It's almost impossible to imagine a person's life without sweets. But some people are still deprived of this joy. To introduce sweet paints into their lives are capable of beekeeping products, since in most cases honey can be used in diabetes mellitus.
For and against
Any of the varieties of honey is rich in vitamins, amino acids and other vital substances, so its use will not be superfluous for every person, especially if he has any health problems. But it also contains large quantities of sugars, which are highly undesirable for diabetics. Therefore, between endocrinologists there are still disputes about whether it is possible for diabetics to have honey.
Some experts believe that it is not only possible to use honey for diabetes, but it is also necessary. They justify their position as follows:
- This beekeeping product contains many B vitamins that take part in most of the processes taking place in the body. Therefore, with the deficit of these substances, virtually all organs suffer. Also honey is a natural source of vitamin C, responsible for maintaining a high level of natural defenses.
- Bee products mostly contain fructose, which can be used by diabetics, because insulin does not require it to process it, and it does not cause sudden changes in blood sugar levels.
- Fructose, unlike glucose, does not provoke active production of enzymes, but is converted in the liver into glycogen, which is deposited in the body as fat.
Therefore, honey in type 2 diabetes also can be used in moderate amounts.
Despite all the usefulness of honey, many endocrinologists do not advise their patients to use it. This is due to the following reasons:
- high caloric value;
- increases the load on the liver;
- honey is sometimes more than 80% composed of sugars.
Treatment with honey
In recent years, there has been increasing talk about the treatment of diabetes mellitus with honey. Of course, this bee product is a powerful remedy for a huge number of different diseases, but since the very possibility of using it for diabetes causes disagreement, what can we say about treating it for this disease?
Nevertheless, numerous studies and practice of apitherapists confirm the fact that the use of honey as a component of complex therapy gives positive results and significantly increases the effectiveness of the entire treatment. Of course, honey can not cure pathology, it only creates favorable conditions for improving the body. Among the beneficial effects of its use include:
- lowering blood pressure;
- acceleration of metabolism;
- normalization of the digestive tract;
- strengthening and cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol;
- neutralization of the negative effect on the body of drugs used for a long time;
- strengthening of immunity;
- decrease in the amount of glycated hemoglobin.
Important: Diabetics like anyone else need to monitor the quality of products used. Therefore, the choice of honey should be taken with maximum responsibility. It is very important that the purchased product is natural, mature and does not contain any additives.
The treatment of diabetes with honey is carried out by the harvest of spring collection, since it has more fructose than in autumn varieties. Also it is necessary to give preference to a liquid, white product. The best choice for diabetics will be a treat in honeycombs, but honey will also suit:
- sage;
- of white acacia;
- Nisses;
- heather;
- of chestnut.
Warning! Honey for type 2 diabetics is categorically contraindicated in case of severe illness, if the pancreas has practically ceased to cope with its functions. Therefore, before you start using this product, you should always consult a doctor.
How to use honey in diabetes?
With diabetes, honey can be consumed no more than 2 tablespoons per day. This dose is usually recommended to stretch for 3 doses:
- In the morning on an empty stomach is worth a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey. An alternative to this sweet drink can serve as a plate of oatmeal, which is sweetened with the same tablespoon of bee products. The use of half the daily dose of this dainty in the morning is necessary because it will allow the whole day to charge the body with vitality and nourish it with the necessary minerals and vitamins.
- In the afternoon you can drink warm tea or herbal tea with a teaspoon of honey.
- The final reception of bee treats falls on the evening: at night eat the last teaspoon of honey. Do not be afraid to consume honey before bed - with a moderate amount of it is not harmful. But the benefits of such a "sleeping pill" is undeniable. If you want to know what it is, we recommend reading the article: Sweet Dream or Honey at night.
Warning! Using honey in nutrition, people with diabetes should be very responsible for counting the calories consumed and monitor the concentration of sugar in the blood.