Mother Nature has presented to mankind not one dozen medicinal products capable of creating real miracles. Among them, we should especially note the walnut and honey. Each of these products can boast a whole list of medicinal qualities, and their combination becomes a magic potion that gives a person strong health, physical, spiritual strength and amazing cheerfulness. Walnut with honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements, a panacea for all diseases and ills.
Benefits of honey and nut mixtures
Honey-nut mixtures have been used by people for a long time and are a salvation from dozens of ailments:
- of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- headaches and migraines;
- of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
- rheumatism;
- tuberculosis;
- prostatitis;
- colds;
- inflammation of the oral cavity;
- of bowel disease;
- epilepsy;
- blood pressure jumps.
Recipe of walnuts and honey strengthens the immune system, supplies the body with strength, gives the hair health and shine, strengthens the sexual desire. The mixture is also actively used in cooking.
How to prepare a drug
To prepare a healing mixture, buy quality, unpeeled nuts and natural honey of any kind.
Warning! Do not cut or chop nuts with a knife and other metal objects. Fruits instantly lose some of their healing properties.
After cleaning the nuts from the shell and, removing the septa, break their hands into small pieces and fold them into a glass jar. Add honey( the proportions depend on the particular recipe, the classic dose is -2: 1) and let the mixture infuse. This can take from two weeks to a month. Nuts and honey during this time will enter into the interaction and exchange useful properties. It is better to close the jar not with polyethylene, but with a paper lid, since honey needs air.
To strengthen the healing effect in a mixture of honey with walnuts add lemon and dried fruits. You can and should use the drug at any age, including small children. The daily dose is 1 teaspoon in the morning.
Walnut contains about 80% of healthy fats. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and vitamin E. Honey normalizes metabolic processes, has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, activates the protective functions of the body. That is why honey and nut mixtures are so effective against many diseases, during a stressful period, with increased mental activity and decreased potency in men. In order to treat male impotence, the drug was used even in the days of Avicenna.
Guide to the preparation of honey and nut mixtures
Resolute trio of honey, walnut and lemon
A useful mix of three medicinal products resolutely cures colds, weakened immunity and heart diseases. It activates human energy reserves and increases the low level of hemoglobin in the blood.
To do this, prepare: 1 lemon, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 glass of liquid honey. Lemon cut into pieces and scroll through the meat grinder. Mix it with nuts and pour honey. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and transfer to a glass jar. Take one teaspoon before breakfast. The recipe for honey, lemon and walnut can be supplemented with dried fruits that provide it with additional vitamins.
Attention! Before consuming a healing cocktail, make sure that you and your children do not have an individual intolerance to these foods and allergies.
Vitamin cocktail
Main participants: prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, honey, lemon and raisins. Therapeutic functions: restorative, tonic, preventive maintenance of cardiovascular diseases, normalization of work of intestines, restoration of physical and mental forces.
Each of the ingredients of the miracle mix contributes its healing properties:
- prunes take care of the intestines, preventing frustration and constipation;
- dried apricots is divided by potassium and magnesium, "pleasing" the heart;
- raisins stimulate brain function;
- lemon gives vitamin C.
All participants are taken in proportions of 200 g, a lemon - 1 pc. Dried fruits are washed and poured for 3-5 minutes with boiling water, then take out and dry with a towel. Lemon is cut into lobules and freed from seeds, so that the remedy is not bitter. After that, all ingredients are scrolled through a meat grinder, poured with honey and mixed. The nutrient mixture is spread into a glass jar and covered with a paper lid. Keep it in the refrigerator. You need to eat 3 times a day, one spoon before meals.
Warning! Children up to 3 years of vitamin cocktail should be used with caution, since they may be allergic to certain ingredients.
It is not necessary to use all the listed components for the preparation of a medicinal product. Mix, where raisins are involved, dried apricots, walnuts and honey will be as useful as the recipe we have examined. The same can be said about a mixture of honey, dried apricots, lemon and walnuts. Another recipe, in which, in addition to some of the ingredients listed, prunes are used, you will find in the article about honey with nuts and dried fruits.
Green walnut and honey
The immature walnut is much superior to the healing qualities of its ripe fellow. It contains vitamins C, B, E, PP, carotene, protein, organic and fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Due to its unusual chemical composition, the green nut rejuvenates and strengthens the body, prevents thyroid disease and has a high antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. Unripe walnut is used for many recipes, and its combination with honey gives the body a whole palette of therapeutic actions.
To mix the mixture, mix the green walnut and honey in equal proportions 1: 1( in kg).
Warning! Honey for a duet with a green walnut should be taken fresh, preferably acacia and as sweet as possible to soften the bitterness of immature fruit.
Chop the nuts and pour them with honey. The resulting syrup mixture is poured over the jars and leave for a couple of months in a dark, cool place.
After the specified period, the mixture can be consumed in two ways:
- Liquid strain, nuts to squeeze and discard, as a large number of medicinal properties are already in the syrup. The solution to drink with anemia, weakness, to strengthen immunity and improve memory. Dosage - one teaspoon three times a day.
- A mixture of green walnut and honey can not be filtered, but taken in the same form for cleaning the intestines, liver and for burning extra pounds.
Honey and walnuts, the benefits of which are invaluable, have an exceptionally positive effect on the body. Of the shortcomings can be noted only the possibility of an allergic reaction and high caloric content of products.