Can I donate blood for menstruation? 3

Since the doctors learned how to make a transfusion, donor blood saved many lives. And for the one who gives it, the procedure is useful not only for the opportunity to earn a little, get a free day, but also to renew the body. According to statistics, most of them are women, strong sex prefers to avoid medical manipulation. Therefore, the question of whether donorship is possible during menstruation is by no means idle.

Contents of

  • 1 How do donorship and menstruation relate
    • 1.1 Why it is worthwhile to postpone donation
    • 1.2 When it is possible to donate blood on critical days
  • 2 Before critical days
  • 3 Consequences of donation for critical days

How donorship and menstruation are related

Both processes involve blood. To take it from the donor, you need special equipment, the manipulation itself is carried out from the vein. The flow of blood during menstruation is provided by natural mechanisms and has a natural character. Nevertheless, donorship and menstruation are united by the fact that the body loses blood. Menstruation every day deprives a woman of up to 60 ml of fluid. For a transfusion, it is taken at least 200 ml. If you paddle this amount, the loss of blood will be significant. At healthy people its stock replenishes, for this purpose there are all possibilities. But the donation that occurred during menstruation, can seriously undermine health. The recovery requires some time and resources of the body, which during menstruation are more limited than ever. Therefore, when taking blood, physicians are always interested in whether the woman has critical days now.

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Why it is worthwhile to postpone the donation of

Given the impact of donation on the monthly, the reasons for not giving blood at the moment for transfusion to those who need it are several, they can be divided into groups:

  • During the critical days, most women feel worse than usual, feeling weak, depressed, the desire to sleep. The reason for this is a decrease in the number of sex hormones. This they control the majority of reactions of the body, since they are concentrated including in the blood. It is an essential part of excreta discharged from the reproductive tract. If a woman donates blood for donation during menstruation, her condition can worsen even more, until she faints or a long loss of consciousness;
  • It is also significant that the composition of blood during menstruation varies markedly. The amount of such an important component as hemoglobin decreases. This is due to a decrease in the volume of red blood cells carrying it. Hemoglobin delivers oxygen to tissues, providing vital processes. Hormonal changes contribute to reducing its number in the menstrual period, worsening the overall well-being. And blood donation during menstruation will further reduce this figure;
  • For the period of menstruation, a woman is suppressed immunity. This is not only momentary, when its health worsens and the risk of infection increases. In the long term, with donation at this stage of the cycle, the possibilities for restoring and updating the reproductive system are limited;
  • When menstruating in some women, the blood pressure values ​​also change. It may increase or fall, but in all cases the condition does not facilitate the manipulation of the fluid intake. Monthly and blood donation is an additional stress that can negatively affect vascular tone;
  • Sensations that a woman experiences on critical days, require the taking of painkillers or antispasmodics. All of them inevitably fall into the blood. When you pass the biological fluid for transfusion, this is unacceptable, as it distorts its performance and worsens the quality.

When it is possible to donate blood on critical days

The prohibition of blood donation during menstruation concerns a female donor and is influenced by the influence on her well-being. But the biological fluid itself, although it has some deviations from the mean values ​​for the most important indicators, is still suitable for transfusion if it does not contain medicines.

Given this, it is possible to donate blood for donation with monthly only in extreme cases, when this is the only way to save the patient. But it should be borne in mind that the quality of the biological fluid will still change, due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells.

Before Critical Days

Donation to monthly doctors is also not welcome for the reasons already mentioned, if the blood donation is assumed just before critical days. Although its indices are changed in the opposite direction: the number of red blood cells is increased, and hemoglobin is also increased. But all this is intended to ensure the process of menstruation, more precisely, more or less normal state of health these days.

To donate blood for donation on the eve of menstruation means to strengthen their influence on them. And although the manipulation is simple and quick enough, provokes excitement that can delay their arrival. In addition, the biological fluid at this time has an increased viscosity, which makes it difficult to take it and increases the soreness of the procedure. Therefore, already 5 days before the critical blood, as a rule, do not pass.

Consequences of donation for critical days

The effect of donation on menstruation can be not only immediate, worsening state of health at the moment, if both these events coincide or are approximated in time. Even when a woman gives blood outside the menstrual period, she should be ready for what will be revealed:

  • After the donation, there is no monthly in time. The reason for this is not so much the blood sampling, as the stress caused by the manipulation itself, especially if this is done for the first time. Related to the delivery of blood, excitement can cause hormonal failure, and already the deficit of these substances will become the direct culprit of the delay. All this, provided that the test proved the absence of pregnancy;
  • Came the month immediately after the donation. Such a shift can be associated with both the stress caused by the procedure and with hormonal disorders, to which the donation of blood is not involved. In the first case, in the next cycle, everything should be adjusted, since a woman can be a donor not more than 4 times a year. But menstrual discharge after blood donation is more than meager than ever. The body so saves resources for recovery.

The delivery of blood for the rescue of others, most likely completely unknown people, is a necessary matter. But the donation that happened during the menstruation will bring more trouble than good. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to deceive the doctors to satisfy just now their noble impulse or to get an extra day off. The loss of a noticeable amount of blood for the body will result in the fact that instead of exercising their direct duties, specialists will be forced to bring the donor woman to life. Perhaps, because of this reaction during manipulation, they will give her a medical student for this occupation. And the woman herself will have to recover much longer.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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