Flower honey - as the best means, it is taken from the very childhood!

Flower honey is considered to be a well of various biologically active substances. Thanks to this, it has been used for centuries to restore and even rejuvenate the body.

What is it?

The flower is called all honey, which was obtained from various medonosov. Not flower is only padeviy honey, differing bitter taste and made from sweet secretions of aphids and other insects, as well as honey dew. Thus, any honey known to us is floral.

Important: the specific name of the variety it receives, depending on which plants the pollen was collected from.

So, if almost completely the whole product is made from the nectar of a willow-tea, it gets the proud name of monoflorous( collected from plants of one kind) sprayed honey. If the raw material used to make the medicinal product was angelica pollen, honey is called monofloric Diaghilev, etc.

But there is also a polyflora product. His bees create from nectar several different plants. And in view of the fact that often apiaries are surrounded by a large number of different types of plants, it is the polyflora honey that is most easily found on the market. Thus, it becomes quite obvious that it is difficult to accurately calculate the calorie content of flower honey. On average, it is considered that 100 g of product contains 302.67 kcal. Consequently, this product is not among the high-calorie, and acacia honey can be used with caution even by diabetics.

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Useful properties of

The properties of flower honey directly depend on its composition, that is, the nectar from which honey beans was used by bees in the process of its creation. Let's give some examples.

  • Sage helps to get rid of ulcers, purulent skin lesions, various rashes. Therefore, honey, which is based on pollen of sage will be an indispensable assistant in the fight against all sorts of skin diseases.
  • Chamomile has always been famous for its good anti-inflammatory properties, which it can easily transfer to any product.
  • Thyme shows a diuretic, astringent, diaphoretic and anthelmintic effect.
  • A honey based on geranium will come to the rescue in the fight against diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, with gout and low back pain.

Nevertheless, there are common properties for any flower honey. Thus, all its varieties exhibit a greater or lesser degree of antimicrobial effect. Therefore, each of them can be used for acute respiratory diseases and other pathologies provoked by bacteria. In addition, honey enhances the effect of drug therapy in:

  • heart disease;
  • eliminating depression and the effects of nervous shocks, as it exhibits moderate sedative effect;
  • anemia of various origins;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • digestive disorders, as it strengthens motor function and stimulates the secretion of biologically active substances by the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Also honey will come to the aid of women, leading an unequal fight with cellulite. Taking it inside, ladies can speed up lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. And all sorts of masks, wraps and massages with it will significantly improve the tone and appearance of the skin of problem areas. Hand honey massage is one of the most popular types of fighting with a hated orange peel.

Hand-Honey massage - one of the most popular types of fighting with the hated orange peel

What is useful for honey flower yet? It is very often recommended to be used by patients in the process of rehabilitation after complex surgical interventions, serious illnesses or when the body is exhausted due to prolonged starvation or other causes. It is this beekeeping product that helps the body to recover in such difficult situations, because it contains:

  • Easily assimilated carbohydrates, the cleavage of which allows a large amount of energy to be obtained in the shortest possible time.
  • A huge amount of microelements in the most easy to assimilate human body form, including aluminum, beryllium, boron, bismuth, barium, vanadium, gallium, iron, gold, tin, cobalt, potassium, germanium, lithium, manganese and many others.
  • Enzymes, for example, diastase, invertase, oxidase, catalase, peroxidase and proteolytic enzymes. These substances help to break down complex molecules into simple components and thereby facilitate the processes of nutrition and respiration.
  • Nitrogenous substances, amino acids and proteins, although contained in honey in scant amounts, help the body to recover from within. They act as a kind of building material that is used exclusively in places where it is necessary.
  • Vitamins. The use of flower honey is difficult to overestimate, because it contains vitamins B, E, K, C and even carotenes. Without these compounds, it is difficult and even impossible to imagine the course of almost all vital processes in the body, as they take part in the regulation of the nervous system, metabolism, maintenance of immunity, hematopoiesis processes, etc.

Tip: Athletes, after exhausting workouts or difficult competitions, can regain their strength with the help of honey.

Application in cooking

Different varieties of flower honey have different color, smell and taste

Flower honey can be consumed not only in its pure form or traditionally with tea, but also prepare various dishes from it and thereby diversify its daily menu.

Attention! Daily use of just one spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach will become a pledge of longevity and beauty.

Honey is a frequent component of all kinds of confectionery. In addition, a spoonful of this product will add new notes to old and well-known sauces and marinades. In this case, honey is also useful when making home-made drinks. And it's not just about the classic combination of this product with milk or tea! For example, coffee with honey is not only very tasty, but also a useful drink. Make honey and drinks with a high degree. And whether it is necessary to speak about various medicinal infusions on the basis of honey and medicinal herbs?


Certainly, floral honey is a unique gift of nature that helps a person cope with a wide variety of diseases. But in certain cases, this curative product can do more harm to the body than good. It is about the individual intolerance of the body, which can manifest as skin rashes, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, etc. In such cases, you should not persist in wanting to improve with honey, because with new contacts with this product, people can have more severe allergic reactions up to suffocation and anaphylactic shock.

Warning! Usually people of this group are diagnosed with an allergy to most beekeeping products, so the presence of an undesirable reaction to one of them is the reason to undergo an examination with an allergist and determine which beekeeping products can be consumed and which are not.

There are also certain contraindications for honey of different varieties, so before you start using any kind of this delicacy, even in minimal quantities it is worth consulting with a doctor.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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