Hemostatic drugs with heavy menstruation: the choice and the features of the action

A regular menstrual cycle is an indicator of the health of the reproductive system. Every woman should know that the monthly is considered normal, which lasts a maximum of 7 days. In this case, the amount of excreta should not exceed 80 ml per day. When at least one of these indicators exceeds the norm, it is a question of profuse monthly. With a similar problem, you need to contact a qualified gynecologist for advice. He will be able to establish the exact cause of the violations. It is also necessary to know which hemostatic drugs with ample monthly help to stabilize the situation.

It is important to consider that the choice of medicines should be carried out by the doctor especially individually. Among the large assortment of drugs presented in pharmacies, it will help to choose one that will match the needs of the organism in each particular situation.

What to do if the monthly plentiful

Many people have a question, if they began to have plentiful monthly what to do. A lot of pharmacological drugs have been developed that help stop excessive bleeding. However, before you start using drugs, you should clearly know the features of their action, to study the list of possible side effects.

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Specialists insist that with excessive bleeding during menstruation requires specialist advice. Especially if this situation is repeated several months in a row.

Effective medications prescribed for ample menstruation

If a woman has a copious monthly treatment, she or he will require the use of special hemostatic medicines. Taking them is recommended as first aid. Next, you must adhere to the course of treatment, appointed after examination by a doctor.

The most effective medicines:

1. Vikasol is a medicine of the old generation, which is an analogue of( synthetic) vitamin K. Its influence on the body is based on replenishment of the deficiency of this vitamin. It is of key importance for blood clotting, because it stimulates the formation of prothrombins.

Side effects of taking medication may manifest as allergic reactions( urticaria, rash, erythema, pruritus, bronchospasm).


• hypersensitivity to menadione;
• presence of thromboembolism;
• increased blood clotting.

Vikasol with monthly( abundant) should take 2 tablets per day and only as directed by the doctor. This drug will help only if the bleeding is provoked by a deficiency of vitamin K. It will not have the expected effect for other reasons.

2. Dicycin belongs to the category of hemostatic drugs. It is designed to stop bleeding( parenchymal, as well as capillary).

Dicynon with menstruation is given if bleeding is very abundant. Most often, the indication for its use is the presence of vascular diseases or fibrin. Take the drug is recommended 3 times( maximum) per day.

Dicycin with monthly instructions clearly indicates that you can not take it if you have:

• thrombosis;
• porphyria( in acute condition);
• hypersensitivity to sodium sulfate;
• thromboembolism.

The drug may cause side effects: dizziness, headaches, nausea, heartburn, allergic reactions, redness of the facial skin.

In pharmacies, the purchase of Dicynon is available without a prescription, but it is better to use it solely for the doctor's prescription.

3. Etamsilate is a hemostatic preparation that promotes the normalization of vascular permeability, stabilization of microcirculation. Its use helps to form thromboplastins, which helps to reduce the intensity of bleeding. In this case, the drug has no effect on clotting time. Its use does not increase the risk of blood clots.

Euthysylate with monthly should be taken 3 times a day. The medicine starts to act very quickly after use - in about 5-15 minutes. The duration of the action lasts 4-6 hours.

Among the side effects caused by the drug, heartburn, headaches and dizziness are possible.

This product is contraindicated in the presence of:

• hypersensitivity to etamzilate;
• thromboembolism;
• thrombosis;
• hemorrhages, provoked by anticoagulants( chemicals that inhibit the process of thrombosis).

It is important to note that Etamsylate with other medicines is absolutely incompatible. It is categorically forbidden to combine with any drugs.

4. Diferelin - belongs to the category of antitumor drugs. His injections are prescribed with a plentiful monthly, provoked by endometriosis or uterine myoma.

Diferelin is contraindicated if there is:

• osteoporosis;
• hypersensitivity to triptorelin;
• during breastfeeding.

The drug is recommended only for the doctor's prescription. The drug can cause side effects: the emergence of allergic reactions, headaches, the development of depressive states, increased emotional lability( with prolonged use).

5. Tincture of water pepper with monthly - effective hemostatic, strengthening blood vessels and accelerating blood coagulability.

Contraindication to its use is:

• presence of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
• kidney disease;
• nephritis;
• hypersensitivity to the drug components.

Tincture of pepper with monthly is used three times a day( 30-40 each).A specific dose should be prescribed by a doctor. Taking this medication can cause nausea, headache or dizziness.

6. Traneksam - a new generation of medicines, which has an effective hemostatic effect. It also has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects.

Side effects of the drug may be decreased appetite, diarrhea, nausea, tachycardia. Among the contraindications, physicians distinguish:

• hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
• renal failure;
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage;
• Thrombosis of the vessels of the brain and deep veins.

As hemostatic drugs with a plentiful monthly tablet Trinikans are taken every 6 hours( one capsule).The course of treatment is limited to 3 days, but it can be appointed exclusively by a qualified gynecologist.

7. Ascorbic acid( Ascorutin) - helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also reduces their fragility, permeability of capillaries. It includes vitamin C and rutin.

This drug can be used as a prophylaxis for bleeding. The duration of the course( prophylactic) is 2-3 weeks( on a tablet 3-4 times a day).

Contraindications for the administration of Ascorutin are:

• thromboses;
• urolithiasis;
• hypersensitivity to the drug components.

Even knowing exactly how to stop the profuse months, take a great interest in self-medication is not worth it. This pathology can be caused by serious enough diseases, therefore consultation with the doctor is obligatory.

Before using the drug, be sure to consult a doctor there are contraindications!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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