Many women prefer to treat homeopathic medicines. This choice is completely justified, because it is quite effective and absolutely safe means. Pulsatilla is a homeopathic complex based on sleep-grass. It is widely used in gynecological, gastroenterological and neurological practice. To whom and when is the drug shown? How are pulsatilla and menses associated?
Content of
- 1 A little about
- 2 preparation Is it effective during
- 3 delay How to use
- 4 Contraindications
- 5 Side effects of
- 6 Analogues
A little about
The extract from the sleep-grass, which forms the basis of the drug, is available in two forms - ointments and granules. In the first case, gelatin is added to the basic substance, in the second - sucrose. Sleep-grass, from which the preparation is made, contains a large number of alkaloids, essential oils, biologically active substances. So, the composition includes anemonin, ranunkulin, as well as vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, etc. All this provides a multi-faceted effect of pulsatilla and allows the use of the remedy for many diseases.
The main spectrum of the agent is as follows:
- Emotional lability in the background of nervous overexertion, increased mental and physical exertion. This can lead, among other things, to the menstrual cycle disorder, and the pulsatilla will correct the situation.
- With headaches that are pulsating in different areas.
- With varicose veins, pulsatilla reduces congestion.
- For benign neoplasms in the mammary glands.
- If worried about periodic pain in the ovarian region of the aching nature.
- For various disorders of the menstrual cycle, but more often with delays, a pulsatilla is used to call the menstrual cycle.
- If a woman is disturbed by vegetovascular crises, especially in the premenstrual period.
- With climacteric disorders.
- Effective drug in the common cold, cold, conjunctivitis, as well as with various inflammatory problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
We recommend reading the article about pills that cause menstruation. From it you will learn about the possible causes of the lack of menstruation, drugs that can cause it, as well as the use of herbs.
Effective during
delay Indeed, pulsatilla is used to adjust menstrual function in women. But only at a certain phenotype this medicine will have the maximum efficiency.
So, homeopaths recommend using for this purpose pulsatilla to blonde and blue-eyed women, inclined to doubt and insecure. Also he will approach timid and sometimes overly emotional ladies.
Since the drug affects the mental state of a woman, improving it, and also increases blood circulation in tissues, eliminates venous stagnation, it can be used to regulate the menstrual cycle.
The way of application of
The most effective method of reception can be established only by the doctor-homeopath after detailed inquiry and clarification of complaints, and also the basic constitutional features of the person. The standard designation scheme assumes the reception of granules three times a day, one hour before or after meals. In this case, the drug should not be swallowed, it is necessary to dissolve it under the tongue. You can also dissolve granules in water and slowly drink with liquid.
If we talk about the ointment, then it should be applied to the mucous membrane, for example, the nose two or three times a day. The average course of treatment is 10 to 20 days.
If pulsatilla is used with a delay in menstruation, the pregnancy should be excluded first, and only then take the remedy. In this case, the dose can be increased to 5 granules 2 to 3 times a day. It is necessary to use pulsatilla D200( the figure indicates the dilution of the drug before the medicine was formed from it).This mode of admission can be continued no more than two or three days, so as not to provoke bleeding. Usually during this time menstruation occurs if the dose is chosen correctly and with the corresponding pathology.
Look at the video about the causes of menstruation delay:
Do not use this medication for treatment if ever there have been any allergic reactions to sleep-grass and in general to plants of the family of buttercups.
Also, women with diabetes should consider that the granules contain sucrose.
Also with special vigilance, you should treat the drug during breastfeeding. Sometimes it is used to enhance lactation.
Do not use pulsatilla to induce menstruation, assuming some kind of organic pathology or pregnancy. In such situations it is better to consult a doctor.
Side effects of
Since homeopathic remedies contain a minimal dose of the basic substance, even in spite of its danger, there will be no harm in this mode of administration. But you should follow all the doctor's prescriptions in terms of quantity and dose.
Allergic reactions to components are possible, therefore, care should be taken for women with increased immune responses to foreign substances.
Sometimes, in the treatment of pulsatilla diseases, there may be a temporary deterioration in overall well-being. This phenomenon does not apply to side effects, this is the basic principle of the action of all homeopathic remedies. With a correct appointment for this period, there should be considerable relief.
We recommend reading the article on how to speed up the onset of menstruation. From it you will find out why the monthly periods have not come, the probability of pregnancy and other causes, and also about effective ways to accelerate menstruation.
Analogues of
There are no drugs that would be complete analogues of pulsatilla, but there are medicines with a similar action. For example, cyclodinone, mastodinone can be used to treat menstrual disorders, and menopausal women for the premenopausal period.
Pulsatilla is a common "female drug" for treating various disorders of menstrual function, and it is also used for the therapy of many other diseases. If the pulsatilla has not helped, the analogues may also be ineffective if the menstrual period is delayed. In such situations, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of the condition, because this may be hiding a serious pathology.