The recipe for health for the whole family is turnips with honey!

Turnip - a native Russian vegetable. In serf Russia, no feast could do without this golden tart root. The turnip was used as steamed, fried, boiled, and also ate raw and cooked jam from it.

When buying turnips, choose a medium-sized fruit, dense to the touch

To a large extent this popularity was promoted by the high medicinal value of this plant.

Health Benefits

Turnip, possessing many useful properties, supplements and enhances the medicinal qualities of honey. It has long been known the recipe for turnip with honey, which was used for colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, anemia, rickets, whooping cough and even heart disease.

Curative composition of turnip

This unique in its chemical composition vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for human health, including:

  • C - ascorbic acid;Vitamins of group B - B1, B2, B5;
  • PP - nicotinic acid;
  • provitamin A - carotene.

This vegetable is almost twice as fast as oranges by the content of vitamin C.Ascorbic increases the resistance of the organism to pathogenic microbes, inhibits the aging process, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. A high content of carotene is beneficial to skin health and the preservation of acute vision. Vitamins of group B are simply necessary for the nervous system, as well as the growth and development of a person in childhood.

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In addition to vitamins, turnip is rich in minerals:

  • calcium
  • by magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • by potassium
  • by
  • sodium
  • sodium sulfur
  • by manganese
  • iodine.

It also contains a substance that helps reduce the risk of developing cancer - glucoraphanin. There is also a vegetable antibiotic in this root crop, which prevents the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Honey, in turn, is a healthy product. It is rich in biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals. Connecting, turnips with honey strengthen each other's action. The result is a tasty and healthy medicine.

An interesting fact! In the old days, a considerable area of ​​land was used as a turnip. And yet, since her seeds are very small, a rather interesting way of planting her was used. Seed material literally spit out onto the arable land from the sower's mouth. Thus, the optimum density of landing was achieved.

Recipes for preparation of turnips with honey

For medical purposes, juice of raw turnip or its broth is used.

For severe coughing 2 tbsp. Spoons grated on a fine grater pulp pour a glass of hot water and cook for 15 minutes.on a small fire. Then insist for an hour, filter and top up with boiled water in such a way as to get the original volume. In a warm broth add honey - 1-2 teaspoons and drink during the day, dividing into 4 doses. To get rid of dry pesky cough take the juice of raw turnip mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply it like a decoction.

By the way, for combating cough and cold, a mixture of honey with another healing root - horseradish - is perfect. On how to make and use this compound, read in the article: The recipe for horseradish with honey and the effect on the body.

With avitaminosis, constipation, high blood pressure, the following recipe will help: boiled turnip mixed with honey, salted to taste and sprinkled with spices. This dish is not only useful, but also very tasty.

Steamed turnip with honey is a delicious and healthy dish.

Juice turnip mixed with honey in equal quantities, taken with insomnia. In this case, it must be drunk before bedtime.

For soft cleaning of the intestine a white turnip with honey is used. To do this, squeeze out the juice from 100 g of crushed root and mix with 50 g of honey. Accepted in the morning on an empty stomach during the week.

A raw turnip is useful to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, children to prevent the development of rickets and anemia.

Tip! Before using turnips as a remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since there are contraindications to its use. In particular, this vegetable is not recommended for inflammation of the stomach and intestines, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus.

What else can you make from turnips?

How to prepare a turnip with honey we learned. And what are the recipes of dishes from this root?

Turnip can be boiled, steamed, baked, fried, used as a filling for pies, a side dish for meat dishes and used as a part of various salads. In this regard, it is ideal for mistresses who like to experiment. For those who are accustomed to strictly follow the instructions, it is advisable to prepare a turnip baked with cheese and greens.

Turnip can be stuffed with a wide variety of fillings, just enough for your imagination

You will need:

  • medium-sized turnip;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • greens of parsley, celery and dill;
  • 100 g of sour cream.

Turnips are washed and peeled. Then in it make a groove for the filling. Grated cheese is mixed with a half of sour cream, greens and stuff them with turnips. Top with water sour cream and bake at 2000 C for 20-30 minutes. The dish is served hot.

All the useful qualities of turnips can be found by watching this video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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