are necessary for normal vital activity of the body, have been identified. Among them are polyphenols, essential amino acids, proteins, sugars, alcohols, quinones and steroids.

This is interesting. The composition of beeswax varies depending on the place and time of collection, but the presence of the main components remains constant.

Propolis is half composed of resins and flavonoids

A complex and unique set of ingredients influences the biological and pharmacological properties of propolis, causing a therapeutic effect. The substance has a beneficial effect on all systems, including respiratory organs.

Bee wax is able to:

  • suppress pathogenic flora;
  • to suppress the foci of inflammation;
  • strengthen capillaries;
  • to restore the mucosa;
  • to enhance local and general immunity;
  • anesthetize, reduce unpleasant sensations in the throat, reduce the sensitivity of the affected tissues.

The last item is important for patients with pharyngitis. Removing irritation in the throat, propolis cures an exhausting cough, from which patients suffer. In addition, the product is perfectly combined with other traditional medicine and medications, it is not addictive and has a minimum of contraindications.

How to correctly use bee glue in pathologies of ENT organs

Propolis from the throat is used in different dosage forms and combinations. The most popular alcohol tincture, in pharmacies is found propolisnoe oil and a pure product from which self-prepared water extract.

Propolis is better to buy in specialized departments or directly on the apiary

Board. Beeswax is safer to buy in specialized centers or pharmacological departments. Bought from the hands can be substandard.

The most effective propolis with the following indispositions:

  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

It is possible to use a medicinal substance in traumas of the pharynx, burns, inflammation of the mucous allergenic nature. Proper use of the product will relieve the symptoms of the disease in 3-5 days, reduce the risk of complications and restore good health.

Dosage forms

For pain in the throat, propolis is used topically and taken internally. Solutions for rinsing and lubricating the pharynx are prepared on the basis of an alcohol tincture or an aqueous extract. The oil mixture drips onto the tongue or rubs the tonsils.

Alcohol tincture

This is the most popular medicine based on beeswax. When ingested, it strengthens the immune system, increases the tone of the body, has a tonic effect and gives strength to fight the disease.

Alcohol extract can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is better to cook it yourself. It is not difficult to do this. The main thing is to get quality raw materials.

To prepare medicinal preparations, bee glue is ground

To get a really useful product, the following recommendations will help:

  1. A single piece of propolis needs to be ground to a powdery state. For this, the product is frozen and then crushed in a coffee grinder.
  2. The resulting powder is mixed with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:10 or 1: 5( 1 gram contains 10 grams of the substance).
  3. The mixture is tightly sealed and placed in a dark place for 8-10 days. The formulation is shaken or mixed daily for better dissolution of the ingredients.

The finished extract must have a uniform structure and a pleasant resinous flavor. Store it in the refrigerator and use if necessary.

How to tincture the propolis gargle? Apitherapists with pain in the throat, tonsillitis and pharyngitis recommend using a 5% solution mixed with water.4-5 procedures are allowed per day. In acute angina, in addition to rinsing, the inflamed glands are treated with a clean preparation.

Tip. For irrigation of the pharynx, a tablespoon of alcohol extract is added to a glass of water. The procedures are performed after meals for 4-5 days.

To carry out inhalations, 1 part of propolis takes 15 parts of mineral water or furacilin. Treatment is performed once a day for a week. To increase immunity and improve health, tincture is taken orally in an amount of 25-30 drops per glass of liquid. Use the medicine until the symptoms disappear.

Water extract

For children and pregnant women, treatment of the throat with a tincture of propolis on alcohol is contraindicated. In this case, an aqueous concentrate is used. The product effectively removes inflammation of the mucosa, reduces pain and soothes irritated tissues.

To prepare the extract, use propolis, ground in a coffee grinder or blender. The product is poured with warm water and insisted in opaque dishes until the raw material is completely dissolved. To speed up the process, the mixture is heated over a slow fire to a uniform consistency. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

Water infusion is suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women.

The rinse aid is prepared from 3 teaspoons.concentrate and a glass of liquid. Treatment of purulent sore throat is performed with a stronger remedy - water tincture is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. For a speedy recovery, irrigation of the throat is complemented by the lubrication of the tonsils with a clean preparation.

Important. The therapeutic effect is achieved by the correct dosage of the substance and the optimal frequency of application. Excessive passion for rinsing will lead to the directly opposite effect.

Natural Propolis

Propolis from the throat can be used in its pure form. Apitherapists are advised to chew a piece of substance the size of a fingernail for 3-5 minutes. During this time, beeswax will give all the useful substances and relieve inflammation in the throat, disinfect and restore the affected tissue.

This method is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of respiratory diseases. In the process of therapy, a tingling of the tongue and a feeling of numbness are possible. Such sensations speak of the high quality of propolis.

Propolis oil

For the treatment of children it is recommended to prepare a medicine with a more pleasant taste - 2 parts of vegetable oil( olive, peach, sea-buckthorn or jojoba) are taken for 1 part of the bee glue. The resulting mixture is treated with a sore throat 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

Propolis oil has a pleasant aroma and mild effect.

. For a better therapeutic effect, propolis is used in combination with medications, so before starting apitherapy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The best recipes for the treatment of throat

Alternative medicine offers many options for preparing medicines based on propolis. Bee paste is often mixed with herbs, honey, antiseptics. These substances increase the effectiveness of potions and strengthen the antimicrobial effect.

Simple and popular recipes:

  • alcohol or water tincture of propolis is dripped onto a piece of sugar and slowly resorbed. Treatment is repeated 2 times a day after meals;
  • for rinsing a solution of 200 ml of saline is prepared, 1 tsp.honey and an extract of bee glue. The procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely;
  • professor AF Sinyakov with strong pains in the throat recommends the preparation of a mixture of herb St. John's wort and propolis. On a glass of medicinal broth take 50-60 drops of tincture, use in a warm form. The solution has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action;
  • with a sore throat is well helped tincture of propolis on alcohol with honey and juice of the century. The medicine is prepared from 100 grams of flower nectar, 1 tbsp.l.extract of aloe and bee glue. The obtained drug is lubricated with tonsils 2-3 times a day.
Propolis and honey - the perfect combination for the treatment of the throat

For oral administration, apitherapists are advised to prepare a mixture of milk with a bee product. To do this, in a liter of liquid, dissolve 100 grams of substance and boil in a water bath for 10-12 minutes. The composition is cooled and stored in a refrigerator. Take three times a day.

Warning. Spirituous tincture is diluted only with water or milk. No other liquids can be used for this purpose.

For children prepare a delicious medicine from propolis and cocoa butter. One hundred grams of sweet fat is softened and mixed with a spoonful of water extract. Take 1 tsp.until complete recovery.

If there is no desire or time to mess with the preparation of a dairy or oil medicine, you can do it easier - take a spoonful of any tincture and drink it with milk. The effect of treatment will not be worse.

Propolis for pregnant women

Rinse throat tincture of propolis on alcohol during the period of bearing a child is undesirable. Especially it is not recommended to take this medication inside. The ideal treatment option for bee glue in pregnancy is the use of water infusion or chewing a whole product.

Water extract of propolis is suitable for the treatment of pregnant

It should be noted that propolis, like any medicine, has contraindications and can cause undesirable reactions, so it should be used only after the doctor's approval. In most cases, the product is perfectly tolerated by a future mother and helps get rid of the disease without using strong medicines.


Throat treatment with tincture of propolis has a number of limitations. Admission of the substance is prohibited to patients who are allergic to bee products. With caution and only after visiting a doctor, patients with liver and pancreatic pathologies, cancerous tumors use the remedy.

In all other cases, the bee product will only benefit and significantly ease the patient's condition. When allergy symptoms appear, treatment should be discontinued.

Propolis from the throat is an effective and harmless medicine, but it should be used with caution and preferably after consultation with a doctor. Excessive or illiterate application will lead to opposite results.

Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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