Treatment of the pancreas with propolis - what you need to know

  1. Propolis and its medicinal properties
  2. Use of propolis in pancreatitis
  3. Treatment with bee glue
  4. Contraindications

The pancreas is the second largest( after the liver) organ of the digestive system. Improper diet and bad habits can inflict enormous damage on the normal functioning of the body and cause a lot of serious ailments. Therapy of pathology is carried out by drugs with the involvement of traditional medicine. The most effective treatment of the pancreas with propolis. A natural product is able to eliminate discomfort and digestion in a short time.

Bee glue has long been used in alternative medicine for pancreatic therapy

Propolis and its medicinal properties

Propolis( bee glue) is a product of the vital activity of honey bees. Collected from spring buds resinous substances under the influence of special enzymes are transformed into a unique natural medicine.

Propolis almost half consists of resins and balsamic components, one-third - from wax and fatty acids. The product is rich in essential and aromatic oils, essential vitamins and microelements, essential amino acids and flavonoids.

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Traditional healers value bee glue for its ability to destroy fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Warning. Such properties of propolis as antimicrobial, anti-cancer, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating are scientifically confirmed and documented.

The value of bee glue lies in its unique composition

Due to its unique composition and curative effects, beeswax is used to treat and prevent diseases of the digestive system.

Propolis use with pancreatitis

Propolis and pancreas - how compatible are these concepts? The high content of flavonoids, terpenic compounds and glycosides helps to combat the main symptoms of pancreatitis - inflammation and pain. In addition, the beekeeping product prevents necrosis of cells and protects the gland from accompanying infections. And this is not a complete list of the therapeutic effects of propolis.

In addition to the above, beeswax possesses other medicinal qualities:

  • increases the outflow of bile;
  • restores intestinal motility and digestion;
  • normalizes the microflora;
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes;
  • reduces the risk of tissue degeneration.

To treatment of pancreatitis with propolis should be taken very seriously, because the ailment often takes a chronic form and tortures the patient all his life. With the long-term administration of the bee product, the process of organ tissue regeneration begins. In addition, the production of gastric juice is normalized and the irritating effect on the gland is reduced.

Warning. Apitherapy helps to quickly cope with seasonal seizures, without harming the body. Long-term use of medications sooner or later ends with the development of many unwanted reactions, of which the allergy is the most innocuous.

Inflammation of the pancreas is manifested by pain, flatulence, nausea

In addition, propolis can be used for the prevention of pancreatitis. It is known that the cause of inflammation often become malfunction in the liver or stomach. The natural product restores and improves the functioning of these organs.

Treatment with bee glue

Treatment of the pancreas with propolis-based products is performed under the supervision of a physician. To prevent disease and in case of remission, therapy with beeswax is sufficient. The acute stage of the disease requires combining with medicines.

There are few recipes for fighting pancreatitis with beeswax. But each of them is quite effective, quickly eliminates inflammation and pain, improves digestion.

Simple and safe recipes

With chronic form of pancreatitis, when the ailment worries the patient only periodically, treatment with pure propolis will do. The beekeeping product will help restore organ tissues, eliminate pain, spasms and bloating. Therapy consists in chewing a piece of bee glue the size of a pea. The longer the process continues, the better. The procedure is carried out three times a day before meals for two weeks.

Warning. Propolis is perfectly combined with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Take a healthful drink better after eating.

Chamomile tea with propolis restores affected tissues, reduces pain and inflammation

Water infusion of bee glue is suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and children. Prepare it this way:

  1. Propolis in the amount of 20 grams is crushed and covered in a thermos bottle.
  2. In a separate bowl, boil water and pour the product.
  3. The infusion is aged for 2-3 days, periodically shaking for better dissolution.
  4. At the end of the period, the medicine is filtered and placed in a refrigerator.

An anti-inflammatory drug in the amount of 25-30 drops is added to a glass of chamomile tea and taken warm. Due to the double effect, the pain quickly passes and the spread of infection stops. In addition, chamomile flowers accelerate the regeneration of tissues and have a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Alcoholic infusion

For the treatment of acute inflammation of the pancreas, propolis and 70% alcohol are used. The finished product can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is better to do it yourself. In this case, the confidence in the quality of the drug will be greater. Before starting treatment with an alcohol product it is necessary to consult the doctor, since the drug is not suitable for everyone.

Spirituous infusion of propolis is easy to prepare at home.

To prepare the tincture, take:

  • 200 grams of ground propolis;
  • 250 ml of alcohol or vodka.

Ingredients are placed in a glass container and shaken gently. Insist the mixture in a dark place for two weeks. Take the drug 2 times a day for 25-30 minutes before meals.

Caution. The effect of treatment should appear on day 2-3.If there are no results or they are directly inverse, it is necessary to visit a specialist for consultation.

Alcohol tincture has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. After its regular administration, the affected tissues are covered with a protective film and become inaccessible to adverse effects. At the use of a drugstore the dosage is 40 drops per 50 ml of water. For home infusion, the proportion of medication is less - 25-30 drops.

Recipe with milk

A mixture of propolis and milk is perhaps the best remedy for pancreatitis. For treatment in a glass of warm drink add 15 drops of alcohol concentrate and drink before bed. The course of treatment in general is 2 weeks, unless the doctor appoints another. After 7 days of interruption, the therapy is repeated.

Propolis with milk - the best cure for pancreatitis

During the reception of a milk drink, the symptoms of inflammation should noticeably weaken or disappear completely. This will confirm the effectiveness of treatment. In this case, the period of apitherapy is extended to six months.

You can not take alcohol tincture for all patients. If there are contraindications in milk, dissolve the pure propolis, pre-chop it. Take 3-5 grams of bee glue on the glass. Accepted similarly to the first case.

When starting treatment of the pancreas with milk and propolis, it is necessary to remember the contraindications. The main is lactose intolerance. In some cases, allergic reactions are observed.

Warning. Similar effects can occur even in patients who previously had no problems drinking milk.

Compliance with the diet will help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of pancreatitis

To ensure that propellant-based products have proven effective, you must adhere to a diet during treatment. From the diet should be excluded fatty, pickled, fried and sweet foods, to refuse white baking, sausages and alcohol. Only in this case it is possible to hope for recovery.


Despite the naturalness and a huge number of useful properties, propolis has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance of the components of the product;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To ensure that bee glue therapy does not bring unpleasant surprises, you must first visit a doctor.

No matter how effective the treatment with propolis, it is not possible to defeat the inflammation of the pancreas without additional measures. During therapy it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet, and during an exacerbation take medication. Only with such an integrated approach, pancreatitis will not remind itself of itself for many years.

Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of the gastroenterologist is necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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