The use of beeswax will save from cancer and other force majeure!

Podmore( dead bees) is one of the most valuable products of beekeeping. Thanks to the content of the melanin complex( chitosan or chitin), the product has a powerful curative effect that can overcome any disease. The use of beeswax is effective even with serious ailments such as cancer and mastitis.

Healing transformations of

humor In folk and official medicine, the bodies of deceased bees are used as decoctions, infusions on alcohol, ointments and mixtures. Depending on the recipe, scallops fry, grind, insist on alcohol, cook and brew.

Attention! According to the apitherapists( specialists in the field of treatment of bee products), the fight against a particular disease will be effective only in the case of taking a primrose in the recommended form. Decoctions treat diseases of the genitourinary system and thyroid gland.

  • Alcohol tinctures are directed against cardiovascular ailments, diabetes mellitus, uterine fibroids, kidney and liver diseases. The use of beeswax is advisable in frigidity and impotence, in order to strengthen immunity and prevent dementia. A solution for alcohol is used and externally - with pain in the joints and varicose veins.
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  • Liquid ointments and compresses are effective in thrombophlebitis and joint diseases.
  • A mixture of insect fried in oil fights against myopia and eye ailments.
  • The bodies of deceased bees are used for healing in a variety of forms.

    The initial stage of treatment of

    Before you start drinking bee, you should clean the intestines with special tea. It is brewed from 3 parts of chicory roots, 6 parts of yarrow herb, 8 parts of sage grass and 9 parts of mint and bark of buckthorn.2 large spoons of the mixture dilute in 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. After tearing through the gauze ready-made broth, drink 1/3 cup before each meal.

    After cleansing your body in such a simple way, you will only enhance the medicamentous effect of bee podmor.

    Application of a daze for oncological ailments

    Bodies of dead insects will come to the rescue at a time when doctors are helplessly divorced, sounding a disappointing diagnosis - cancer.

    For your information! The use of bee podmora in oncology has saved more than a dozen people from tumors and metastases.

    The secret of such an amazing therapeutic effect is that dried podmore is the strongest antioxidant. It cleanses the body of accumulated poisons, hinders the growth and development of tumor formations and "inspires" the immune system to fight cancer. The improvement is due to the content of bee venom in the sub-soil, which is not digested by the gastrointestinal tract, but absorbed directly into the blood, destroying the tumor from the inside.

    Podmore hinders tumor growth and formation of metastasis
    No less important mission is performed by chitosan, a biologically active element contained in the outer cover of bees. It controls the pH level in the blood( acid-base balance), slows and stops the growth of the tumor, prevents the formation of metastases, purifies the blood.

    How to cure a cancer by the side: recipes

    Decoction .Two large spoons of the product dilute in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put the capacity on a stove, bring it to a boil and boil it over low heat for 2 hours. After removing the broth from the fire, cool it and put it in the refrigerator. The problem of how to take beeswax is solved simply: the dose is determined by the weight of the patient and averages 10 to 30 drops. The broth is suitable for consumption only for 3 days. After the expiration of the storage period, prepare it again.

    Alcohol tincture .One tablespoon of podmora fill with vodka or alcohol( about 200 g).You need to insist 21 days, regularly shaking the container. The liquid must be filtered through gauze or sieve. If the basis of the infusion is vodka, dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio, if alcohol is 1: 2.At the initial stages of treatment, the number of drops should coincide with the age of the patient. Gradually, the dose should be increased. The metered dose can be drunk at once or divided into 3 portions. More details about the valuable qualities of the tincture, the method of preparation and reception, we described in the article: Tincture of bees on the vodka will remove the pads from the person!

    Warning! When healing cancer, give up fatty, spicy and salty foods, sweet, tobacco and alcohol. Your diet should consist of natural juices, vegetables, greens, porridge( except rice and semolina).

    Application of weight loss under weight

    Effectively use of bee undermine and in the fight against excess weight. Tincture on its basis cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, which can not but affect the figure and immunity. Excess weight quickly goes away, and the immune system acquires firmness.

    To make the tincture, put the dried bodies of dead bees in a glass jar and pour them with vodka. The level of the latter should exceed the product by 2 cm. After closing the jar with a lid, determine it in a dark, cool place. Daily shake up the dishes, and on the 16th day, filter and pour into a clean jar.

    Podmore embodies the desire to lose weight in reality

    Drink beeswax( tincture) for weight loss should be 1 tablespoon for half an hour before each meal. At the same time, you can drink and decoction of decoction( the recipe is described above) in the same doses. The course of admission - 3 weeks, after which you need a break for 30-60 days. You determine the number of courses yourself.

    Warning! Alcohol tincture from the dead bees took on arms and cosmetology. It treats baldness, scalp diseases, stimulates hair growth.

    It is recommended to consult a specialist before applying bee dodum. Do not do self-healing at all!

    • Mar 08, 2018
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