Lemon, honey, ginger is an incredibly useful trio, coping with dozens of diseases and problems. The combination of these products saves from colds, strengthens immunity, relieves headaches, tones up the body and burns excess weight. It is a real elixir of health, tested by years and people.
Recipes that bring health
From cold
Health tea with ginger, honey and lemon reduces the risk of getting into the "snares" of colds and alleviates its symptoms during illness. The exact proportions of the ingredients are not-they are chosen to taste. The tea is prepared according to the following technology:
- The ginger root is peeled and cut into thin layers.
- Cut the lemon into two parts and squeeze out juice from each half.
- Pieces of ginger put in a teapot, add to them lemon juice and pour the mixture with boiling water.
- Let the tea brew for 30-40 minutes.
- In a warm drink, add honey and a little sugar.
Warning! Drink tea 2-3 times a day until a cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever pass. After taking the remedy, lie under a warm blanket to sweat.
Honey, lemon and ginger are used not only for colds, tea on their basis relieves fatigue, soothes migraine, increases the tone of the body.
Refreshing tea from flu and colds
- grated ginger( 3-4 tablespoons);
- water( 1.5 liters);
- honey( 5 tablespoons);
- lemon or orange juice( 5-6 tablespoons);
- mint or lemon balm( 2-3 sprigs);
- spices - cinnamon, cardamom, sweet pepper( to taste).
Bring water to a boil, pour ginger into it and cook a little. Then add the juice, spices and pour it into the jar. Wrap the tincture for 10-15 minutes, and then put mint and honey into it. Mint pre-remember in her hands, so she gave tea her charming aroma. Let the broth brew for 20 minutes, and then proceed to its reception. It is advisable to use hot tea.
Attention! Any drink where ginger with honey is involved, helps with cold.
For the immune system
The multifaceted nature of the products under consideration affects not only the cold symptoms, but also increases the body's immunity in general. For the consolidating mixture you will need:
- 100-120 g of ginger root;
- 4 fresh lemons;
- 100-150 g of bee product.
A useful recipe from ginger, honey and lemon for immunity is created as follows:
- Ginger root peel and grate.
- Remove the lemons from the peel and chop into small pieces.
- The resulting mass is ground repeatedly in a blender.
- Put the mixture in a bowl and add honey.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put the mixture in a jar and put it in the refrigerator.
Drug take 1 tbsp.spoon once a day. It will fill your body with strength and protect against colds and flu.
Useful properties of the trio
Lemon and honey with ginger, the benefits of which are enormous for the body, perform the following tasks:
- accelerate the metabolism process;
- knocks down the temperature and relieve painful symptoms in the throat for colds, sore throats and flu;
- strengthens protective functions and reflects virus attacks;
- destroy and inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
- ensure the uninterrupted supply of vitamins;
- eliminates the inflammatory processes in the throat and respiratory tract with influenza and angina.
And this is not all, what can be such powerful folk remedies as ginger, lemon, honey. Recipes on their basis cleanse the body, heal skin diseases, gall bladder, liver and kidney diseases, heal wounds.
Giving slenderness
Trio products are highly recommended and nutritionists.
Warning! Ginger tea with lemon and honey is an ancient Tibetan remedy for extra pounds.
Stimulating blood circulation, speeding up the metabolism, clearing the gastrointestinal tract and removing unnecessary liquid from the body, tea promotes the splitting of fats without painful training in the gym and violent diets. Let's consider the most interesting recipes.
Tea that makes you lose weight
Recipe 1. To make tea, you will need: lemon, honey, ginger root, green tea, boiling water.
- Ginger peel and grate.
- Add the mass to the thermos and squeeze out the juice of half of the citrus, add 2 teaspoons of green tea and pour all 2 liters of boiling water.
- Insist drink 3 hours. After that, strain, add 3 teaspoons of bee products and drink a liter of tea per day.
Recipe 2. Grated ginger( 0.5 teaspoon) pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Add to the broth lemon( circle) and honey( 1 teaspoon).Drink take in the morning and once a day - for 0.5 cup. People with high acidity of the stomach should drink it during the meal, with a reduced - 30 minutes before meals.
Recipe 3. The participation of garlic in dietary nutrition burns fats, strengthens the weakened organism and eliminates the processes of fermentation in the intestine. To create a powerful drink, in one fell swoop, relieve from a few pounds, prepare ginger, honey, lemon and garlic.4 heads of garlic, 4 fresh peeled lime and ginger root pass through the meat grinder. Pour the mixture with boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Then add honey( 3 tablespoons) to the drink and take three times a day for 100 g.
Rules for the intake of
tea Important! To fat-burning drink gave tangible results, strictly observe the rules for its reception.
- The greatest benefit comes from fresh tea, so try to cook it daily in the morning.
- The optimum dose is no more than 2 liters per day.
- Taking a meal before a meal dulls the feeling of hunger.
- A mixture of lemon, ginger and honey before consumption will necessarily strain, it will become less saturated.
- The last dose of the drink should be drunk no later than 21:00, as the tea has an invigorating effect.
- Do not get carried away with ginger - one small piece will be enough to make a drink.
- Only daily intake of tea will give the desired results, and not its use during the fasting days and diet.
- To enhance the effect of a good addition to tea with other natural means for weight loss. For example, you can make a cocktail based on milk or kefir with the addition of turmeric. This spice helps to get rid of excess weight. Recipes of drinks with its use you will find in the article: About subtleties of weight loss will tell turmeric.
Attention! Ginger drink, where honey and lemon also participate, has a number of contraindications.
It is not recommended:
- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- for hepatitis;
- for cardiac diseases;
- with hemorrhoids;
- at high blood pressure;
- with uterine bleeding;
- if there is an allergy;
- for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Ginger with honey and lemon( there are a lot of recipes) - a universal remedy for many sores that can be consumed without first consulting a doctor. The main thing - make sure in the absence of the above diseases( contraindications) and observe the correct proportions of products.