Fatselievy honey blood flow improves, With gastritis and ulcers it helps!

There are a lot of varieties of honey, and each of them is unique in its own way. The most popular and common are such species as acacia, lime, buckwheat and clover. But there are few medicinal compounds, and such include honey phacelia - a plant widely distributed in the southern regions of Russia. The medicinal properties of phacelium honey make it possible to use it for medical purposes, both internally and as an external agent.

Fazelium honey is very much appreciated for the excellent taste and unique healing properties of

. How is this honey produced?

Phacelia pizhmolistnaya is a herbaceous plant that is quite active honey. It is characterized by beautiful flowers of a saturated blue color, and, since the phacelia is an annual plant, then it is sown every spring. It is with its inflorescence that the bees extract aromatic nectar, which subsequently turns into a unique honey variety.

Phacelia is planted in four stages, the first of which falls at the very beginning of spring, and ends around mid-summer. The sowing lasts several months, which allows beekeepers to get honey until late autumn, and the bees themselves are thoroughly prepared for wintering.
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Fazelium honey is very much appreciated for the excellent taste and unique healing properties of

Already a week after planting, the phacelium blooms, and the bees are taken for picking perga. Surprisingly, from one inflorescence it is possible to collect about 5 ml of pollen-renewal, and from the territory of 1 hectare - 1,5 thousand kg of product. It is a phased planting and gives the opportunity to extract fazelium honey in such quantity, which is also used to feed the bees themselves.

In Russia, honey from the phacelia is produced only in some of its areas, since it does not grow everywhere. Bees quite willingly collect her fragrant nectar and pollen and very often do so until the sun sets, which is considered a rare rarity.

Characteristics of

Honey obtained from inflorescences of phacelia is a high-quality product that can be distinguished according to the following characteristic features.

  1. Flavor delicate floral, slightly tart.
  2. The taste is very pleasant, thin, very similar to lime honey.
  3. Immediately after receiving the fatselievy honey is colorless and almost transparent, but after standing for a while, it begins to acquire a white, sometimes slightly greenish tint.
  4. Crystallization is very slow, due to the high concentration of fructose.
Regular reception of phacelium honey will strengthen its positive effect on the body

Knowing these characteristics, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from buying counterfeit and you can enjoy a natural high-quality product.

Product use

This beekeeping product has a rich composition, which includes:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • microelements;
  • on 80% it consists of disaccharides, glucose and fructose.

This list also determines the useful properties of phacel honey. It stimulates metabolic processes, improves immunity and normalizes the work of the whole organism.

The main properties of this product include the following:

  • antipyretic, antibacterial and analgesic;
  • improving the digestive system;
  • restores acidity in case of gastritis, heartburn, stomach ulcer;
  • restores liver function by feeding and saturating its cells;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the operation of the central system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves lymph flow.

Use in folk medicine

Thanks to its properties, honey phacelia has become widespread in folk medicine. It is usually used as an additive to warm tea or milk. Do this in half an hour before or 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.

Important! You can not breed honey in too hot a liquid, as all its useful qualities will be lost.

Regular reception of phacelium honey will strengthen its positive effect on the body

With dysbacteriosis

If there is an inflammatory process in the intestines that is accompanied by a painful syndrome, you need to take 80 g of honey from the inflorescences of the phacelia, but not immediately, and stretch the dose for the whole day. Honey, entering the body in small portions, will be slowly and gently absorbed, relieving pain and reducing acidity.

Recommendation! Since honey is a strong allergen, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting to take it and exclude the individual intolerance of the product.

With stomach diseases

There is a prescription that, with a complex approach, helps with stomach diseases. To prepare the mixture it is necessary to combine 150 g of phacel honey, 250 g of finely ground walnut kernels and 50 g of freshly squeezed aloe juice. The received structure to accept on a table spoon three times a day.

In this case, honey phacelia shows healing properties on the gastric mucosa. Ulcerous surfaces gradually tighten, the pain decreases, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal.

With chronic gastritis

If you are suffering from gastritis, then we suggest using the following recipe:

  • to connect 100 g of honey, 20 g of Kalanchoe juice, 10 g of extract of propolis( 10%);
  • mixture put on a water bath and warmed;
  • is consumed every day for 2 months.

Indications for use

Since most diseases are a consequence of a malfunction of the nervous system, the phacelium honey is recommended to be used as a preventive agent. Benefits for the body will be invaluable. Thanks to the high glucose level, liver function will be restored and metabolic processes will be normalized.

Useful properties of honey from phacelia affect the work of the brain. This product of beekeeping improves memory, relieves insomnia, helps to resist stress and raises the mood.

Fazelium honey is the most powerful source of energy and vitality

This kind of honey is indicated for use by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, urolithic and cholelithiasis. It saturates the body with microelements, which allows you to resist many ailments, and the vitamin composition increases immunity and serves as a preventive measure of colds.

Tip! To normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it is enough to take a teaspoon of phacelium honey 1 time per day for a month.

Features of storage

Honey phacelia is able to maintain its healing properties for one year. Keep it necessary at room temperature away from direct sunlight. During this period, its light shade will change to a dark yellow color, and in the process of crystallization, honey will become viscous and get a doughy state. At the same time, its nutritional and biological functions will remain unchanged.

Recommendation! Acquire honey only from trusted suppliers, as falsification and immature product will quickly turn sour and begin to wander.

Often used for storage use lime or alder barrels, which are placed in a cool place with a temperature regime of + 5 ° C to + 10 ° C.This method allows you to extend the shelf life to 2-3 years.

Important! You can not put honey phacelia in kegs made from coniferous trees, as the product can blacken and absorb the intense smell of this wood. Iron and galvanized dishes are also unsuitable, so the sugars and organic acids that make up this honey, will react with the metal and cause the formation of toxic compounds.

It is not forbidden to keep honey in cellophane bags, glassware and aluminum containers. When stored in the refrigerator, the product should be covered with a lid, as it can absorb foreign odors and lose its high taste qualities. For those who want to learn all about the intricacies of storing honey, it will be useful to read the article: How to store honey at home.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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