Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant that is a wonderful honeycomb. Due to the fact that these trees grow in different climatic zones, eucalyptus honey does not have seasonality and it can be found on sale all year round.
The main characteristics of the product
The taste and appearance of this honey is easy to recognize.
Taste qualities
Honey has a slightly tart aroma with a pleasant menthol aftertaste. Buyers, as a rule, do not like what to become the reason for refusing to buy.
Due to its taste this product can cause rejection in people who are allergic to eucalyptus.
Many people think that a product with such useful properties can not have such unpleasant taste qualities.Color and appearance of the product
Eucalyptus honey is painted in a dark, more reminiscent of a saturated nut color. This color is due to the presence of a large number of minerals in honey, among them copper, iron, manganese, etc.
Another reason that raises doubts among buyers about the authenticity of the product is its rapid crystallization. This property makes the product unattractive externally.
Useful properties of
The value, and, accordingly, the useful properties of eucalyptus honey is due to the content of a large proportion of essential oils( about 80%), the dominant of which is eucalyptol. It is this component that has a major influence on the taste characteristics of the product and its curative effect. With complex treatment, eucalyptol helps with such diseases:
- upper respiratory tract diseases;
- cough;
- is a common cold;
Eucalyptol in its pure form is a drug that, if overdosed, can have a side effect in the form of poisoning. Especially often such reactions are observed from the child's body.
What are the properties of this bee product? The list of actions is quite large and here is the main part:
- expectorant;
- is decongestant;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- deodorizing;
- is an antispasmodic;
- antibacterial;
- is stimulating.
Some of these properties should be considered in more detail.
Antibacterial action of
Eucalyptol, when reacted with air, is converted to ozone, which is capable of exerting antibacterial action. In connection with this, honey is widely used in the treatment of ulcers on the body, burns of various degrees, inflammatory processes, abrasions and wounds. In addition, it can be used with insect bites to reduce pain and stop the action of the poison released by them.
Anti-inflammatory effect of
To achieve the maximum anti-inflammatory effect, eucalyptus honey should be taken orally in small portions.
To obtain a positive result, the product should be retained in the oral cavity for several minutes. This method promotes rapid absorption through the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat of nutrients, contributing to the rapid regeneration of tissues and cells. If honey is simply swallowed, then the anti-inflammatory effect will not be given.
There is the possibility of individual intolerance, upon detection of which you should immediately seek medical help.
Anti-spasmodic property
Eucalyptus honey is able to provide analgesic and anti-spasmodic effects. Therefore, it is often used for grinding to reduce pain in the joints and muscles. Indications for such procedures may be the following diseases:
- rheumatism;
- sprain of ligaments;
- fibrosis;
- lumbago;
- neuralgia;
- muscle tightening.
Do not self-medicate. Procedures should be performed only after consultation with your doctor.
Areas of Application
The popularity of eucalyptus honey is inexorably growing, which is due to its valuable qualities. Therefore, medicine is not the only sphere of application of this product.
- Honey masks, which are simple enough to cook at home, perfectly help with skin rashes.
- In order to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite, it is recommended to make honey wraps.
- Rejuvenating agents for facial skin based on eucalyptus honey are very effective.
- To cope with the problem of hair loss will also help this product.
- When visiting a sauna or a sauna it is very useful to do massage with honey - evaporating essential oils perfectly relieve fatigue, relieve stress and restore tone.
- Eucalyptus honey can be an excellent alternative to caloric sugar.
- This beekeeping product is often included in various desserts and pastries.
- There is even a drink called "Eucalyptus Daiquiri", which includes this honey.
Although we should not forget that everything is good in moderation. Honey, like any other product, should be used wisely. To all fans of this wonderful nectar, we recommend reading an article about the rules of its reception - Sladkoekhkam on a note: how to eat honey correctly.
People with diabetes should use this product very carefully in their diets, as it affects the amount of sugar in their blood.
Only nature could create such a unique product that has an ideal balance of nutrients positively acting on the human body. He has no analogues, both from the side of taste characteristics, and in the field of unique qualities that are capable of giving youth, beauty and energy.