Mountain honey is a product of the highest standard, the useful properties of which are legendary. Natural, thinning fragrant aroma, saturated with the sun and healing air of the highlands - this type of honey crushes hundreds of diseases at the root and is a delicious dessert that has won the recognition of gourmets all over the world.
Product Characteristics
Features of the
collection Honey collected in the mountains acts as an environmentally friendly product and is rated much higher than other varieties. The places of its collection are Central and Central Asia( Tien-Shan mountains).
The most popular honey is from the Altai Territory, Kirghizia, Montenegro and the North Caucasus. Its sources are different plants: kuril tea, lemon balm, thyme, hawthorn, bird cherry, mint, oregano, barberry, pink radish, raspberry. The process of honey collecting is complicated by the fact that these honey plants belong to rare species and grow only in certain areas. Difficulties are also the height of the mountains, which can reach 2 thousand meters.
Main differences
Mining honey, whose properties and appearance determine the honeycombs and the place of collection, is considered a polyfloric product, that is collected from different plants. In its composition, about 42 types of medicinal herbs are involved.
Warning! High-altitude honey differs from other varieties in that in places of its collection there is not even a hint of chemical concentrations, gases and harmful substances, which can not be said about honey-growing grass growing near cities.
Honey from the highlands has different shades: white, dairy, golden yellow and dark brown. It is easy to recognize by its delicate aroma, saturated with floral and fruity notes. The taste is tart, sweet, incredibly tender. The product quickly sugars, forming small crystals, but this in no way affects its drug effect.
Useful properties of mountain honey
The unique product of mountains is appreciated by people not only because it is sold in small doses, but also because it contains a large number of vitamins and useful micronutrients. They give mountain honey a miracle power.
Multifaceted effect, or 10 healing qualities of the product
- The product is absorbed by the body by 95 percent, removes toxins, slags and strengthens immunity in people of all ages.
- Mountain honey ruthlessly expels colds, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and other respiratory system diseases. For this purpose, it is taken or made by honey inhalation.
- He is also subject to such ailments as insomnia, dizziness, lowering hemoglobin levels in the blood, anemia.
- Honey is useful in diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. It beneficially affects the thyroid gland, soothes pain and eliminates colic in the stomach. In his power and compensation for lack of iodine in the body.
- The product cleanses the body, expels salt and harmful substances, heals and prevents tumor formations. For more effective cleansing, it is recommended to use this honey in combination with lemon and garlic. On the wonderful qualities of this trio, we told in the article: The recipe for the elixir of youth - lemon, garlic and honey!
- The properties of mountain honey extend to the state of the eyes. Ointments and drops on its basis treat conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley, corneal damage, burns.
- The product is recommended for people with diabetes. This is due to the fact that a balanced content of fructose and glucose in it will not allow sugar to exceed the permissible norm in the body.
- Internal and external use of it will help to cope with gynecological ailments( cystitis, vaginitis, inflammation of the ovaries).Candles based on it, compresses and ointments are cured as well as expensive medicines.
- Honey is also wonderful for its extensive antibacterial action. Its use as a dressing for serious wounds and burns has been practiced for a long time. The product has a healing effect for stomatitis and bleeding gums. Daily rinsing with a 50% solution of honey will relieve all inflammation of the oral cavity.
- The bee product collected from the mountains will relieve depression and stress, will breathe energy and vigor into a person, will provide excellent health and will rejuvenate the skin of the face.
Warning! To save your health from attacking diseases, it is enough to take one spoonful of this wonderful product a day, at breakfast.
Honey mountain honey, whose useful properties are undeniable, is a unique natural healer able to restore health even to those patients who doctors refused to believe.